Has any lady on here been diagnosed with an early menopause, then told she has hypothyroidism and then years later told she had not had an early menopause???? I had been taking HRT for 17 years then developed some problems which required a biopsy which revealed that I had never been menopausal and was no were near to being menopausal. I have been reading things on here and I have had my eyes opened, a visit to the doctors some time soon for some answers!
Hi everyone x I'm new on here and asking about ... - Thyroid UK
Hi everyone x I'm new on here and asking about early menopause and hypothyroidism.

The NHS has been telling me for 6 years ( from the age of about 42) that I am menopausal. Fortunately I am smart enough to disregard anything spewed by NHS gps. Funny how now I self medicate with ndt, all my "menopausal" symptoms have gone. To satisfy myself, i saw a private international gynae/fertility specialist a year or so ago and he confirmed i was not.
Gotta love the nhs

...or BIG Pharma that convince them to prescribe HRT - at an age when its possibly the thyroid running down !
Thanks for the replies x I am going to do some thorough investigating before my next doctors appointment, after reading things on here I'm beginning to think that my other complaints are all thyroid related.
Low thyroid gives me hot flushes, I increase dose and they go, Endo thinks I need oestrogen!
Thanks Aurealis, I suffer from major hot flushes, sometimes I feel like I could explode with the heat and I often think I could spontaneously combust! Lol x
Can't remember what age I was now, probably early 40's but is gone to the surgery to ask if I could increase my thyroxine dose. I was told yes but as I was leaving I suddenly remembered something else and said, by the way doctor I haven't had a period for 6 months so she took some blood. When I went back I was told I'd no hormones (!) and put on HRT before I had chance to taken it in. 10 years later I was taken off it-GP HAD READ IT WAS DANGEROUS TO TAKE FOR MORE RHAN 10 years. After a while I thought my health was deteriorating and went privately to my original GP who diagnosed I was hypothyroid. We went back to first principles of basal temperature and after 4 months it was evident I was occasionally ovulating. I do t think I've felt really 100% since!
It was like this for me , loads of Ill health issues and because my mother was told she had early menopause and I had entered into zero research back then ( she was finally diagnosed with hyperthyroidism and had the radioactive iodine treatment ) I then believed early menopause because from around 34/35 my periods went back to my teenage pattern of ridiculously heavy suffering, flooding constantly. This was alongside frequent UTI's, exhaustion, very dry skin, worsened constipation, dry eyes etc etc so every time I visited doctors , I was advised to try the pill to regulate hormones, I always refused because of enduring endometriosis also in my teens. By the time I got to 38 I was so run down, weak and catching anything that passed me by, I agreed to try the pill , I had been told repeatedly it was not my thyroid , and like a fool I didn't research , so began the trial. This was a big mistake because within weeks I began to feel slight nausea which over months escalated to retching or vomiting when I tried to eat. One doctor offered an anti sickness drug, idiot ! I put my foot down this time and pushed for more thyroid tests because I had researched and discovered the controversy, came back with tsh in the 2's and t4 always one or two off the bottom. Also had auto immunity in smooth muscle which was probably the pill stressing my liver ! So fast forward to now after diagnoses with Dr Skinner and taking armour, my periods are back to regular, of average loss and duration, and symptoms have all but gone. SO NO EARLY MENOPAUSE , like you, I wonder how many people were given this false diagnosis! Makes me so angry
Thanks again for the replies x it makes things a bit easier to take knowing that I'm not going mad and that other people are just as frustrated as me x
Me too! Had hysterectomy 2 years ago (age 44) from symptoms I now know were probably due to hypothyroidism. Anyway 2 months later diagnosed hypo - referred to Endo - diagnosed with early menopause and started on HRT. One month of feeling fantastic! Followed by 13 months of no so much fantastic but more feeble. I've done loads of research and am now convinced it's my mega low DHEA. My remaining symptoms match exactly. Got my first appt at King's College next week so I really hope they agree and supplement the low DHEA