Weight gain-need help :-(: I have had a massive... - Thyroid UK

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Weight gain-need help :-(

infomaniac profile image
•49 Replies

I have had a massive wake-up call today and am really feeling down and at the end of my tether :-( I desperately need to lose weight but have read so much conflicting stuff: don't reduce calories too much, don't exercise too much etc so... I am stumped!

Last month's Slimming World magazine featured a Hypo woman who had lost 10 stones in 20 months-but what it didn't tell us was how she did it - almost 2 stone per month. I am lucky if I lose 2 ounces per month. I have a good diet, am gluten free, I avoid: uncooked veg, fluoride, soy, goitrogens, and take supplements including B complex, zinc, magnesium, Vit D3 so where am I going wrong and what on earth can I do? People have said I should try T3 but it was a complete non-starter with my last GP and apart from that I am really scared to do it as I have battled to get where I am now and would hate to go back to the crippling depression, constipation and thinning hair.

Please help...I am desperate :-(

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infomaniac profile image
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49 Replies
Barb1949 profile image

Infomaniac, first of all please ditch Slimming Magazines. And as for the lady who lost two stone a month for all that time, well, I have to say that is a bit suspect unless she was taking T3 and not telling.

I managed to lose 9 an a half stone, but it took me the best part of 6 years! Also I have to say that this was not all thyroid weight (myxoedema). On reflection I believe I, and a few others, put on weight in addition to the thyroid weight because we just give up.

Since I have lost this weight I have levelled off but still need to lose about six stones. My new endo seems to think this will start when the T3 he has prescribed gets into my system. I found that the ideal calorie count for me was 2100 per day and I included such goodies as butter and ditched margarines. I didn't actually calorie count for long as it is easy when you get used to eating that amount. I also took the exercise very slowly. In fact to bgin with I couldn't even walk to the end of my drive and had a disability scooter. I started with an exercise class at the local pool, prescribed by the gp, and built up very, very slowly. After about four years I was able to walk about a mile. Unfortunately, I injured both knees quite badly about 18 months ago and am now having to use sticks again. But I have done it once, I will do it again.

So ignore the low fat, low carb, low calorie diets they will not do you any favours.

With this disease you really do need more calories and not too much exercise. There is no quick fix with this on, unfortunately.

I also found that taking up a hobby really helped with the depression, I took up papercrafts about 15 years ago and find it does help me, as does music. It might not work for everyone but it's just a thought. Good luck with your weight loss, I am thinking of you.

Barb xx

Barb1949 profile image
Barb1949• in reply toBarb1949

ps Vit C might help with the constipation, if that's still a problem.

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply toBarb1949

Thanks for that Barb. 9 stone?? Wow you have done brilliantly and it was probably best that you didn't do it quickly as it's supposed to stay off that way. You really hit the nail on the head when you say people like us just give up-I know I do. It is SO hard to lose weight that I do literally give up. My hubby said today I should just accept I have a medical condition and should just accept it, but I can't. I have to try and fight back!

It seems ridiculous that we have an all singing all dancing NHS yet they are clueless when it comes to the Thyroid and most seem to think the weight drops off when we start to take Levo when in reality the reverse is true. Good luck with the T3 :-)

Jpnuman profile image
Jpnuman• in reply toinfomaniac

Levo puts on weight no mistake there. It went on quicker whilst iwas on it 50 mgs and I had all the other problems depression aching joints still have hardly any eyebrows. Refused to take it in the end so struggling with a NHS endo and gp who refuse anything else than prescribing levo. I have argued the case that I have B12 injections, perniscious anemia, menopause and under active thyroid so I should be allowed T3 as I have been rarely able to hold down a job. Some days with the aching joints I cold hardly get out of bed. Yes I also gave up and even without taking any meds I too still gaining weight no eyebrows diffcult to exercise and get breathless on walking. I also have a very low heart beat. It annoys me as I was quite active on exercise but now I am massively depressed and struggling to get amother job I am no longer the same person I used to be. The british NHS is a joke and we do not get taken seriously I'm sick of them telling me we can't have T3 because it's too expensive.

