Good nutrition - an easier way?: Hi I don't very... - Thyroid UK

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Good nutrition - an easier way?

Ruby1 profile image
72 Replies


I don't very often write a post as thankfully my hypothyroidism doesn't seem to give me too many problems. I just thought I would share as this may be useful for people trying to improve their nutrition.

For Christmas I have been given a NutriBullet - basically it's a blender, but is very easy to use and wash up and it comes with a recipe book and nutritional information. The idea is that the food is broken up and so vitamins and minerals are more easily absorbed. The difference is in the recommended ingredients and also it does the job very well.

You make 'blasts' (nutrient extracted drinks) - which consist of using 'greens' plus fruit and 'boosters' which are seeds or nuts, and then you top it up with water (or other liquids). There are some warnings - some fruits must not have pips included like apples, apricots etc.. and it does advise that if you're on medication, you should check with your doctor.

If you read all that comes with it, it does sound like it will change your life, and indeed there are plenty of testimonials. I am currently on day 4 of having one blast a day and so far I am impressed. I am definitely getting more fresh fruit and greens into me. My fructose absorption problem doesn't seem to have arisen so far, surprisingly, and my bowel movements have improved. To be honest, despite having a cold I've been feeling pretty good and I'm finding preparing them is easy.

My cholesterol was a little high, I tend to suffer from constipation and certain foods do seem to kick off reactions in my digestive system. I also get write off days when I get so tired. I'm hopeful that 2015 and my NutriBullet might see an end to this. I'd be interested to know if anyone else has tried one?

Wishing you all a Happy New Year and better health in 2015!

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Ruby1 profile image
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72 Replies
Heloise profile image

I don't own one but I've used my juicer for years. I do think that eating raw food, whole food, is very difficult to accomplish and I'm sure this makes it easier. It doesn't have the negative of a juicer that loses all of the fiber of the vegetables plus it takes quite a bit to make one small glass of juice so if it tastes good I would give it high praise. See if you keep it up once the newness wears off and that would be a really good recommendation.

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply toHeloise

Yes - that will be the challenge - can I keep it up? :)

I have juiced apples from my garden for a few years, and I noticed that really helped my PMS - particularly tender breasts. Juicing does waste a lot of the fruit I agree, and I do find it a bit of a faff.

marram profile image

Remember that cruciferous vegetables should not be eaten raw in any great quantity as they are goitrogenic, but if cooked they are OK. This does not matter if you have had a TT or RAI.


recovered7 profile image
recovered7 in reply tomarram

Hi Marram, I was fascinated to read your article on cruciferous vegetables. I had R/Active/Iodine treatment when my thyroid was overactive, which inevitably always ends up with an underactive problem. Does this mean then that I can eat these vegetbles ?? even though my Thyroid is now Underactive.

Would appreciate your input on this. xx

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply torecovered7

Recovered, goitrogens are only a problem if you have a working - albeit, Under par - gland. If your gland was destroyed, then you should be ok with them.

The only exception to that is soy because soy also works at a cellular level impeding the uptake of thyroid hormone by the receptors. But any sensible person would avoid soy, anyway! IMHO

On, the other hand, too much of anything can be bad. And don't forget that man only started developing brain power when he learnt to cook his food!

Hugs, Grey

Margo profile image
Margo in reply togreygoose

At a risk of sounding dim grey goose, i have no thyroid (thyroid cancer 10 years ago), and have a small amount of soya milk a day in my tea. I take it that is not a good idea?!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toMargo

No, that is not a good idea on any level.

Have you researched soya and seen all the horrible things it can do? Like cancer.

Soya isn't a good idea for anybody, it is in no way a health food, but is especially not good for hypos.

It may only be a small amount, but that's a small amount of thyroid hormone that isn't getting into your cells. Is it Worth it? (Besides, how can you bear the taste??? lol Yes, I have tried it, because two nutritionists recommended it to me!!!)

You could try goats milk. I swear by it!

