I was wondering if anyone knew much about the issues you can have with your periods due to thyroid problems. I have always been regular with my periods never being more than a day late or early. However my last period was 6 days late, that finished just over a week ago and today I have started my period again so I am now very early. I shouldn't have started for another two weeks yet. This is unknown of for me. Does anyone understand why this is happening. Is it linked to my thyroid?
I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid two years ago. My bloods are currently a little strange as my T4 is increasing but so is my TSH. So my doctor upped my dose to 100mg from 75mg last week. My current levels are:
TSH- 8.5 (should be under 4.5)
T4- 21 (range was 10-21)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.