Barb1949 profile image


In a way your hubby is probably right, you have to accept you have this condition, but that doesn't mean you have to give up and roll over. The only thing we can do is try to make ourselves as well as we can, with or without the help of the medics. I agree with you about the all singing all dancing NHS, but I am doing my little bit to improve things. I have joined a volunteer group at a major teaching hospital/university medical school as a 'substitute patient'. We act the part of patients for the students before they are allowed out on the real patients. I, and some of the others, often give input to the tutors about the illnesses etc we have or have had and how they affect us and impact on our lives. We are hoping this will lead to more research projects. So I am really pushing for more research into T4/T3 and/or NDT (I live in hope)!

Barb xx

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply toBarb1949

What a good idea the volunteer group is-I hope they roll it out all over the country. If we all end up properly medicated you will go right to the top of the class!

Barb1949 profile image
Barb1949• in reply toinfomaniac

hehehehehe, please don't hold your breath for that to happen :-D xx

Josoap profile image

I use my fitnesspal app on my phone I can only have around 1400 cals a day and have to exercise alternate days I run 3-5 miles and walk on non running days, I have hashi's, coeliac, asthma and deficiencies. Any more calories than this I gain weight, I'd gained 10lb over 5 months despite diet n exercise before Christmas so disheartening when I'd lost 28lb over 2 years since going gluten free but my TSH had gone from 2.3 to 3.9 so had increase to 75mg I eat a balanced diet daily but it's slow progress maybe 1-2 pound a month if I'm lucky it's not easy I do fluctuate and have gains for no reason but I'm determined am just in the normal weight range now but would like to be in the middle so there's a little leeway so 12lb to go. You do what's best for you and what your body's capable of build up slowly. I couldn't do anything before diagnosed Coeliac but after a few months started exercising again and and built up from walking to running over 12 months (couch to 5k) I ran my first half marathon last year and have 2 planned this year. I have off days weeks where running a mile is impossible my muscles just don't want to go but then the next week I'm back to 5. Listen to your body and go with it. Good luck

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply toJosoap

I think my marathon days are well and truly over! I don't think I could walk one never mind run one. Well done you :-) You are doing the best thing in accepting that you lose slowly. In the past I have got really disheartened when I've only lost 1/2lb but that is obviously going to be the way forward so I'm just going to have to get used to it. If not I will just continue the way I am going and get even fatter!

Mappybar profile image


I know exactly where you are coming from, when I was diagnosed six months ago I also read up on the subject and was amazed at some of the advice. I spent an indecisive couple of months until I decided to go with simple calorie counting and increased activity; the ‘advice’ that informed my decision was an ‘expert’ saying food should be increased until wellness was achieved even if this meant gaining a large amount of weight. I really thought that would plunge me into the depths of despair (and I wasn’t depressed at all, my only symptoms really being fatigue and weight gain).

I know we all have different issues and that this method would perhaps not work for everyone, but it is working for me. I went with Weight Watchers online; I am not advocating their programme, I chose it because it uses a simple form of calorie control and a method of easily tracking activity and what you consume, although of course it is perfectly possible to do that without subscribing or joining any club or group.

For me it is an upward spiral; I have lost a stone and a half in four months – not fast but perfectly acceptable – and the more I lose the more energy I have and the better I feel. I have about the same amount of weight or a bit more still to lose. As for activity I first increased what I was doing around the house (I am retired) and garden, then added a swim and some walking. These are getting easier, although swimming is perhaps the easiest and really perks me up.

Eating a balance of foods works for me too - I wilt without carbohydrates. I have cut nothing out, but then I have always eaten whole grains and very little sugar and cook mostly from scratch.

As I said we are all different, and this may not work for you, but I hope you find something that does.

Good wishes,


greygoose profile image
greygoose• in reply toMappybar

The problem with calorie counting is that the most essential nutrient - fat - has the highest number of calories.

Calorie counting is completely bogus and was only introduced in the early 60s. Why, one wonders??? The more you reduce your food intake, the more likely you are to become obsessed with food. Have a look here :


infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply togreygoose

Calorie counting isn't ideal I agree but for some people (i.e me!) who cannot control their eating sometimes it's the only way.

greygoose profile image
greygoose• in reply toinfomaniac

But do you get enough fat?

ChooseLife profile image
ChooseLife• in reply togreygoose

Grey goose has a very valid point and it is something that the doctors and media are now slowly realising. Fat is NOT bad for you, but too much carbs can be. People trying to lose weight may doing better by cutting some calories from the carbs, rather than the fat.

