Thought you might find this interesting.
Martyn Hooper, a college lecturer, felt so exhausted all the time he had to take early retirement. For several years Martyn had felt extremely tired, suffered cognitive problems and experienced severe mood swings and changes to his personality. Eventually he lost all feelings in his legs and feet and could walk only with the aid of a walking aid. He underwent nerve conduction tests, MRI scans and a variety of other tests before eventually a simple test showed that he had almost no B12 in his blood. He was suffering from pernicious anaemia.
He immediately received replacement therapy injections which helped alleviate some of his symptoms but the deficiency had existed for so long that his mental and physical symptoms are always present. To help others get diagnosed and treated earlier Martyn founded the Pernicious Anaemia Society. The society soon began to realise that there were serious problems with the way in which Pernicious Anaemia, which is caused by antibodies destroying the protein that absorbs B12, was being diagnosed and treated.
You can sign Martyn's petition here