Dr P was fantastic and after seeing my adrenal stress profile diagnosed partial adrenal failure. He advised me to stop thyroid meds and start NAX. He also said he thinks my problem was caused by my adrenals and that I may not need thyroid medication. I have took no thyroid meds since Monday and started the NAX today. How will this effect my blood test results tomorrow, will it still show if I have a conversion problem. I'm also worried about the results and how I explain this to my Dr.
Thyroid meds stopped after visit to Dr P. I hav... - Thyroid UK
Thyroid meds stopped after visit to Dr P. I have blood test tomorrow for tsh/t3 and t4 will it still show if I have a conversion problem.

Im sure it wont affect if he told you to stop. Can i ask, what is nax? Im sure will get lots if replys about stopping on here. Good luck.

Thanks Epicmom. Nutri adrenal extra its a supplement for struggling adrenal.
I am not sure what NAX is. But if your doctor told you to make the change & ordered the blood test, he is aware of it and will be keeping it in mind when examining your results. It does take up to 8 weeks for the thyroid meds to get out of your system - it does it quite gradually. It sounds like you have a supportive doctor. Make an appointment to see your doc again after the blood tests come in so you can discuss the results, how you are feeling with him and any concerns you may have - just be honest about your concerns & any questions you may have. Ask for a print out of your blood test results to keep on file at home too.
I had 1/2 of my thyroid removed a year ago & was on 100mcgs of levo for just under a year. I started a regular exercise program and started taking a good multivitamin & it seems my remaining thyroid has started working again. My doctor stopped ALL of my thyroid meds three weeks ago as I was feeling absolutely terrible, and although I am still adjusting, I am feeling much better than I had been feeling, but still not nearly 100%. It does take up to 8 weeks for all of the levo to exit the body so I will just have to hope I continue to see improvements with how I feel.
If you are having difficulties converting T4 to T3, stop ingesting aspartame, limit the amount of Cruciferous Vegetables you eat and ask your doctor about whether or not you should take a vitamin supplement - sometimes being deficient in the following nutrients can cause your body to not covert the T4 to T3:
Factors That Cause an Inability to Convert T4 to T3
> Nutrient Deficiencies
- Chromium
- Copper
- Iodine
- Iron
- Selenium
- Zinc
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B2
- Vitamin B6
- Vitamin B12
If you stopped meds Monday and have a TFT today it's unlikely to show in your bloods, but if it does you should come clean with your GP about Dr. P's treatment plan If you don't want to tell him you've stopped taking Levo tell him you forgot to take a few doses. Most thyroxine will be out of your system in 4 weeks but it can take up to 8 weeks to completely clear.
Thanks tjayston. My doctor doesn't know I've stopped my medication I went to see Dr peattfield privately and he advised me to stop them due partial adrenal failure . I do already take all the supplements you mentioned and have now added nutri adrenal extra to help my adrenals it's a glandular supplement.
Good to hear that feeling better than you were.