It can be hard, trying to lose weight when you have low thyroid, so please remember to be kind to yourself :) . As I have read in various thyroid books, if your metabolism is low, then this needs correcting (ie. optimal thyroid treatment) as otherwise it can actually be near impossible to lose weight!! And I think that, certainly for me, my thyroid problem causes me to crave comfort food.

One thing I have found useful is something called "Beyond Chocolate". It is a 1 day course on how to stop beating yourself up over trying to lose weight. It really changed my attitude to food and I can now enjoy eating again, instead of bring racked with guilt!

greygoose profile image
greygoose• in reply toChooseLife

That course sounds great, CL! I think most of us could do with going on that.

But... the point about eating more fat is that the fat satisfies you to the point where you Don't need to keep thinking about food and Don't feel tempted to snack. Your breakfast will carry you through to lunch, you lunch til dinner and your dinner through to breakfast again - healthy eating! Therefore, calories counting becomes obsolete.

Calorie counting is a red Herring, anywyay. We weren't born with a calorie-counter in our hands, we're not supposed to do it. Just eat until we've had enough. But we will have had enough sooner if we eat more fat.

However, if our T3 is too low, it doesn't matter what we do, we're going to put on fat rather than lose it.

ChooseLife profile image
ChooseLife• in reply togreygoose

Hi Greygoose - totally agree with you. I think the point about fat being more satisfying and therefore meaning that we don't feel the need to eat more (or don't feel deprived) was actually part of the Beyond Chocolate course. Either that, or I've read it somewhere else and "merged" it with the knowledge I got from the course!

I've totally changed my views on eating, in the last few years, especially since I realised that my weight gain had absolutely NOTHING to do with calorie intake. Before I became really ill, I had a few years where I would put weight on when stressed. My friends would say "ah yes, I eat lots of junk when I'm stressed too" and I would feel very frustrated, because I actually eat LESS when I'm stressed! To which they'd say "yes, it's sometimes easy to eat without realising how much we're eating"......!

During one very stressful month at work (back in the days when I was still well enough to hold down a job), I put on a stone (14lb), despite eating only soup during that time (because I was too stressed to be able to digest solid food). Then I'd be the same weight for a year or so - and I mean EXACTLY the same weight, even when eating tons of ice cream when on vacations, etc - then something stressful would happen and I'd put on another stone in a short space of time.

So folks, please listen to the wisdom of Greygoose. Don't deprive yourself of fat, as you will most likely feel hungry all the time. And if you have an untreated (or inadequately treated) thyroid problem, you may find it almost impossible to lose weight.


greygoose profile image
greygoose• in reply toChooseLife

It's more than likely you'll find it almost impossible to lose weight!

It's actually well-known that stress makes you put on weight. Well, well-known by those that know anything.

Jpnuman profile image
Jpnuman• in reply togreygoose

100 per cent agree on this unfortunately with lifestyles these days people are having to work right through to retirement so stress levels are alot higher. My parents at my age 53 now were already on part time work and retired by 56. I find gaining weight the highest problem and depression it's changed me as a person and I hate giving up. I used to fight back but fast losing the will.

greygoose profile image
greygoose• in reply toJpnuman

Is your thyroid correctly treated, JP?

Jpnuman profile image
Jpnuman• in reply togreygoose

No as I am not taking levo as I cannot tolerate it my symptoms became worse still battling with endo for T3 but can't have it as they said NHS uk wont find it as it's too expensive. I have been taking a B12 supplement and sea kelp and just started again with a thyroid support as body is sinking again until I get to an appointment which is august unless a cancellation comes through.

greygoose profile image
greygoose• in reply toJpnuman

You're putting yourself in peril, there. You really do need to take something if you've been diagnosed as hypo. And taking iodine is going to make you worse, as it is antithyroid. You cannot replace a hormone with a vitamin or a mineral. Have you never considered buying your own T3? Even if only until your next appointment. I'm not surprised you're having problems.

