Hi I’ve had my results today for my free T 3 They are. SERUM FREE T3 level 3.5pmol/L. (3.1-6.8 SERUM TSH LEVEL 1.82mU/L. (0.27-4.20). Last week my Serum TSH was 0.52 I’ve no idea how or which way it should change can someone be so kind to look at them for me please gp said they are fine thanks
Free T 3 : Hi I’ve had my results today for my... - Thyroid UK
Free T 3

Your FT3 level is most definitely not fine. It is much too low. Especially for someone on 125 mcg levo. You are not converting well.
See the problem I have is the gp keeps saying fine I’m feeling absolutely awful for nearly two years getting to a stage of giving up on everything feeling ill constantly no joke thanks grey goose
Doctors just don't understand T3. They don't seem to realise how important it is. They don't understand about conversion, and they're not very good at reading blood test results! As long as it's somewhere in range, that's fine for them! I would suggest you buy your own T3 and self-treat with it, lowering your levo slightly at the same time.
The problem with doctors is that they seem to believe that as long as the TSH is 'in range' even the top - 4.20 in your range - that we're on a sufficient dose (and words they use are: fine, normal, and o.k.)
That's not the case, the aim is a TSH of 1 or lower with the FT4 and FT3 towards the upper part of the range. These two are rarely tested and read in the link about why we need these especially if still symptomatic.
We have to read, ask questions so that we can recover our health. That's why so many source their own thyroid hormones as some doctors refuse to increase dose.
Thanks very much for this I will read and may even take to my gp not that it will make any difference but I am also goin to buy T3 as I cannot possibly carry on like this thanks very much I will post to let you know how I’m doin and see how much do I reduce my Levo by I’m now on 125 daily if I start T3 thankyou
Some members find a big change when the add some T3 to T4. One of our Advisers and his Team also confirmed this and their Paper was accepted.
It is said that 25mcg is around 100mcg but some might find it more like 60 to 100mcg but it is how 'we feel' on a particular dose that tells us more than a blood test.
You can either reduce your levo by 50mcg and add half a 25mcg of T3. taking your temp and pulse a couple of times a day. If either goes too high drop to previous dose. After two weeks you can add another 1/4 tablet of T3 going by your symptoms alone. If you want to switch to T3 only just follow reducing T4 and replacing with T3.
The following may be helpful. It is by an Adviser to Thyroiduk.org.uk before his untimely death.
Thanks very much for this information I will try and fingers crossed feel more my self soon your all so helpful thanks
It is slow but sure. I believe most on the forum have had the experience of wondering why there's not been any improvement when we are, finally, prescribed levothyroxine. I was really puzzled the more I increased dose the worse I was becoming. I'm fine now so hope you will be soon.
Awe thankyou I So hope I do and to be honest I’ve gone down hill since my dose of Levo upped I’m baffled lol
I am not baffled now, because I seemed to be worse on levo and I was diagnosed when my TSH (diagnosed myself despite seeing umpteen specialists/doctors and even having an operation I didn't need) was 100.
Awe that’s awful I hope you are feeling better now I saw a specialist and he also said I’m fine he didn’t even raise his head whilst speaking to me so rude thanks again

Do you have Hashimoto's also called autoimmune thyroid disease diagnosed by high thyroid antibodies?
I see you have B12 injections. What are your levels of folate, vitamin D and ferritin like? These, plus B12 all need to be at good levels
As you have B12 injections, do you supplement a good vitamin B complex?
Vitamins need to be optimal for both T4 and T3
If you have Hashimoto's you may find you need to be strictly gluten free diet too
Good morning my b12 was up to 2000 on last check I’m goin to order vit D and a B complex today every bone in my body is hurting I’m not a baby of pain been through alote in my life but always bounce back but this is driving me insane I also have a feeling of as if there is something attacking my body inside I’ve told the gp this a friend of mine has ordered me T3 and she told me they are sold in Turkey in pharmacies I go in two weeks so I will find out thanks for your reply I don’t know where I’d be without you all
You won't know how much D3 to take unless you do a Vit D test. Then there's D3's important cofactors that need to be taken as well.
Hi this is all what I don’t understand the conversion of T3 and what I should deduct and add to me and brain fog it’s very confusing at the minute thanks for your help
My reply was talking about how much D3 to take and checking your Vit D level.
You're now talking about conversion of T4 to T3.
If you want to know how well you are converting, you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 tested at the same time. I can only see TSH and FT3 results mentioned here from a previous test.
You said in your opening post
Last week my Serum TSH was 0.52
Were FT4 and FT3 tested at this time?
My blood was Serum TSH Level. 1.82mU/L(0.27-4.20). Free T4 Level. 11.4 pmol/L. (11.0- 25.0 ). Serum free T3. 3.5pmol/L. (3.1-6.8) these bloods were done in the week the T3 being the last done thanks
Were those tests all done from the same blood draw?
I can't understand why your TSH is so different ie 1.82 this time but last week 0.52
Were both tests done at the same time of day and fasting? Any change in dose of Levo?
When the TSH was 0.52 did you also have FT4 and FT3 tested at the same time?
Hi my last week test TSH level was 0.52. The Free T 4 Level was 11.4. This week I had the T3 3.5 and TSH level was 1.82 two separate blood tests only just upped my dose since Monday I fasted and they were both early morning tests
Having a very quick look at a couple of your previous posts, it would seem that you have a very low FT4 and very low FT3 with a low in range TSH. It has been said before that this is unusual.
We don't know if you were originally diagnosed with Primary Hypothyroidism where TSH is high, because you haven't given us that information. I imagine you were because if it was central hypothyroidism you would have had further testing to see if there was a pituitary or hypothalamus problem and I'm sure you would have mentioned that.
So we have the question of why are your FT4 and FT3 so low with a low TSH? It was suggested to bring this up with your GP.
You said you are on a high dose of 3 epilepsy meds. Did you Google for interactions and discuss with your pharmacist the possibility of them affecting your Levo as suggested?
I don't think this is simply a case of you adding T3. There is a lot going on here that needs looking into.
Hello and thanks for taking so much time to help me I had an appointment with the pharmacist in the surgery last week and asked are my other meds interfering he just said no so I think I need to write all this down and go with the questions I need answers for as I am feeling awful your so kind and helpful can’t thank you enough and everyone else too
I think it might be worth doing some Googling before you go. Look for interactions with any medication you take + Levo, also any medication + any other medication until you have covered everything you take.
Did you get a FT4 result. Conversion is diagnosed by a high FT4 and a low FT3 so FT4 is so much higher than FT 3 because it isn't converting enough if it to T3.
Hi my FT4 last weeks blood was11.4 pmol/L. (11.0-25.0). Doctors said fine but then when I rang him he upped my dose of Levo by 25 mg so now on 125 daily thanks
FT4 should be at top of range, at least 18, but around 22 would be better
You were very under medicated
I would wait 6 weeks now you have had dose increase and retest again, before thinking of adding T3
Insist on GP testing ferritin and vitamin D
Or you can get vitamin D test via
Vitamindtest.org.uk £29 postal kit