Can anyone recommend if I should take selenium supplements? If so how much and when? And how actually ahaha.
Many thanks guys!
Can anyone recommend if I should take selenium supplements? If so how much and when? And how actually ahaha.
Many thanks guys!
Hi Wlorenm, 100mcg Selenium daily can be beneficial. Either supplements usually taken with food or 2 x Brazil nuts daily should do it.
Brazil nuts are tastier!
Churchie, brazil nuts only contain selenium if the soil in which the tree grows also contains selenium. I was reading up on this a while back and since brazil nuts are grown in many places, they are not a dead cert source of selenium.
A supplement is a better option because at least that way a person knows how much they are taking.
I live in an area where there is no selenium and almost no iodine in the soil. (southern Ontario) This does not cause a problem for plants. It does for animals which is why they are provided with mineral blocks as supplement. I was doing some reading back into history because I was wondering if there's no selenium and negligible iodine how did grazing animals do here during the 1800s. They didn't. Meat was imported.
In England as well, animals are provided with mineral supplementation because there isn't enough everywhere. I have not done much reading into animal husbandry in England over hundreds of years, but I assume there are regions where animals do well and there are those where they don't. Same goes for Europe.
Londinium, 100-200mcg is recommended on most of the USA fora but 200mcg may be too much. I didn't bookmark the paper so I can't link to it.
In my opinion, many people's thyroid problems have been triggered or exacerbated by dental amalgams, mercury, etc.
200mcg is the usual dose. However Izabella Wentz in her book Hashimotos - The Root Cause - suggests 400mcg. When I was told by my GP here in Crete to take Selenium - she suggested taking a break every few months or so - for a month.
Wassen Seleniun also contains Vits ACE and D and often have 3 for 2 offers in Boots....
Brazil Nuts - not sure - think if you have absorption issues then it could be best to take a tablet. Also nuts are often transported half way around the world - sprayed with nasties in transit - and attract various moulds.
I know - another whole subject - but one worth considering....
Oh dear - looks like not only am I overdosing on Brazil nuts (I take five a day) but they might not even be doing me any good. When I finish the kilo of the most beautiful Brazils I bought recently then maybe I should move onto tablets.
When I was a child we used to keep horses and they always had a mineral lick and I can also remember seeing them hanging on fence posts beside animal water troughs for cows. I can't remember seeing them about recently but I will look more closely next time I'm out walking although where we are it is mostly grain in the surrounding fields which is probably why I haven't noticed any.
...yes and those were the days when we had a spoonful of Virol before going to school - think it was Malt Extract with Cod Liver Oil - so everything we needed. I grew up on a dairy farm so remember those blocks that cows licked.....