Hi there, I'm trying to understand what's going on with my health as I'm confused about root cause and my symptoms. Would really appreciate advice.
I've always been healthy and no conditions or issues at all, but I have had a stressful year for numerous reasons, unwell at times with sinus infection and stomach bug, then came down with Viral Meningitis in July which hit me for six (hospital for 6 days). Since then I've been horrendously fatigued - and after my Doc did a bloodtest in Sept found that my TSH was 6.5 (0.5-5) and my FT4 was normal-ish at 11 (9-22 range) so has started me on Levothyroxine.
- First question, can thyroid problems happen as a result of a viral infection or serious illness like this, or it is more likely that my thyroid was already struggling which caused me to become run down and pick up the virus?
I've also just paid to have an Organix test done - which interestingly shows that my Amino Acid levels are on the whole 'very low', particularly it flagged up Tyrosine which I know is linked to Thyroid hormones. I believe low amino acid levels are due to protein deficiency (I'm on a Paleo diet full of protein!!) which is often due to low stomach acid, which is often associated with hypothyroid? Is that right? I had suspected low stomach acid after lots of heartburn and bloating took place and have been trying Apple Cider Vinegar to help.
Symptoms wise I would also appreciate advice - For the last 2 months I've been having good weeks (or days) followed by bad days or weeks - with the main symptoms being lethargy, muscle ache and weakness, and fairly bad sleep. I've actually lost weight not gained! Are these fairly normal when it comes to hypothyroid symptoms? I'm getting frustrated as I have setbacks which last days/weeks even if I've been resting - I've been off work for 3 months which is becoming a problem for us. But I can't spot much of a pattern in why my bad days occur - sometimes due to doing too much but mostly I'm resting.
I've been on the Levothyroxine for 5 weeks but only 25mcg so I'm being tested again on friday to see if this has impacted my levels - I suspect not considering I've heard this is a low dose. I'm also asking them to check Antibodies, and Vit D, Ferritin, B12 etc as advised on here - thanks!
Any help on joining the dots would be great as I feel a bit lost in a sea of symptoms and results!