I have been diagnosed and treated for Graves' disease for over three years.
Saw consultant back in April he said he couldn't stabilise my levels t4 was 22 range 11-22 put me back on 10mg carbimazole blood test taken 3 months later t4 had risen to 36
Put carbimazole back up to 40mg carb for one month then reduce to 30mg and blood test in six weeks. Now results are tsh 3.05 range 0.30 -5.00 t3 4.61 range 0- 7.0
T4 9.4 range 11-22 .Was informed 2 weeks later to reduce carb to 15mg so surely with taking 30mg for over two weeks have been over medicated anybody understand how carb works. To be honest am sick of them playing about with levels and my consultant is pushing for RAI. Have appointment with him 29/9/2014.
Thank you