Margo profile image
Margo in reply togreygoose

Thank you greygoose, I did read about soya, think Dr. Mercola wrote something on his daily newsletter. I suppose I chose to ignore it because I just have it in my tea x 3 a day. It was a case of burying my head in the sand. I don't like the taste of dairy milk, tried goats, almond.....All that said, I am on my last small carton, and it will be my last. It could be the missing link as to why I don't seem to be well no matter what I do/take. Thank you for reminding me of what a twit I am for continuing to drink such rubbish. I will have another bash of goats milk.

Thanks again greygoose and a Happy New Year.

Margo x

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toMargo

Not a twit at all!!! Just human. Sometimes it takes a while for us to really get our heads round things.

Dr Mercola writes about soya all the time. He hates it as much as I do!

Of course, if you don't like the taste of other milks, that does make things difficult. Could you not just give up tea? lol Only joking.

But I hestitate to say this, but three cups of tea a day might not be helping, either! I take it it's black tea? Don't suppose you'd put milk in green tea, would you. Black tea is very strong in fluoride, which isn't good for thyroids. (Sorry! I am the bearer of sad tidings!) If you need the tanine, or whatever, have you tried a slice of lemon in your tea instead of the milk?

Oh, and green tea is not only full of fluoride but is also a goitrogen!

I gave up tea some time ago, and I don't miss it at all - (but then I was the only person in my family that drank it, so no temptation.) Instead, for breakfast, I have cocoa with goat's milk (never know where to put the apostrophe!) and coconut flower sugar. It's yummy and satisfies my need for a hot drink in the morning, and is low glycemic index - don't put in enough of the sugar to make it sweet, just to take the edge off the cocoa.

But I never did drink tea any other time of day, the rest of the day I just drink water. And I hate coffee! lol

Happy New Year!

Margo profile image
Margo in reply togreygoose

Have been thinking abut this soya thing all night!! Yes, it is black tea (Earl Grey) with a splash of soya. I don't have a thyroid so sometimes I think I can get away with a bit more. Having had cancer (thyroid) green tree would be a sensible move without milk at all, although maybe not having re-red your message. Intrigued by your morning drink, wouldn't mind giving it a go, any particular cocoa? Never heard of coconut flower sugar, must try that too. I am all up for changes, it is the New Year and I want to be well.

Thanks for al the valuable information greygoose, just going to finish slurping this cup of tea with the deadly soya (just a dribble left in the carton now), then it is pastures new!!

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toMargo

Earl Grey with soya??? The mind boggles! Most people drink that black.

Actually, without a gland, green tea might not be such a problem. After all, it is natural fluoride, not the nocive chemical they put in our toothpaste! So, might not be so bad.

I don't have much choice in the type of cocoa I use. I think it's Van Houten. Now, I know that's not the best type, it has been processed to remove everything that might be healthy! But what's the alternative? I did investigate raw cacao, after having read people raving about it on forums, but found that that too, has a very real possible down-side, and decided it wasn't Worth the risk. Maybe I'm wrong, I don't know, but...

Coconut flower sugar is freely available on Amazon - severla different labels, all organic - but my brother in England hasn't been able to find it in the shops anywhere - not even in Waitrose! (They're missing a trick,there!) Being in France, I wouldn't expect to find it in shop and get mine on Amazon. It is less sweet than cane sugar, but has a lovely caramelly flavour that maakes it great for cake-making. Adds that little something. However, it is more expensive than cane sugar, but I think it's Worth it.

Good luck with your New Year changes!

Margo profile image
Margo in reply togreygoose

Yep greygoose, I like my Earl Grey with a slug of poison....but that was the bad old days. And now, my thinking head has switched on. Back in the day, many moons ago I worked for a very well known Nutritionist for 9 years, so of course I know all the answers!! There was a staff of 10 and caffeine was discouraged. We all drank dandelion root coffee, some of us drank it black and others with a splash of Rice Milk (I particularly liked the Vanilla Rice Milk), although as we now know, rice isn't as healthy as we would like to think it is. All of that said it was a jolly nice drink. You can buy it in Holland & Barrett in a tin, but that one is not as good as the Cotswold brand. It comes in chunks that you grind up as you would coffee, it goes along way and you can just warm it up in the microwave. The health benefits are enormous.