Jpnuman profile image
Jpnuman• in reply togreygoose

That's all well and good but I am currently out of work and where on earth do you start looking. There is that much on the internet and that is not option for me as you don't know 100% what your getting. We should not be in this position in the first place having to self medicate why are we paying our NHS for?? I've even been told people are that desperate to get hold of alternative thyroid meds that they are going to France to buy it. The more we do this these people start to up the prices because they know that we can't get anything here. I can honestly say I feel better for not being on Levothyroxine however, I know I still need something to get my energy back. I have no alternatives other than battling it out still with the gp and endo. At the same time levo also cannot replace this hormone it just wreaks havoc especially women that are going through the menopause as it mimics the same symptoms.

greygoose profile image
greygoose• in reply toJpnuman

Well, lot of things I don't agree with there, but I do agree we shouldn't be in this position, but the fact is, we are. So, are we going to let ourselves die? Or are we going to do something about it?

First of all, it's perfectly safe to buy T3 on-line if you buy from recommended, reliable sellers. All you have to do is post a question on here, asking people to PM you their trusted sources. And, I understand that money is short for you, but your only hope of getting back to work is to get the T3. I would have thought it was a worthwhile investment, because you can buy it really cheaply on-line. And, if people go to France to buy it, they'll be wasting their time, because it's prescription only in France. You would need to go to Turkey or Mexico.

Secondly, the high price of T3 in the UK has absolutely nothing to do with people buying it on-line. It was because the prices went up astronomically, that people started buying it on-line. And if people are buying it on-line, they're not buying the over-priced UK version, so that will drive prices down, or they will go out of business. That's basic economics.

Thirdly, levo is perfectly fine for thousands of people, and replaces the T4 of their own gland very well. It may be synthetic, but it's exactly the same molecular structure. It's just a minority of people that don't get on with it, and there's usually a reason for that. Have you had your nutrients and cortisol tested? Do you have high antibodies?

At the same time levo also cannot replace this hormone it just wreaks havoc especially women that are going through the menopause as it mimics the same symptoms.

Sorry, I don't know what you're saying, there. Taking levo mimics menopausal symptoms? I doubt it.

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply toMappybar

Hi Barbara, I tend to follow Slimming World for the same reason you do Weight Watchers, to keep me in control. I only have two settings: Dieting or eating like a woman possessed...there are no half measures!

I eat more carbs now than I have for years and like it that way too. I've read stuff pointing to low carb possibly being the cause of thyroid problems and it could be true in my case as I was low carb off and on for years. I am gluten free and keep dairy and sugar to a minimum and feel I have a pretty good diet-I just need to eat a bit less of it and not expect to lose a stone a month because it's just not going to happen!

Jazzw profile image

Isn't 10 stones in 20 months half a stone a month? Not 2 stones a month. Not even a VLCD (very low calorie diet of 500ish calories a day) will give you two stones a month, other (maybe) in the first month. Not that I'm recommending that at all - I'm a veteran of every diet under the sun and completely agree with what Barb says at the top - restricting calories way down will not do the job. It'll work temporarily but not for long. Weight loss isn't about eating less and moving more. The laws of thermodynamics do not apply to human bodies and weight loss - all that happens if you eat less is an overwhelming desire to do less!

If it's a diet plan of some kind you're after, then I'd recommend checking out Paleo, low carb high fat, or taking a look at Zoe Harcombe's books. She explains why 3,500 calories does not equal a pound!

Don't give up. We've just all been given the wrong advice for 40 years plus.

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply toJazzw

Oops...Maths was never my strong point! It just proves my hubby doesn't listen to me because he confirmed my calculations, and he's got an A level in it!

From what I've read it's a mistake to reduce your calorie intake too low and after doing the 5:2 diet and feeling rubbish I can confirm that. Paleo isn't for me, similarly low carb high fat. I feel quite well on what I do now (gluten free, minimal dairy and very few processed foods)...I just need to stop eating so much of it. I'll take a look at Zoe Harcombe-thanks for the tip.

I'm less despondent than I was yesterday, thank heavens and have just decided that this is going to be a long, hard slog and that I am not going to lose as quickly as "normal" people (hoping I can actually lose that is) .

greygoose profile image

Infomanic, why do you think that taking T3 will make you go back to the crippling depression, constipation and thinning hair? It should be quite the opposite.

Do you have any recent blood test results to share with us? It really is important to know exactly where you are. It could very well be that your FT3 is very, very low.

Don't believe all you read in magazines. They print what sells, and that is not necessarily the truth! And, as others have said, forget the diets etc. They aren't going to work because your weight gain isn't due to what you eat, it's due to your lowered metabolism, due to your hypo.

