Blood test=Ft4= 3.2 Ft 3 =3 Tsh=0.02 Comments Please.
T 3 only: Blood test=Ft4= 3.2 Ft 3 =... - Thyroid UK
T 3 only

when you take T3 only - it suppresses your TSH and FT4. What are the ranges and how much are you taking ? FT3 seems to be at the bottom of the range. Also how are you feeling ?
Your TSH looks fine (although we need ranges after the results). As Marz says our FT4 as we aren't taking any will be low. How much T3 are you taking?
I have just read your reply to Marz and I think you could increase your T3 slightly again seeing you have been on this dose for around 1 month. The aim is to increase gradually around every 4 to 6 weeks until you are symptom free. If at any time you feel overstimulated, i.e. too hot, very fast pulse drop down again.
Thank you for reply. 25 mcg morning and 1/2 a 25 midday. Was well for 26 days, then went down for few days.Then have just had 5 days well. Gone down this morning. Weak headache and cold. Have felt tired all the above time late afternoon.
How are your levels of Iron - Folate - Ferritin - B12 - VitD ? These need to be high in their ranges for you to feel well....
You could try taking another half of tablet - as shaws says you will soon know if you are taking too much.
Hi That was my next question. Got them back with thyroid bloods. Folate =14.78. Ferritin= 52ug/4 . Vit B 12 =556ng/L. Vit D=101. says 50-75 ok 75to 250 not taking enough. All above normal. Thank you for help.
Ferritin needs to be higher - it is stored iron in the liver - so not much in the store cupboard ! B12 looks OK on paper - but you must remember that only 20% of that result actually reaches the cells where it is not enough. Needs to be at the TOP of the range and beyond. The ranges starts at 500 in Japan and goes up to 1300.
All the info is in the above link
I would keep on a maintenance dose of VitD3....
Taking 3000 vit C. Will increase B12 to 2000. Spatone to 2 sachet. Have now got DLUX oral spray Vit D 3000. Also taking multi Vit complex . Magnesium citrate. Any help would be great. Fed up with being ill and so weak. Thank you for your help. 2 doctors in 2 days have told me blood test is normal.
Should i add another dose to the two i am taking. Would 1/2 a pill be o k?
I'm on the same dose as you are taking right now. I would say you should increase in smaller increments now that you may be getting closer to the right level. Try to cut the other half you have after taking your half dose into two parts. Add one of those to your afternoon dose and the other, the next afternoon.
Thank you. Still feel very weak. Looks like i need to take more vits and iron ? How much, i am in a fog.
High doses of vitamin C may help your ferritin level since it binds to iron.
For B12, you can try a sublingual tablet, perhaps a 2,000 of the methylcobalamin or hydroxocobalamin .
Iron levels are difficult to raise. You could put that question out to get advice from those who were successful. You probably should know whether you need it before supplementing.
I am taking 3000 vit C. will increase my B12 to 2000. Was taking 1sachet of Spatone will increase to 2. How does that sound.?
It sounds fine although I don't know much about Spatone. I've seen it mentioned many times. You don't want TOO much iron either but as long as you need iron, it sounds like a good plan.
Since you are on T3, I'm not certain that the conversion is an issue for you. T4 has to be converted and I think that's where iron is essential but I think this is something you could try and see if your symptoms improve. Best wishes!!!!
Hi Increased dose yesterday by 1/2 T3 . Morning waking pulse at 7am after my 5 am dose of T3 =97. Temp 36.8. Thinking am i feeling so weak because my iron ferritin and B12 are low. Very weak can not do a thing. Will not be able to go away Sunday , flights booked.
Oh, I am so sorry you're not feeling good. Your pulse is quite high but that may be because you've taken it shortly after your 5a.m. dose of T3 and not before.Do you think you would feel better if you go back to the dose you were taking before you increased? It is very disappointing for you. Your temp is not too bad. I hope you don't have to cancel your holiday. Your B12 is not too bad, being about half-way in an average ranges.