There was another drink that the boss's husband used to drink and that was Barleycup a sort of coffee substitute, and in the afternoon he would have Rooibush. They take some getting used to, but in the end you can get to like them.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toMargo

What's wrong with rice???

I don't know any well-known nutritionists, so the name wouldn't mean anything to me. Besides, I intensly dislike nutritionists! I think they're very much to blame for a lot of the ills with which we suffer.

Never had dandilion root, or any of those. I'll try anything once but... Hm, perhaps not that! lol

Margo profile image
Margo in reply togreygoose

A few weeks ago there was a documentary, think it was the BBC about the arsenic content of rice, quite worrying it was too. You might be able to find it on BBC catchup TV.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toMargo

Nope. Can't get BBC here. OK, so there's arsenic in rice... from what? I don't think it's naturally there. Must be from pollution. And what sort of rice? There are lots of different types of rice grown in lots of different countries. They can't all be full of arsenic or there'd be no Japanese or Chinese populations! lol

Margo profile image
Margo in reply togreygoose

I forgot you live in France. All types of rice were affected in different ways, seem to remember basmati was the least affected. It tells you on the packet to rinse before use and after for a reason, to dilute the arsenic content. I diligently rinse now, must admit didn't bother before.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toMargo

No, I've never rinsed, and don't think it says to do so on the packet. I shall have to have a closer look. Basmati is my favourite! Thanks for the link!

Margo profile image
Margo in reply togreygoose

On any packet of rice I have bought it says on the packet rinse before hand and when cooked.

Glad you found the link helpful.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toMargo

Interesting article here about rice :

I always use basmati grown in India - not that I eat it that often, certainly not every day - but nowhere on the packet does it say to rinse it before and after cooking. Just gives certain recipes, one of which includes rinsing it before cooking. I might give that a try.

Margo profile image
Margo in reply togreygoose

That's strange because on many a packet I have bought it has said on the packet rinse before and after....

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toMargo

Possibly another difference between France and England! lol

Mind you, how many people read the instructions? Everybody knows how to cook rice.

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply togreygoose

Interesting read - thank you. I paid a little extra for organic rice yesterday, though i don't think that is completely safe either.

I used to rinse my rice years ago, but it doesn't seem to say you have to on the packets now, so I assumed that it came rinsed. I will have to check my packets again.

Like you, I mostly use basmati.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toRuby1

Good choice! lol

in reply torecovered7

So would I, please, Marram. Does RAI kill off the thyroid completely, then? I thought a remnant struggled on, which is why we slowly become hypothyroid.

marram profile image
marram in reply to

It varies, with RAI some people are left with no thyroid, others have just a tiny bit which, as you say, struggles on.


recovered7 profile image
recovered7 in reply tomarram

Does this then mean I can eat these forbidden food's ?? I have such little food I can eat as I am also Cealiac, and lactose intolerant with many food intolerences also./

marram profile image
marram in reply torecovered7

If you have NO thyroid left, then you do not need to worry about goitrogens.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply tomarram

Marram, sorry, but I absolutely have to disagree about the cooking part. If you are particularly sensative to a particular goitrogen, cooking isn't going to make any difference!

Here's my take on groitrogens :

Happy New Year! x

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply togreygoose

Oh dear that was not a happy read - you have a few of my favourites in there! I am interested though as you react to them and can tell. After 4 days of having spinach in my drinks I feel good - I had a cold before I started but I haven't felt ill with it though.

I react to some fruits - apples make my mouth itch, and only recently I've realised that I seem to have a problem with fructose. I ate a banana on an empty stomach and felt nauseous and bloated for a day or two. I found oranges did the same and have only worked that out in the last year.