You are not going wrong anywhere. If anything, your doctor is going wrong by not treating your hypo correctly. I can tell you, when I was doing everything my doctors told me, I put on over 60 kilos. Since I've been treating myself with T3, I've lost about 50. No calorie-counting, no over-exercising. I expect you're on T4 only, aren't you? The problem with that is that we Don't always convert very well to T3, but we can only know that by testing the T4 and T3, which most doctors are too uneducated to do. But that's what we need to know.

Hugs, Grey

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply togreygoose

Hi Grey, I didn't actually mean that T3 would make that happen, just that I would be very wary about changing my meds just in case I had a setback. I am now feeling more or less normal (other than my weight and hair) and often wonder if just a teeny bit of T3 would get me to 100%. I know T3 seems to be the best thing for loads of people but I still worry as I would hate to go back to the way I was. I don't know if you can understand that?

I am due at the docs next month for my annual blood test. I have moved house so it's a new practice and I have my fingers crossed that they are more clued up than my last one and will actually test my T3. Yes I am on 100 mcg Levo only and at the last count my T3 was "normal" but at the lower end of the range.

greygoose profile image
greygoose• in reply toinfomaniac

Well, there you are then, you have your answer. You need more T3.

I can understand it to an extent. But when everything else has failed...

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply togreygoose

I know what you're saying Grey and you are probably right but other than my weight, hair and a couple of other niggles, I feel OK at the mo so it is a big risk to me. Helcaster (further down this post) has said she gained weight on T3!

I'll review the situation in a few weeks when I see if I actually can lose any weight on what I'm doing now and also after I have seen my new GP.

greygoose profile image
greygoose• in reply toinfomaniac

OK Good luck.

Marz profile image


I have the Newsletter from Sara and hopefully you can open this link. It covers hormones and weight loss. Could be interesting.

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply toMarz

Thanks Marz. I have started watching it but it's very long so will do it a bit at a time :-)

Marz profile image
Marz• in reply toinfomaniac

...best way :-)

infomaniac profile image

Thanks everyone for your help and advice. I have replied to you all separately or else it would be a very long and boring post!

The only way I lost weight recently after gaining on T3, was go almost carbohydrate free and up fats and protein considerably. I liked this diet, I ate more than usual, felt really full and lost 3 lbs in one week, which was like a miracle. But the constipation was terrible and my almost healed anal fissures opened up again so I had to stop I was in so much pain.

I'm very restricted in what I can eat with interstitial cystitis so for someone who doesn 't have this disease you could eat citrus fruit, grapes berries, extra vegetables to get around the constipation! I was eating a lot of eggs which bunged me up! But I was adding lots of butter, double cream, full fat milk and losing weight! I would definitely recommend it. I must say too I ate virtually no sugar, for me sugar is the enemy.

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply to

My constipation issues are gone now (the only good thing that's happened with this bloody condition) but I know if I went back to low carb I would be exactly the same as you...bunged up!

Josoap profile image

Hi grey goose you mention about fat and counting calories on myfitnesspal I make sure I hit my recommended nutritional goals of 50% carbs, 30% fat and 20% protein this is where counting calories is working for me

waveylines profile image

I am no advert as have 3stone to loose as currently dealing with a new non thyroid condition the treatment of which is necessary but severe so can't currently exercise. Short term hopefully. However when I was on my game and had ensured my thyroid was optimally treated I used a good reliable step counter - gradually increased my steps to 10,000 a day which involved about an hour to hour and half walking after work -usually took dog. Found it very medicine and a great distressed from work. After a while introduced myself to Nordic walking -uses 90%of the muscles in your body -but can be increased slowly. Maintained good calorie levels but cut out added sugars, & ate some fruit but with meals to stop high sugar rushes & kept protein up but with balanced diet of plenty of veg but only some carb. Worked for me and lost 2 1/2 stone in 6 months. Felt great full of energy. Shame I developed another wretched condition really!! Ah well....

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply towaveylines

Ooh 2 1/2 stone would do me nicely...especially in 6 months :-)

I walk about an hour every day with my little dog but couldn't do Nordic walking as I'd probably trip myself up with the lead! I must dig out my pedometer though because I know it's spurred me on before.

I have started doing my own healthy version of Slimming World, which is pretty similar to what you were doing so fingers crossed I get the same results!