Thank you for reply. Have not taken 2nd dose Temp=37.0. Pulse=110. Feel real bad. Said on blood test Mean Corpuse Hb MCHC= 350g/L HIGH. Phoned doctors to ask about my blood tests Said all normal. Wonted to know what the mean corpuse level high was. Doctor said THAT IS NOTHING. Do you know. So So weak in bed .Did you see my change to vits above?
Are you taking other medication which could interfere with the T3? I'm sorry I don't know about Mean Corpuse. Are you taking your other vitamins 4 hours apart from T3.
Ask your GP to prescribe some beta-blockers to calm your heart a little although they too can interfere. Maybe, if he does prescribe, take one at bedtime.
The only other thing I can suggest is if you take an anti-histamine tablet 1 hour before tomorrow's dose and see if that has any effect on how you feel. Sometimes we can be sensitive to fillers/binders. If when you take your dose 1 hour after anti-histamine you have a sensitivity you need to change to another make of T3.
I'm sorry cannot suggest anything else.
PART 2 PART 1 below. Sorry i am being pain, would like holiday, we have not been away together for 14 years.The longest i have been well is 6 weeks. Still not taken any T3 since 5am this morning. 4pm temp 37.0. pulse76. Should i not take any for rest of day. Feel better than i was. Shaws thank you for your help.What should i do tomorrow.
No Erfa your not a pain. The fact is we are all working in the dark really and it's a hit or miss till we actually get to a good place.
Seeing your pulse is good I would not take more today. The old-fashioned way, before blood tests, was pulse and temp plus how we felt. Sometimes we are unaware that our body wants a little less rather than a bit more. I have done that myself.
I would stay on the same dose today as your pulse is good and you are feeling a bit better. I think that's due to your pulse calming down. Bearing in mind I am not medically qualified but I feel much better on T3 than on T4 when I had never-ending palpitations and muscle stifness/pain.
Try and go on holiday if you can. You definitely deserve it and by some miracle the T3 may be o.k. for you. A change may be as good as a rest, so they say.
When you come back you can look at adrenals as I have posted a post on this earlier. P.S. 25mcg of T3 is equal to 100mcg which suits quite a few people.
went down twice on holiday. Come back yesterday, now down again. will try 25mcg with 1/4 of tab. would the adrenal nutri advanced interfere with T3 dose? Went down after taking, makes me feel all over the place. different person. Now feel very cold, never been cold since taking T3. No ache since i have been on T3. Will take temps and pulse tomorrow. Brain fog back. Will also try 1dose at 5am. Thank you for help.
Erfathyroid I am glad you were able to go on holiday, despite the couple of setbacks. 5 a.m. is very early. Do you wake up at that time? You may need to increase your dose now if you are feeling cold. I am not sure if nutri would interfere with T3 but maybe if you take nutri 4 hours after T3 you can see how you feel.
Now you can get down to business and hopefully you are able to get better, or even an improvement initially will be good. I take 30mcg of T3 when I wake. Supplements at lunchtime.
Will increase dose and also try 1 dose a day. Started taking early dose for adrenals. Taking 3 doses a day before, so Supplement eve. My temps and pulse so far o k. B P sit and stand not good. in bed very weak,feel rotten. Waiting for Peatfieids sec to phone. Thank you Shawes for being there for me.Need help with this.
Shaws Taken 25 mcg and 1/4 of 25mcg of T3 last 2 mornings. Very weak can hardly walk.
I am so sorry. It's awful when you're so weak you can barely walk and feel so unwell. Maybe don't take the nutri advanced for a few of days to see if you feel better without it. Our bodies are quite sensitive sometimes and it is trial and error.
Let's know how you get on.