So far, these 'blasts' haven't had that effect for some reason. (The apples still do make my mouth itch though!)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toRuby1

Interesting, but apples, bananas and oranges aren't goitrogens! lol So the reaction must be due to something else. But it's good that you've worked that out. Knowing your body is the first step to getting well!

Good that you don't react to spinach, too (although I couldn't eat it to save my life!) but don't count on it to raise your iron. Despite what Popeye said, humans can't absorb the iron from spinach, I'm afraid. However, I think it might contain zinc, and that would explain your lack of colds.

But, do not despair! Try an elimination diet and find out if any of them affect you. If not, carry on as before! It's just best to know that there is a possibility, that's why I always mention goitrogens.

Long before I was diagnosed, I noticed that strawberries always made me feel ill. At first, I thought it was a coincidence, how could a strawberry make me ill??? Didn't make sense. It was only years later, when I was doing my research into my disease, that I came across goitrogens, and it all made sense! However, now that I no-longer depend on my thyroid gland for my hormones, I can safely eat strawberries again! Ouf!

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply togreygoose

Thanks for taking the time to reply. Yes by the time I'm a hundred I should know my body a bit better :) It all seems to take so long for these things to click into place. I am the person who was twice prescribed glasses for headaches (at ages 8 and 35) that I now know is down to chocolate!

I occasionally get blood blisters appear in my mouth and also get digestive bouts - either in my throat (very unpleasant) or through my gut. I've had my lips swell before, so some years ago they tested me, but nothing too exciting showed up. I seem to be worse in hay fever season (developed at age 40), and i believe you can be super sensitive once an allergy is triggered.

As for oranges, I can remember times when I thought I needed a pregnancy test and I now reckon it was when I was eating lots of oranges :)

Do you think I would have reacted to spinach by now then if it was a problem?

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toRuby1

Yes, I think you would.

Sounds as if you have a lot of allergies, but that could also be due to low thyroid. Perhaps you need an increase in your dose. Allergies should settle down once you're properly medicated.

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply togreygoose

I do have lots of allergies, but they are mostly pretty mild and I think some at least, pre-date my thyroid problems. I am thankful that compared to many people on here, I don't seem to suffer too badly at all.

I'm glad you think I would have reacted already to spinach. I will stay aware and I'm recording the ingredients to help pinpoint any oddities.

I'll report back if I discover anything interesting :)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toRuby1


marram profile image
marram in reply togreygoose

GG, I wonder if the reaction you have is something other than the goitrogen? Obviously I don't know, I don't have to worry having no thyroid, but I took my information from Mary Shomon, concerning the cooking. I suspect that the normal person (Thyroid wise) would not suffer any ill effects from cooked goitrogenic foods, but maybe if you have Hashis care needs to be taken. It would be impoverishing one's diet considerably by cutting out an entire group of foods. But if that's what it takes to feel well, that's what it takes, and who am I to say otherwise?

Marie XX

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply tomarram

But I never suggested cutting out an entire group of foods! Only the ones you react too.

I know what Mary Shomon says about goitrogens, but Mary Shomon - as good as she is - doesn't know everything. She is just repeating the recieved opinion of goitrogens - probably dictated by those who have never had a goitrogenic attack.

Since I first found out about goitrogens - which explained a lot! - I have spent a lot of time reading about them and talking to people about the way they react to various foods. I posted my conclusions earlier this year. Not saying that I can never be wrong, but the evidence I've found is pretty conclusive : i.e. If you are sensitive to a particular goitrogen, it will cause you problems and cooking won't help. Not all hypos are sensitive to all goitrogens and some hypos aren't sensitive to any at all. And it is just an 'attack', which last a few hours. Nothing more sinister. The problem would come if you had limited food choices and ate mountains of cabbage, or something, every day. This could cause a goitre, which would disappear once you changed your diet. They do not do permenant damage, even to hypos. The exception to all this is, of course, soy.