I wish you well with your other condition and hope you're back in the pink ASAP xx

waveylines profile image

Thanx 😊xx I didn't Nordic weak everyday -built up to alternate days as otherwise found too much so on those days left dog behind or short walk 30mins & then 1hour Nordic on those days. I did invest in a couple of training session to learn Nordic walking as its like Pilates it's all in the movement not hard once u know & I liked the fact you can set the intensity to suit you -at the extreme end (not me!!) Olympic skiers use it for summer training but equally suited for people with poor physic or health conditions limiting exercise. 😊 there are also walking groups especially in the south. Plan to get back to all of this once better!! xx

infomaniac profile image

And I'm sure you will! x

penny profile image

I found dieting a complete waste of time until I was optimally medicated. Once I was on T3 only and a high enough dose I started the 5:2 diet and lost about 2lbs per week. This weight stayed off, mostly, and I lost 24lbs. I now do the odd diet day of 500 calories for the health benefits it brings. I am lucky in that I can eat most things and bake cakes and love cream and milk. I might put on a couple of pounds and do one day and lose it again.

To illustrate how important it is to be optimally medicated, during my diet time I went through about 3 weeks when I did not lose any weight and indeed put some on. I then found out that the batch of T3 I was using was weak; when I changed the batch the weight came off again at the regular amount.

Before I knew these things I tried Slimming World - run by a complete ignoramus. When I did not lose any weight she accused me of telling fibs about my eating habits.

There is a lot of information on the internet about the 5:2 diet.

Good luck.

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply topenny

Hi Penny, I have tried the 5:2 but it wasn't very good for me. I didn't feel great on it and my temperature plummeted to the low 34s so I gave it up.

I am assuming you didn't have a weight problem pre Thyroid troubles? I have always just needed to look at food and I gain wait so obviously I am up against it.

Speaking of Slimming World, I joined in Jan 2013 and Jan 2014 but didn't have a great deal of success and it was really demoralising seeing people losing stones while I lost and gained the same 1/2lb! I contacted their head office to see if they could offer any help but I just got fobbed off. I don't t it is a particularly healthy diet but you are encouraged to eat lots (which appeals to me!) and the way I am doing it is healthy so I live in hope :-)

penny profile image

Annoyingly I was tall, fit and very slim until my 40s when the hypo. really kicked in. As I am 5'10" tall and stand very straight putting on 3 stones did not really make me fat but definitely rounded. I was not happy being a bit pudgy so I lost 24lbs. It is a mistake when one is older to get too slim and look ill and drawn. One makes a choice between fat and wrinkles.

A pity about the 5:2 as it has great health benefits.

Are you sure that you are optimally medicated? I take 175mcg of T3.

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply topenny

Where did I go wrong then...I am fat with wrinkles!

I don't know if I am optimally medicated or not. I am due to have my annual blood test next month so we shall see. I feel OK other than my weight and dodgy hair so maybe things aren't so bad.

penny profile image

Bad luck! Seriously, you may need to do some research on this site as I am no expert. What about ferritin, Vit D and Vit B12, to name a few? If you are having nhs blood tests they do not usually test anything other than the tsh - useless.

According the the nhs I have never been hypothyroid, yet I was diagnosed with a 24-hr urine test privately and have been on medication of 10 years. My tsh, when last tested, was < 0.001, which tends to scare the pants off GPs. As I am on T3 only this is what I would expect as far as tsh goes. Not being able to lose weight and having 'dodgy hair' suggest that something is not right.

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac• in reply topenny

I'm going to ask for the whole lot to be tested when I go next month. God loves a trier!

Maja54 profile image

Hi I have always bee thin until about 45 when the weight started to creep up. Was pleasantly plumb for while now it's not pleasant anymore sense I was diagnose with PD. My husband worries that he wont be able to help me. So at my advanced age I decided to loose weight . I do not deny my self anything , simply scale dawn the portions. If you start denying your self some food ,you start craving it , I BELIVE. So I don't. I have regular breakfast, normal lunch , snack at 4pm and large salad for dinner. So far it works I am loosing weight, about 1/2 to pound a day and Feel better. Tray this maybe will agree with if you tray it.Good think is and may help ,to by your self 1 sise smaller garment you always wanted and that may keep you going. Good luck, I check with you again to see ha we bout ding ,and chat about our progress.


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