No have not taken for 2days. Thinking i should go back to were i felt best taking 40mcg. Well 6 weeks. Dr P sec put me back to 25mcg, went over at 75mcg. Was well at 50mcg, lady on here told me to increase to 75mcg that is were it went wrong. But my temps looked good yesterday taking the above. I am so mixed up. Shaws thank you. X
Day 4 of taking 25mcg plus 1/4 of 25mcg. today. Temp=36.8. 36.9. 37.2 37.0. Pulse same time =90. 107. 100. 90. sitting pulse. Not doing anything to weak. Looks to me like i need to drop back to 25mcg, Back to where i started. Taking the 1 dose seems to keep my temp ok all day. What do you think?
Hi Erfathyroid,
I've been away a few days. Yes your pulse looks better and if you feel better then I would say 25mcg suits you and stay at that dose for a number of weeks, it then gives your body a chance to adjust fully.
I hope you improve a lot.
Hi Shaws. Hope you had a nice break. 4th day taking 25mcg. Tried 1.dose 3 30 am , this seems to have improved my sit and stand B P. Early days,see how i go taking things easy for a few day. How much Q10 do you take? Thank you so much for all your support.X
I am glad you have a bit of an improvement. I did take Q10 but haven't for a while. I think I will start again. I take the usual vitamins and because I have P.A. get 3 monthly injections for B12. I see my GP Thursday so will ask for a full vitamin/mineral check.
2 1/2 days well now crashed.= In bed very weak, feel bad. Taken T3 at 3 30 am. 6 am temp=36.3. Pulse 69. B P sit 152/86 pulse 69. Stand 153/89 Pulse 81. Can not find a doctor to help. My surgery no good.
Oh erfathyroid I am so sorry you're feeling bad again, especially after two reasonable days. It would have given you hope.
Has your doctor given you blood pressure tablets to take, as it may be the blood pressure itself, rather than the T3?
This is how it has always been, days well normal, then when i put energy into normal things i crash. very weak headache, breathless. Would blood pressure do that? Nurse taken blood pressure, when i went for vit blood test normal. Reading after 6am above. 2pm temp 36.9 pulse 119. 6pm temp 36.8. pulse 86. 3pm sit 118/75 pulse 113 . stand 120/83 pulse102. 6pm 158/82 pulse 86. stand 152/88. pulse 94. Yes i get upset every time this happens. What next Shaws, you must be fed up with me.
I am certainly not fed up but am not medically qualified so I would see your GP and give him a note of your highest results and I think he should refer you to a Consultant. If you get your pressure sorted out, the rest may follow and you'll feel well. I would think high blood pressure must make you feel awful anyway never mind thyroid.
Best wishes
Just looked up high blood pressure. yes what i am telling you= High blood pressure. Mine is high when i wake. Been taking salt, thinking adrenal, also ginseng and ashwagandha . Keep wanting to urination. Eating no sugar, also do not drink never have. Have been saying all alone this is more than thyroid because i feel so so ill. My hearing is bad also= High blood pressure.
The salt definitely could be a cause as does ginseng.
People with high blood pressure should not take Asian ginseng products without their doctor's supervision. People with low blood pressure, as well as those who are sick, should use caution when taking it.
University of Maryland Medical Center
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That's why I prefer to take only one thing for a while before adding others, so that we have an idea what may or may not work for you and some things can also interacy.
Will make docs appointment on Monday. Hate going to my doctors, they are so bad. But i can show them my notes and tell them how i feel. Shaws i will let you know how i get on. Get a job in my doctors .Thank you so much for all you have done and for not thinking i am mad. X
So ill. Google s. t.t. m. blood pressure and hypothyroidism can go hand in hand. Do you know were i can go too for help. B P sit and stand not good.
Hi Erfathyroid
I was at the Conference and have just arrived home and didn't see your message till now. I suggest you go to the A&E to check you out. I am sorry you're so unwell and when that happens we just don't know where to to turn to. You do have to go to A&E to be checked out.
Let's know what happens.
Best wishes
Thinking the same. 25mcg has taken me along all day without taking another dose. i am taking nuti advanced, Dr P said take 1 a day.Sorry forgot to say. Sorry got myself in panic today, need to get away. If i feel the sinking feeling i will take more. Started T3 June last year. Better but can not stay well. Would be good to take 1 dose a day.