T-3 monotherapy? : I plan to ask my doctor for a... - Thyroid UK

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T-3 monotherapy?

48 Replies

I plan to ask my doctor for a trial of cytomel/liothyronine. Does anyone know if this medication can be taken by itself to treat hypothyroidism without synthroid?

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48 Replies
Treepie profile image

A small number of people who post here do so because T4 or a combination does not work for them.

Pixielula profile image

I have been on T3 only for 10 years now it’s the best thing I ever did

UmmAmeera profile image
UmmAmeera in reply to Pixielula

Did you have a complete thyroidectomy? I've been on levo for 10 years but finally got some T3. I was on 100mcg of levo then when I started lio I did 75mvg levo/6.25mcg lio. Then upped lio to 12.5mcg. started to feel palpitations so I changed to 50mcg levo/12.5mcg lio and feel pretty good. Wondering if there is any necessity to the levo? Any cons to continue?

Pixielula profile image
Pixielula in reply to UmmAmeera

No I have Hashimoto’s and can’t tolerate t4

in reply to Pixielula

Interesting what dosage of t3 are you on?

Pixielula profile image
Pixielula in reply to


in reply to Pixielula

I’m sorry is it 60mg in one dose or is it spread out over the day?

Pixielula profile image
Pixielula in reply to

I take 60 micro grams in one go first thing in the morning. No dose splitting, just all in one go

in reply to Pixielula

Is it as effective as levothyroxine? How long would you say cytomel takes to work? I notice right levothyroxine kinda helps with concentration.

Pixielula profile image
Pixielula in reply to

Well for me it was so much more effective than levo, my dosage of Levo was 250mcg and from my very first dose of liothyronine the difference was just amazing. It took a few weeks for me to really feel well, and a few more months for the weight to drop of but for me personally, it was a life changer

puffyface profile image

I take t3 only . 2x20 per day. It’s great for me but others find a combo better. Good luck!

StBernard-lover profile image

I also have been on T3 only for 2 years now 70mcg daily (NHS prescription). I am unable to tolerate levo. Excellent results for me.

DippyDame profile image


I recently discovered T3-only works best for me....after 20 years on levo and becoming increasingly unwell for even longer. I self-medicate.....1x25mcg twice daily

Depends where you live but it is likely to be an uphill struggle to have T3 prescribed on the NHS....crazy but true!

Why do you want to trial T3 only?

How do you feel?

Can you post lab results with ranges? With that info people here can advise. You need FT4 and FT3.

You may still be undermedicated on current Levothyroxine dose.

I have a faulty gene DIO2 which impairs conversion of T4 to T3. Levo was making me unwell

It is also important that your nutrient levels - Vit B12, VitD, Folate and Ferritin particularly - are at optimal levels.

Do blood labs suggest a conversion problem?

Suggest you also read about thyroid conditions,. Type queries into the search box using link at top right of this page and previous posts/replies will pop up - I found that very helpful.

T3 is a potent hormone as you may know and has to be very slowly increased ....the mantra is "low and slow"!

If T3 is what you need to feel well then, yes, it can be taken without levo. It can be a life changer if used properly

Your best source of advice is here, medics are woefully unaware of thyroid diagnosis and treatment, they rarely test T3 now .....that is why TUK exists! I see you have already been offered advice did you follow that? Did that help?

Good luck


in reply to DippyDame

Yes I have been it’s good advice given. I’m sorry for the delayed reply and I have to say that I feel weirded out levothyroxine.

heathermr profile image

If you can get a Dr to give you T3 ask for Cytomel instead of British T3 as it's about a third the price to the NHS but more importantly it works about 100% better. The downside is that it's not licenced in the UK but is the most used T3 drug in the world but it would still be at your risk. I have been on Cytomel for about 3 years after struggling with British T3 and I will never go back. I use a small independent pharmacy who obtains it through wholesalers from either Canada or Netherlands in a matter of days.


in reply to heathermr

I’m glad to hear this works for you! I know things will work out.

Bonniet51 profile image

Yes you can. I take just Cytomel (T3) only because I saw that Dr. Weston Childs said sometimes that is what some people do best on. I have taken Armour thyroid for 30+ years but when they reformulated it, it was a total waste of money so I went searching for some kind of thyroid medication that helped me feel 1/2 normal again. The verdict is out as I have been on T3 only for a couple of weeks. I've tried WP Thyroid, Nature-throid and NP Thyroid to no avail.

in reply to Bonniet51

Hi Bonniet51,

I love Westin Childs who is a really knowledgeable doctor. How much t3 do you use?