I first noticed I had a bad reaction to strawberries long before I was diagnosed, and didn't even know what a thyroid was! I just knew strawberries made me ill. Over time, I developped other sensitivities to corn, pears and walnuts (and soy) but I was fine with all other goitrogens. Now I am entirely replaced with T3, and my gland is on it's way out, I have no trouble with pears and walnuts, so it would seem to me more than coincidence, and rather leans towards the conclusion that the reactions were due to their goitrogenic content.

Don't worry, you are not the first person that has tried to convince me it wasn't due to goitrogens but 'something else'! So i have had plenty of time to research and prove it to myself. Therefore, I try to warn other people of the possiblility that something they are eating could be causing them problems, but I have never said that anyone should completely give them all up. Fanatic, I am not! lol

marram profile image
marram in reply togreygoose

Of course you did not, in fact you are advocating a balanced attitude.

I suppose I was just thinking of those who would cut out all goitrogens, really, simply to help them to be balanced!

Fanatic, you are not. Yoda, you could be. ;)

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply tomarram

Well, I look like Yoda! lol Well, less so since I lost some weight.

I've never heard of anyone cutting out all the goitrogens. In fact, it's difficult to get people to believe they exist! But I think most people who know about them would think oh well, if they're ok cooked, I'll just cook them! But I don't really know.

Good idea for a Survey, perhaps?

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply tomarram

Interesting article! I did know I had to be careful about a few foods, but hadn't realised spinach was also in there. (I'm on 100Micrograms of Levo a day. ) I've skipped the spinach today :) I had looked here

They do say to vary the ingredients, but I shall be wary. It's a shame as spinach is so easy since you can buy organic, ready washed.

Although it is used largely for making juices it can also be used to blend ingredients for soups that are nutrition based rather than the often used fallbacks.

Also blending some fresh nuts with water will make nutmilks.

There are potentially many other uses than those you may start out with.

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply toovernighthearingloss

Ah thank you, I wondered where or how I could find nut milks! Do you have any idea on proportions or shall I google it? I haven't added any nuts yet.

I found this recipe for soup which sounded good

mistydog profile image
mistydog in reply toRuby1

They do nut milk in Sainsburys, in the free from section.

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply tomistydog

Thank you - I'll check that out.

overnighthearingloss profile image
overnighthearingloss in reply toovernighthearingloss

I havent got any proportions as such. I saw a YouTube video of someone making nutmilk in this way. You may find it is still necessary to filter the juice and/or add flavourings or sweetener of some sort to taste. Commercially available nutmilks regularly contain sweetening of some sort.

Ps butternut squash is great for soups but nothing to do with nuts

But I guess you knew that.

I haven't tried the nutmilk recipe myself but it seems that removing the skin on the nuts makes for a milder taste.

Also soaking the nuts in water overnight seems to remove potential bitterness. Change the water and rinse before blending.

I guess making your own nutmilk allows for experimentation with different types of nuts as well

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply toovernighthearingloss

Ah I see. The whole idea of nut milk is new to me. I might check out a bought one first to see if I like the taste.

Funnily enough I have made some butternut squash and leek soup today (just happened to have them in cupboard), but I like their idea of roasting it first as they are a bit of a pain to peel aren't they? Also I would never have thought to add cashews to a soup. My NutriBullet doesn't heat it, but that's not a problem.

5858 profile image

I have one I think its great. Once I moved it off my counter and it's not in front of my face I haven't been using it LOL....time to put it back out. Thanks for the reminder xo Susita

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply to5858

:) I know the feeling - my juicer is in the cupboard! Now I've posted this and gone public, I will HAVE to keep going :)

Panda_26 profile image

I have the same prob, as soon as it goes back it the cupboard it hibernates there for several months ! Again thanks for the reminder ;-)

mstp profile image

My daughter made a nutnog for us this Christmas with her Vitamix. I think this was a combination of Baileys, nuts, water and some other kind of booze. Very festive!

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply tomstp

Ooh Baileys on ice is my favourite tipple! :)

silverfox7 profile image

Sounds good and very pleased it is working well for you! I would have a few problems myself as have problems with so many vegetables so it may not be for me but I would be interested in hearing how you are doing a few months down the line! Good luck!

