I have been diagnosed with possible Lyme disease , and my GP, being concerned, requested blood tests including inflamatory ESR markers, along with TSH, and other tests to determine if this is the case.. I 'phoned to ask if I could come and collect a copy for my records, to be told all is "normal" - which (I know from past experience is NOT always the case - especially with TSH !) I was then told there would be a charge of £30 for a copy - which I think is a disgrace as a single copy would cost them 5p - maximum! Can they charge like this?
can my GP charge me £30 for a copy of one lab b... - Thyroid UK
can my GP charge me £30 for a copy of one lab blood result?

Do you think your GP thinks you want a copy of all of your medical records? Do you just want your latest test results ?
You could ask for results over the phone but make sure you get the range of each test. However if you want printed copies, make sure they know it is just for this test. I agree with Aurealis, it sounds like a charge for your whole care plan thing.
I did that, but was told"all normal" which I don't think is acceptable, as a trained nurse, I know how to read these forms, and I doubt if a receptionist does - but I did specifically get my TSH under duress, which is 0.17.( I know that in this area, anything under a TSH of 3 is "overmedicated!! "so I believe that would have been flagged up, as it has been before when I asked for an increase of Levo as I function best with a TSH of around 1 - so how can my results be "normal?
Put in writing your request (you will have proof) and say you only want one copy of your most recent blood test results for your thyroid hormones not a whole medical history. Say you wish to have them each time you have a blood test for your records in case there has been a misunderstanding as you've been asked for £30 when other members of your NHS Choices Healthunlocked forum either don't pay anything or a very nominal sum for paper/ink.
I obtain all my blood results from my GP as I have shared care with a consultant out of area but I have never been charged for them, all I had to do was to get the GP to approve that I could have them.
£10 is the max for computerised records and they are not allowed to make a profit.
£30??? This is ridiculous. My surgery charges £1 per sheet but sometimes I'll get it for free. Not sure why but I am not complaining lol
Hwbrand, your GP practice is entitled to charge a nominal fee of £1 or £2 pounds to cover the cost of printer ink and paper but they aren't supposed to use it as a revenue stream. I suggest you make a subject access request for the results but make it clear you don't intend to pay more than a £1 or £2 and request an appointment to view your records and note the results yourself if the practice continues to demand £30.
I refused the practice manager's demand to pay £10 for 3 pages of results and made an appointment to view my results online. That would have meant an administrator's time to set up and oversee me and would hardly have been cost effective. That was my GP's view as he printed off the results, gratis, during a follow up appointment anyway.