Bonniet51 profile image
Bonniet51 in reply to

I took Cytomel 5MG a day. 1 in the a.m. and 1 late afternoon for only 2 weeks. I went in Monday had blood work done but the TSH came back 186 so, have a phone consult this morning with my Endocrinologist to find out my options. I am totally baffled as to why the TSH has gone so crazy like this!! This has got to have something to do with the brain injury I sustained 11 years ago in a motorcycle accident but, I will keep you all posted.

in reply to Bonniet51

I appreciate you sharing this Bonniet51 and I hope you work things with your endocrinologist. Yes the tsh is crazy but your doctor and you get to the bottom of it.


in reply to Bonniet51

Sorry for the late response! I would ask to get prolactin, tsh and growth hormone checked. If it was due to a head injury that it could have effected the pituitary gland.

There are plenty of people on T3 only, but it doesn't suit everyone. It doesn't last n teh body nearly as long as thyroxine so most people (not all) find it better to take two or three times a day, which make sit harder to manage than thyroxine. It is unlikely that your doctor will know how to interpret blood tests when on T3 only.

UmmAmeera profile image
UmmAmeera in reply to Angel_of_the_North

How will the T3 change/confuse the doctor? I'm asking because I'm doing a combo of levo and T3. Doctor thinks I'm on levo only.

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to UmmAmeera

Fort most people, free t4 is lower and TSH much lower when taking T3. So your doctor is likely to try to reduce your levo if he tests TSH only or to be very confused by low free T4 and very low TSH if he tests free T4 as well as TSH. You need to get free T3 tested but it's rare for that to happen in the UK.

UmmAmeera profile image
UmmAmeera in reply to Angel_of_the_North

I'm actually not in the UK. I've been paying out of pocket to get my blood work without trying to justify it to a doctor. I've been on T3 since Aug 13th. Started at 6.25mcg (w/75 levo). now up to 12.5mcg (50 Levi) in the past 10 days. How long should I stay on this before I get my blood work done? I don't want to get it done too soon and then it's not representative of what's actually happening.

Angel_of_the_North profile image
Angel_of_the_North in reply to UmmAmeera

Six to 8 weeks if you've changed levo as well as t3.

UmmAmeera profile image
UmmAmeera in reply to Angel_of_the_North

Thank you

Babette profile image

I'm on 3 x 10 mcg (I split 20 mcg pills) of T3 a day and have been for a few years. T4 makes me ill.

in reply to Babette

Why do you have to break it up? Is the half life really fast that it leaves your system fast.

Pixielula profile image
Pixielula in reply to

I take mine all in one go in the morning, I have never had to split my dosage up, just so you know not everyone has to do that.

in reply to Pixielula

Thank you!

Babette profile image
Babette in reply to

The endo's rationale is that the body would be converting it throughout the day so trying to simulate it.

in reply to Babette

Thank you! This is a good explanation!

Cezza profile image

I’m on T3 only ( NHS prescription ) have been for 6 years changed my life as T4 stores itself in my body 20mg 6am 10mg 10.30am

JanePound profile image

I have taken one form or another of T3 since 2000. Doing great. No T4 at all.

in reply to JanePound

If you don’t mind me asking. What is your t-3 dose?

JanePound profile image
JanePound in reply to

82.5 mag twice a day.

in reply to JanePound

Thank you!

Andyb1205 profile image

A quick question for those on T3 only. Can you define what you mean by being intolerant to T4?

in reply to Andyb1205

Just responding to say that I’d also love to hear the answer to this!

in reply to Andyb1205

I think it’s a conversion problem and People might have problems to convert t4 to t3.

JanePound profile image
JanePound in reply to Andyb1205

I felt rubbish. According to the doctors at the time, I was normal. I felt I was operating at 80-85% and I’d fall asleep in the afternoons. I was bloated and couldn’t lose weight. When I went to a diet club I fell asleep instead of losing weight.

Nutripea1220 profile image

I have been taking t3 only for 2 years and never felt better!

in reply to Nutripea1220

What is your mgs and how long did it take to work?

Nutripea1220 profile image

I take 175 mcg. I started on 75, and have been on as much as 300, (250 most of the time), but have been going through menopause and now seem to need a little less.

Honestly it started working day 1 for me. Was quite incredible.

in reply to Nutripea1220

Wow it’s fast acting! This is interesting to hear!

in reply to Nutripea1220

Do you have to split your dosage?

Nutripea1220 profile image
Nutripea1220 in reply to

Yes - 3 doses

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