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply tosilverfox7

Yes I think a few months down the line will be interesting! I will report back... I'm hoping I will be bounding with energy and barely sat at my computer ha ha!

As I mentioned above, I have a few problems with fruit, so when I unwrapped it that was my first thought - will I be able to tolerate fruit like this? So far, so good and I've even been drinking them on an empty stomach. (I've replaced a meal with a blast and a couple of seeded ryvitas, and lost a couple of pounds in 4 days which is a bonus - but could well just be my digestive system clearing out a bit)

I'll keep you posted :)

Frangipan profile image

Hi Ruby1,

I bought a NutriBullet about 4 months ago and have used it virtually every day. My husband wouldn't eat green vegetables at all so I thought we'd give it a go. I'm like you with hypothyroidism, doesn't affect me as badly as some poor people I see on here.

However, I did used to get colds a lot which affected me badly. Neither of us have had one at all this year when we have been surrounded by people sneezing and snuffling.

We also put seeds and nuts into it, particularly Brazil nuts which are high in selenium which I have heard help with the conversion of T4 to T3.

I did have a couple of write off days just before Christmas but it has been a manic time, just had a couple of days in bed and then I felt fine, listening to your bodies needs is so important.

Think you'll love it, one tip is to keep some frozen fruit and vegetables to add, the NutriBullet breaks it all right down and you have an instant chilled drink.

Highly recommend them.

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply toFrangipan

That's great news Frangipan. I'm hoping I can keep it up.

I froze some pineapple that I'd chopped up yesterday (wish I'd read that tip earlier! ) and I'll put brazil nuts on the shopping list.

Agapanthus profile image

I bought a Vitamix around 4 years ago and have used it daily since then adding in a variety of veg like carrot, beetroot, lettuce (this doesn't taste and Ok re goitrogens), avocado, cucumber, along with nuts and seeds, ginger and fresh mint, and kefir which I now make with cashew nuts, a little fruit and lots of water. I have some of this for breakfast and keep some for later in the day.

I also make soup once a week and use it to mix it all up in too.

One of my sons has a Nutribullet and it has really helped his constipation issues, and my neighbour has one too. I think they are very good, and if I hadn't bought a Vitamix I would have bought one of these as they are good value. I am hoping to buy one for one of my other sons who eats very badly at the moment, and to show him how easy it is. He came to stay for Christmas and I made him smoothies each day which were healthier than the ones he buys.

I have a lot of digestive issues that have slowly improved over time, and I find having liquid food is much easier on my stomach on a bad day, but I like using it on good days too as it's such a simple way of getting more veg into my system without feeling overloaded.

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply toAgapanthus

That's good to hear Agapanthus and I'll put lettuce on the shopping list too.

I guess I'll need to find out what tastes good with what. I tried avocado yesterday but put a whole one in and I think it was too thick :-/ Today I ate an avocado the old fashioned way instead :) and I've only done fruits today. I'm so surprised as I seem to digest them more easily, and I certainly wouldn't sit down and eat that much fruit and veg.

I'm going off to research kefir now :)

Agapanthus profile image

I realise that it sounded as if I made kefir out of cashew nuts, fruit and water by what I wrote above! In fact I make it from cashew nuts and water. At the moment I keep it between batches in the fridge covered in cow's milk to feed on, and then rinse that off with filtered water.

Some people of course are happy with dairy, and it's easy to make with dairy milk. I did try with goat's milk for a while as it's easier to digest, but still not quite right for my fussy stomach. Then I tried with coconut milk but that too gave me problems. Thankfully the cashews are ok so far!

I often only put half an avocado in my smoothie as it does make it thick but I actually like it thick. We all like different things I guess. I definitely think it's better to eat more veg than fruit overall as the fructose can cause issues. For a while I had to stop fruit altogether, but now I can have pear and apple stewed, and put a little into my smoothie too.

