Hi All,
Not posted for a while, but have been checking in back and forth. Some great posts and helpful information as always!
Well, I've been plodding along much the same over the last few months. I am now entering my 14th year living with Hypothyroidism. Have tried various approaches to treatment, but have finally settled on T3 only.
I am currently taking Cynomel by Sanofi Aventis. I find this brand suits me better than all the others but I am still unhappy about having to pay for it myself. The NHS did for a while prescribe Liothyronine which I could not get along with at all. They stopped prescribing it anyway after a few months. My practise likes to torment me like that, and they will not entertain prescribing Cynomel on a named patient basis.
So, I had to do much research trying to find a private doctor to prescribe T3 by Sanofi and thankfully they agreed. I believe I have found the 'best' price for it from a wonderful pharmacy I stumbled upon, BUT it's still crippling me financially. It works out at approximately £700 annually. I am however on a minimum wage, a lone parent and am paying ridiculous amounts towards council tax.
Please understand, this isn't a pity post. I know there are literally thousands of you in the same situation. I am just trying to find any other solution I can to cut costs. I have read a few posts here, regarding folks who have walked into a pharmacy in France and managed to buy Cynomel over the counter. I am seriously considering taking a trip in the Summer, but obviously would be hugely disappointed if I was unable to obtain it. A few months ago I purchased a fax machine off Ebay to try and fax my private prescription to a pharmacy in Belgium.Someone here posted the details. Unfortunately I could not get the damn thing to fax despite trying all week and I was too scared to post it in case they never got it. All terribly frustrating and time consuming!
Any ideas? Does anyone know of a Pharmacy in France where I can get this stuff for a fair and reasonable price without hassle? Do tell..
Regards Joan