I've finally been diagnosed with Hashimoto's after 12 years. Of course not by an NHS doctor, but because I went to see a private doctor after months and months of fatigue caused by glandular fever. Visiting the private doctor spurred me to get a panel of thyroid tests done and bingo, there it is antibodies at 179.5 IU/ml. Please bear in mind that I have been gluten free for 3 years anyway, I supplement with B vitamins and multivitamins too.
I am worried about seeing my NHS gp with the results, they are so dismissive, but I must as I have never been offered an endo and I suspect this is the moment to insist. I had also never been tested for free T3 or had my thyroid gland felt either in the 12 years since being told I had hypothyroidism, now these things have been done I want better treatment full stop. So any advice would be very gratefully received, as I have long read your posts and have learned so much from them!