In the summer I have plenty of mint in my garden to put in, but I am now buying it to add as the flavour is delicious and must be good for the digestion I think.

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply toAgapanthus

So much to try! This could rekindle an interest in gardening too! I have room for some fruit bushes.

I'm ok with dairy. Cashews are probably one of my least favourite nuts, but I will give them a go. I love coconut milk in curries, but I'm not sure if it should seem a bit oily in a drink.

I bet you could freeze mint leaves, but it would all take a bit of planning.

I think a whole avocado was just too much - I should have tried a half!

With just one blast a day, it will take me a while to try out all these ideas - thank you :)

5858 profile image

This all sounds good so lets get ours out and get to everyone...just another thing to add to our daily list brush your teeth.... take those vitamins... exercise.... eat right....take your meds.... be your best... organize your home.... clean this and that up....and the list go's on....xoxo Happy New Year Susita

frogandprincess profile image

I have just sent off for one of these. I've researched all the competition, like juicers, blenders etc. and even one idea of blending and squeezing the fibre out through a tea towel. I have swung about in my decision making because so many of the raw stuff seem to be goitrogenic, but finally decided to give this a try. The deciding factor for me was how to overcome my sluggish appetite and get some damn nutrition in even on off days. The nutribullet looks a) easy b) easy to clean and c) suitable for a lazy person like me. soups, consommés and smoothies - I reckon it's a good idea. I pressure cooked a load of bone broth (and picked a ton of lamb and beef scraps off the bones as well). Thats all in the freezer in little bagsful. Made from organically farmed animals. That's going to see me through my winter hibernation with some pulses.

Cheap, wholesome food and timesaving gadget looks like a big help saving some money for me to go and see the lovely Doctor O later in the month, before the Council Tx bill comes in.

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply tofrogandprincess

Hope you enjoy it frogandprincess and that it works for you. It seems to be working for me. I have a blender - but it is a pain to wash. I have a juicer - also trickier to wash, separates all the pulp and is too big to leave on worktop. I'm also lazy!

I must admit I've been a bit worried about the goitrogenics. Today I left out the spinach and just did blackberries, blueberries, strawberries and apple. There is now way I'd be bothered to sit down and eat that lot :)

Not so clever, is that I then ended up cooking a spinach and chickpea curry - so I guess I had my goitrogenics after all :-/

frogandprincess profile image
frogandprincess in reply toRuby1

About smoothies: I like them thick too. I made some today with frozen banana, frozen mango chunks, a handful of Maggi coconut powder, a litre of Rice Dream milk, some grated nutmeg, ginger, cinnamon, a tsp honey, a capful of vanilla essence and a capful of orange flower water. God it was so lovely. I tasted the dregs in the jar and put the whole thing in the fridge for my supper tonight. Meal plans this week are: breakfasts are a couple of handfuls of mixed chopped raw veg with garlic and onion, either as a salad dressed with hemp oil and cider vinegar, or steam fried until soft with same oil/vinegar dressing. Lunches are lentil spicy arabic soup on its own, until the pot ran out, then I made a hotpot soup with black eye beans, lamb bone broth, and similar spices and a bit of desiccated coconut, spooned down with more hemp oil. Evenings are for dozing in a chair wrapped warm, drinking serotonin things like the smoothies, or 85% chocolate bars. /DARK CHOC. I am almost dairy free now, and wheat and gluten free. I seem to be doing quite well on this comfort eating type diet if I build in a nap in the mid afternoons. Cooking about once every three days or so. Biggest 'sin' this week was dollops of greek yoghurt spooned into my berry smoothie - excuse: using it up because the man of the house is away this week.

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply tofrogandprincess

Ooh that all sound delicious and very healthy! I hadn't thought about things like vanilla extract.

