Went to Doctors this morning asked if he would do bloods for Vitamins and b12 said i didnt need them and to stop chasing my blood results as everything was fine from last year ..Then he gave me a form to have B12 done but nothing else ,he took my blood pressure which was 155/85 and asked when i last had an ecg ,so got one booked in with the nurse in 2 weeks .I should have stayed at home for what use he was lol what makes of b12 and vitamins would you suggest to get may energy ..thanks
Waste of time: Went to Doctors this morning asked... - Thyroid UK
Waste of time

Oh well done! - I wonder why the reluctance for 'mere' vitamins
- my GP wouldn't even entertain B12 so I went and got a private active test from thyroiduk.org.uk/tuk/testin...
£57 with discount
Vit D test £28 (NHS lab) here..
you may notice I go the 'easy' route....
Hi sparerib ,i have just ordered jarrows b12 from amazon ,i might write the ferritin ect on endos blood test form (i have done before ) as its one they write on themselves ,the one from the doc was printed ,and i am due in 2 weeks after being on erfra a month
You may notice i go the "cheap" route lol
how do you get the smilies
hugs sue xx
Sue, hover your cursor over the smilie and it will show you : - D without the spaces.
clutter none come up to click on so where do i get them xx
I'm glad you are sorting it sweetie.
I take 'boost' B12 under-tongue spray (it bypasses stomach issues)
at 400+ I don't think I need B12 injections.
Yet I cannot use my numb hands/fingers first thing - since years -
funny how one adapts.....
Cheap is'nt always bad
smilies... others have ones provided by their phones, yet I type on an ol' fashioned PC and use colon : and bracket ) to create
or colon : and D to create
there's more but I don't tend to use them... J x
omg sparerib i taught myself and can just get by, my laptop is 8years old and often have to get my grandsons here,even the youngest at 7 shows me lol
hugs sue xx
I searched for my local pathology services (coventry) for the shortened names for blood tests. my doctor said I could add anything on that I needed, so I did!!!
Your GP sounds like an absolute tool. You are entitled to your results under DPA. It is your perogative.