No I have not stopped writing blogs! - Thyroid UK

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No I have not stopped writing blogs!

MaryF profile image
10 Replies

Thank you to all the nice people wondering where I am, I must say I have been going around in circles asking myself the very same thing. Due to internet fuss, and also extreme MaryF fuss, the luxury of blogging disappeared. I am currently living on a building site as of course the work on our new house is taking much longer than expected. I am now perched in the kitchen on a box at the table, hoping my laptop lasts for this, as of course the charger for it, has disappeared into a black hole/vortex which is attracting any type of useful charger or device I/we may need for normal life. To balance this out, my husband has disappeared to a local facility to encourage them to open up early in order to retrieve his own phone which apparently he left charging in their facility over night for a reason that is not clear, but became clearer at dawn this morning when a back log of clients were trying to get hold of him endlessly on Skype due to his phone not picking up. The poor builders are soaked through and up the scaffolding knocking holes through for the window fitters and I am making tea every ten minutes. When I offered one of them home made tomato soup his disgust was most apparent, he has never eaten a vegetable in his life and only exists on crisps and coke as his mother does, though he did seem keen on my idea to make a nugget sandwich or a compote of kebab, but has settled for his 6th cup of tea with five sugars!

Further torture is in progress regarding our house phones, which have escaped from their charging stations due to the house chaos, so only occasionally ring, this coupled with apparently very important work phones, which have supposedly been given different ring tones, to trigger me gliding over to answer them in my special Mary at work sensible smooth telephone voice. All the ring tones are the same as each other and the house phones. Apart from our mobile phones, there are in addition three other phones plus normal house phones. Naturally if one does actually ring, I am not sure which company I am supposed to impersonate. My voice has rather a pronounced hiss to it apparently.

I loved my brief away break at the TUK conference apart from the useful talks and meeting people, I rather enjoyed filling up my entire suitcase with anything I could get hold of in terms of biscuits, jams. hot chocolate powder and cakes. All full of gluten and not for me. When I eventually made it back home my collection took up two thirds of the case. The children were very pleased with me. My friend APsnotFab did the driving from London, and I tried not to make her laugh too much. She picked me up at the station, I was running an hour late, and had an over due phone appointment to confess about my Thyroid diaries with a certain very very well known doctor. I arrived at Surbiton Station and immediately was broadcasting my entire medical history, shouting to be overheard over the station noise, with alarmed looking blokes taking cover due the subject matter, especially my lament about hormones which I had to really shout about. Once in the car I was able to talk in a more normal voice and get back on track again. I have to commend my friend Lynn for her driving with un whitened knuckles, and I particularly enjoyed the amount of times we went around each roundabout which was due to both of us and our attempts to navigate. As we neared the hotel, I did begin to wonder if it was located at Spaghetti Junction. We were really quite dizzy on arrival.

Our hotel was fine, although the dining room was in an 80's time warp and I did on arrival have a temporary urge to kick my bedroom door in, (which I of course suppressed), I had gone off with APsnotFab's door key which of course did not work in my own room. Before I left for the conference, I had made several mountains of food for my family and left written instructions for all manner of things, these were totally ignored of course, but the food was not. I left behind a very nice man from Mexico doing carpentry, a husband with a large volume of wine, and two children not too unwell at the time, and a van full of different types of builders. I gave twice daily updates back home as to how many packets of biscuits I had lifted from various facilities.

The first evening was spent with a troop of naughty ladies who were testing red wine, I felt compelled to join them and it went straight to my head, - one glass and I am anybody's etc etc. It was so great to bump into ladies I like an awful lot, and have become friendly with on line, some of you for years and some for months and now some new ones. All those meetings in the various corridors at the hotel and venue were most welcome.

At the conference after lots of fuss and muttering with endless raffle tickets I did win a nice book on bare foot grounding and did stand outside this morning in the pouring rain, bare foot to the alarm of the builders as they made me estimate the positioning of my new bedroom window. My response to why have you not got wellies on brought about howls of fiendish laughter. I very much enjoyed all the lectures/talks and ate my way through a high volume of gluten free biscuits to help me concentrate on the talk regarding nutrition.