I need to shop for more fresh ingredients tomorrow. I sinned yesterday munching on Christmas chocolates but at least they were nuts covered in dark chocolate - no excuse for the quantity though :-/

Tomorrow I'm planning on pear, cucumber, spinach and honey

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply tofrogandprincess

Hi Frogprincess. Can I just ask - how do you freeze your bananas? I have too many to use at the moment, and I was going to cope them up and then freeze them in a bag - trying to get them in a single layer as they freeze. is that how you do it?

I'm still really enjoying one shake a day - though not replacing a meal at the moment :-/ mainly due to what I'm doing at the moment - I'm trying not to overeat. I've run out of greens so it's fruit and seeds at mo.

frogandprincess profile image
frogandprincess in reply toRuby1

I peel eACH banana and wrap them in threes in poly bags, freeze flat. They are easy to separate when frozen and chop into chunks without too long a wait. You can freeze them with skins on, but then you have the hassle of peeling them when they are frozen. I seems not to matter whether the skins go black or not,the insides stay banana coloured.

frogandprincess profile image

Plus, I think what you are doing is fine - you will be able to go more 'green and bitter' with it as you become encouraged by the rush of energy from the smoothies you are already making. the wordage with the nutribullet has three stages, ingredients get more serious as you move up a stage. You can become totally pure in six weeks ...(what, me?)

I was just thinking : 'Greener and bitterer' would make a good online name.

Ruby1 profile image

Brilliant, thank you for both replies. I might chop them into halves. Glad to hear they stay banana coloured too :)

I've tweaked my back, so am not driving at mo - hence I've run out of milk for my porridge - so this morning breakfast is a shake but I've added cashews for the first time as well as flax, chia and sunflower seeds. With banana raspberry, blueberry and kiwi it's delicious and filling :)

gabkad profile image

Ruby, how's the Nutribullet going? I just bought one yesterday. My daughter had been using hers every day for the past three months and convinced me. She feels great and has lost weight.

I do normally eat a lot of vegetables but am considering taking a 'blast' to work as lunch. Not sure if it will therefore make much difference, but probably as a lunch substitute it will provide fluid and minerals and fibre.

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply togabkad

Hi! Sorry for late reply. Well I'm still at it, though not as diligent as I was. I do less veggies now and more fruit, nuts and seeds. I'm definitely getting more nutrients than I was.

I did lose some weight at first, but I'm not massively overweight and it has probably gone back on to be honest as I'm tending to have the blast as well as my meals, but I do have a smaller lunch.

If it's a meal replacement then I make sure I have a banana in there and nuts - cashews or brazils which I think make it nice and creamy - just a couple in a blast with other stuff. Weirdly I do seem to be able to tolerate fruit like this in a blast on an empty stomach, where in the past I've found it can make me feel nauseous if I eat it as is.

I always add seeds - either chia, poppy, sesame, pumpkin or sunflower - or a mix. Sometimes I add flax.

Would love to hear how you get on?

gabkad profile image
gabkad in reply toRuby1

I totally get your 'compost-worthy' smoothie. Never mix banana and cucumber and spinach.................avocado.... don't know if it was the cucumber but it was almost, not quite, retch-worthy. ;)

I'm not putting nuts in mine or seeds but do have them in stock at home.

Ruby1 profile image
Ruby1 in reply togabkad

yes that was it! There was avocado in there too!! Ha ha! It was yucky! :)

I now put bananas in the fridge if they're starting to get a bit too ripe and also freeze them - I peel and break in half and then freeze in a bag.... as someone here suggested.

I also read somewhere that you can freeze your bag of spinach - I haven't done that yet, though I know you can buy it frozen.

Robertmiller12 profile image

Hi,i hope this information will helpful for you.Increased exposure to healthy, environmentally friendly diets over the past few years have made vegan and vegetarian diets a preferred choice for many. But there are still concerns about whether they provide all the nutrients that our body needs. The conversation on whether to take vegan supplements or not is not a new topic among the vegan community.

Many claim that plant-based diets provide all the nutrients you need, but research has shown that supplementation in certain areas is still recommended for the healthy functioning of our bodies.

Below are 7 good nutrients that you may need to supplement with while on a vegan diet.








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