Need support...: I am willing to start over... - Thyroid UK

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Need support...

8 Replies

I am willing to start over making myself better and forgetting about what doctors have done or said. Please note my latest question is my way of saying I want to help myself and I have taken on board what people have said to me in the past. Yes, I am prone to brain fog as so many of us are but I do remember what people on here post to me.

I want to help myself now after the implications of what I have done, please can everyone see that!! :(

Jo xxx

8 Replies
alangardner profile image

of coarse we can jo, you just need to concentrate on all the positives and dismiss the negatives and never forget that we all on this site are and will be here to help YOU as we have been helped most know exactly what you are going through from our own experiences ...... but you have to allow the good advise , be it from anywhere or anyone , to come to the fore . I truly hope that you get to where you need to be with your health as I do with everyone and look forward to hearing from you with updates of how you are .....alan xx

in reply to alangardner

Thanks Alan. I have been very stressed out lately with other things and feel like I'm on my own again. :(

Jo xxx

alangardner profile image
alangardner in reply to

hi jo , never ever forget that while you are here on this site YOU ARE NEVER ALONE we all understand most/some of the complexeties of thyroid problems and all that comes with it . you just need to be aware of it and realise that we are only trying to help YOU ...... but we will always be there for you . I hope this helps you to feel better and try to forget the stress because it cannot and will not help any health issue you have , it will only make it worse ......alan xx

in reply to alangardner

Hi Alan, thanks ever so much for your reply.

I do want everyone's help as stated in my latest question. It makes me feel a lot better. :)

Jo xxx

friz42 profile image

Hi Jo- you have come clean about not taking your meds and have now done something about it- nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes- you are now going to work with your GP and Endo so that is a positive thing.

If I were you I would not worry about adrenals, T3 or anything else (I just saw your last post which you deleted) and just get back on the levothyroxine. Everyone is trying to help- take one step at a time and lets see what tomorrow brings- you may have your blood results available- that's a starting point. I do feel for you as things do seem so overwhelming at times and you did not purposely set out to go down this route- there is always a solution- it just sometimes takes a little time and patience.

Sending a big hug to you. xx

in reply to friz42

Hi Friz, thanks ever so much for your reply.

Hugs back to you. :)

Jo xxx

Clutter profile image

It'll be okay, Jo. When you're back on levo, supplementing your deficient/low vits and minerals, it will start coming together and you'll feel weller and hopefully, not to long, you'll feel well.

Hope the GP appointment goes well tomorrow.

ps You aren't alone, everyone here wants you to get well and will help and support as much as you need x

in reply to Clutter

I hope it'll be ok, Clutter. It feels like whatever I try at the moment just doesn't work. The first Levo dose didn't make me feel good at all and now the Spatone... it just made me feel like everything is just falling apart.

I'll let everyone know how the GP appointment goes tomorrow - not looking forward to it after what I did and if the thyroid test has come back abnormal it's all on account of me not being patient enough.

Thanks for your reply. :)

Jo xxx

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