It was a holiday for me to get away for a couple of days and I will be doing this again. What a great event! Lyn Mynott and Louise Warvill and the complete gang put on a great show. I could not help but notice that one of my online friends was camped over night in rather a nice camper van, perhaps next year I shall take a tent, it would not be the first time.

My return journey apart from the bit with APsnotFab was a familiar tale of East Anglian public transport misery, starting with the tube line I joined on the edge of London being out of commission for most of the line, sending me off on a long detour. Followed by fuss on the trains with engineering works and flat phone battery fuss, and unable to find money for the taxi etc, arriving home to make the children empty their wallets to pay for mum, which of course I paid back. He meanwhile, as in my man had disappeared to London to give a lecture and teach some keen students.

I then got ill and stuck in bed for a long time, and have been drawing up rough plans which hopefully will translate into some sort of build to enlarge our house. Meanwhile he, has been banned from most areas by the builders. First thing he did was to whisk up a ladder and admire the new velux window in the loft conversion, come over all mystic at the view, opened it wide, then descended from the ladder leaving it wide open with approaching heavy rain, causing a large flood up in the loft and through the floor below. After this, he threw himself into painting book shelves. I did some but ran out of steam. He helped with this by kicking a full pot of white satin all over the carpet in our living room. After smearing the entire area white with his clean up operation, this on a carpet we intend to use again, he then against collective advice started drilling holes in the newly painted hall, causing large clods of plaster to drop out, into the hall. The reason for this project is fairly unclear. Next into the garage again to fling some newly purchased laminate flooring on top of the builders tools, oh and to charge up a very worrying looking power tool, this he did by unplugging the freezer over night, this became clear this morning when I went in there to navigate a terrible assault course to plan for tonight's dinner. Your man is a menace, we intend to lock our tools up from now one was spoken about twice this morning. They then cheerfully told him off with a lot of good nature and I hope to have it as a ring tone for my phone, if I ever find it again,

In the middle of all this, yesterday I felt a bit better and alarmed the entire neighbourhood, especially the builders, by performing some keep fit in the garden, I must I must improve my bust etc. In the evening I was able to go and see one of my teenager perform in a few bands. We escaped to the pub for the bits where they were not performing. This morning I was awoken by the builders offering to give me a lesson on how to make tea properly and how to keep my husband away from their areas.

More long winded wittering from East Anglia soon.

I miss that hotel already:

Please.... the petition: Don't just sign, recruit for it, we all want change? There are thousands of us on here, even if we all signed and recruited 3 people each that would be over 50,000 signatures, there really could not be a better reason not to help.


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MaryF profile image
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10 Replies
TanyaL profile image

Lovely to have a new blog, have missed you lol. Sounds like a good time was had at conference, just wish I could have made it, maybe next year! Hope your house gets finished soon before it gets too cold

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply toTanyaL

I hope you do. MaryF

Barrister profile image

I laughed out loud! This has really cheered me up! Thanks. Clemmie

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply toBarrister

Good, I am currently sitting here wrapped in fur throw off my bed, trussed up like an old nanny goat with teeth like casternets! MaryF

Good to have you back, have missed your blogs. Hope you will soon be straight, sounds like a nightmare x

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply to

Yes, and we have one set of great neighbours who are delighted that we have moved in to counteract the set who cut their lawn with nail scissors, more about them soon. MaryF

Chippysue profile image

It was great to meet you! I was well impressed that you recognised me in the hallway of the hotel. Lovely to read your blog but sorry to hear that you were poorly after the conference, I expect there were several people in bed for a few days too! So looking forward to reading about the nail scissor people :-)

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply toChippysue

Yes I have them in mind, currently they they are too shocked to come out of their house! MaryFx

InSpain profile image

So sorry to hear that you've been feeling unwell. Moving is always a mad time at the best of times. You should be admired for writing such a funny blog in the middle of this! Even if you did have your laptop balanced on a box!!!! I can just picture you now......hahahaha!!!! :D xxx

PS: Get well soon xxx

MaryF profile image
MaryF in reply toInSpain

Another one later.....! MaryFx

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