Hi this is my first post here. A couple of weeks ago I was told that I am experiencing hyperthyroid issues that they don't want to medicate me for as yet because I have not dipped completely below normal levels. The low end of the spectrum is .468 and my TSH is at .502. the emotional issues alone are so hard for me to deal with. The mood swings and the crying. I'm looking for suggestions on what I can do on a limited budget to help the mood swings. I hate to be put on depression meds for it. Please help. The hopelessness is becoming very difficult to deal with.
Natural thyroid support for overactive thyroid - Thyroid UK
Natural thyroid support for overactive thyroid

Hi sorry you feel this way, I was properly diagnosed in December by the consultation and I’m the same emotional wise. Mood swings and some days non stop crying, this usually happens when I’m exhausted and sleep deprived. I’m taking vitamin D and COD liver oil along with vitamin b complex and thyroid meds. I usually feel better with vitamins but I don’t at present. The hopelessness is hard and I do empathise with you. You find slot of support from other people on here but it is hard. I hope this offers some comfort.
I meditate when I can and this does help but I should probably persevere with it
I was taking a d supplement but ran out a couple of weeks ago. Looks like a trip to the store is indicated. Does cod liver oil come in pills because taking the oil itself sounds really yucky LOL.
I think you may mean hyPO not hypER as if you have a tsh of 5.02 and frees the lower end of the range or below range that would not be hyper, hyper is tsh much lower around 1 or beliow and frees woyld be much much higher over ranges.xx
The doctor and I talked about it and the research that I have done shows that the pituitary gland will cause the TSH levels to be lower if it is receiving too much thyroid hormone. If it were not receiving enough the numbers would be higher. I also dropped a ton of weight without trying and she stated that that was because my thyroid was putting out too much hormone making it hyper
That's only partly true. If you have a problem with your pituitary or hypothalamus, your TSH level won't reflect your level of thyroid hormones. My TSH was lower than yours when I was untreated hypo (underactive) as I have a pituitary problem. I also lost weight when Hypo as I had a problem with low cortisol (also caused by the pituitary problem) so you are only over active if your Free T4 and Free T3 are over range. Doctors are convinced that pituitary and hypothalamus problems are very rare - I don't think they are as unusual as they make out but anything is rare if you refuse to recognise it - like saying that zebras are very rare but there are quite a lot of tabby horses.
Iodine used to be used for over active thyroid, but can be a real problem if you actually have autoimmune thyroid disease (Hashis)
Do you know youre exact blood results and ranges as you could post on here and others will help as gps are known for reading results incorrectly or getting hyper and hypo mixed up but if you are loosing weight that is a hyper sympton, you are entitled to copies of blood results as you will need to learn about your disease as gps are not much help.
Nothing happens quickly with the thyroid and it is a very long journey to get better-just abit concerned that if you are hyper doc has not medicated you as hyper can be very serious without meds.😊😊
I do have a copy of my blood work results. Not sure exactly how to post it on here though. Could you direct me? Or should I just post manually the numbers?
Just a tip when writing levels, please put ranges (numbers in brackets) Many labs use different ranges so it will help members who wish to comment.
Have you had FT3 and FT4 tested? Very important when hyper. Have you had antibodies tested? It may well be that you have Graves/hyperthyroidism or it may mean you are in a certain cycle of Hashimoto, where the thyroid production swings both hyper and hypo.
And yes I remember the mood swings, crying, irritableness et etc etc. I was worse when I tried to do too much. I would have lots of energy, do a ton of work then crash.
Healthy eating and rest are important, and not putting yourself in stressful situations.
Thank you for the tip I will definitely do that!
It's your free T3 and free t4 that define how you feel, not your TSH. What are those levels?
With the research that I've been doing in the symptoms that I have I'm thinking that that other comment might be correct that the TSH might just be too low for me personally. I did pick up some vitamin d and vitamin C today and started taking it again hopefully it will improve my mood. I had a friend suggest that I go to the Cleveland Clinic which is similar to a Mayo Clinic and just have them do a whole work up on me including my back and what have you and let them do my surgery.