I’ve just stumbled across this forum and this is my first post. Just looking for thoughts / comments on some of my bloodwork.
I am 34 year old female with no other health problems and do a decent amount of exercise to keep fit and healthy (run 5-8km 3 or 4 times a week)
After 2 years of passing out following alcohol / caffeine / exercise and a lot of tests with an endocrinologist I was diagnosed with primary adrenal insufficiency at the start of this year and put on 15mg of hydrocortisone per day.
I hadn’t actually realised how bad I had been feeling with tiredness, inability to think straight etc but now realise I feel about a million times better in myself since taking the hydrocortisone. I still feel quite tired but not enough to stop me doing things. The passing out has also stopped as it turned out it was hypoglycaemia.
I had cortisol testing (low AM result) , synacyten test (low response), ACHT tests (high result), insulin profile (normal) all done to confirm the diagnosis.
We have been trying for a family now for 12 months and nothing is happening so my GP had my thyroid tested again.
Before I started the hydrocortisone my TSH was 1.26 but since taking the hydrocortisone it has jumped up to 2.26. He mentioned something about the possibility of the adrenal insufficiency masking the thyroid and now my adrenal function is being addressed it shows a more accurate representation of my thyroid???
My T4 was 15.3 pmol/L and T3 3.5 pmol/L
Do these numbers all look okay?