Hello all, I've just found this website after searching online for help in trying to figure out whether my doctor should or could be doing more to help me. Please can someone advise ? for years ive had various symptoms like intolerance to cold (numb/tingling painful hands) carpel tunnel syndrome and fatigue,ive had my thyroid function test done a couple of times over the last 10 - 15 years and they always come back within the range except once a further test indicated possible autoimmune disorder and a test would be repeated in 6 months and it was then ok again, that was about 14 yrs ago, But 2 months ago after another injection for carpal, and me complaining of extreme tiredness & explaining that all my siblings have now being diagnosed with thyroid disfunction of one type or another, he ordered the regular thyroid tests and also a thyroid peroxidase test and the results were as follows:
a Low Tsh of 0.05 ( range I think 0.5 to 2.5 or thereabouts )
nomal range t3 and t4
but a result of 2500 for the antibody test which has a range 0-60 !
he has told me that It looks like I will probably go hypo or hyper cant remember which and then the other way but for now just monitor and see and repeat blood test in 3 months time as my t3 and t4 are normal. I would like to add i don't feel wonderfully well and to be honest completely knackered out 7 in pain, can i do anything to help myself either with vits, nutrition or ask for another opionion or just wait and see what next test bring? feedback please.