My thyroid anti bodies are low and I have no idea what tht means, also im on my 3rd bout of flu since sept and it always gets passed to my 1yr old
Hello does anyone know if having an under activ... - Thyroid UK
Hello does anyone know if having an under active thyroid means I can have the flu jab?

Hello, Are you taking thyroid medication? Which blood tests have you had done? One of the Thyroid UK advisers once told me he is not happy about anyone having a flu jab. Of course it is entirely your choice if you wish to have one, but it may be that if your thyroid replacement is optimised you will not catch every bug going. Certainly keeping your levels of Vitamin D3 up should help you to avoid such infections.
Ask your GP to do a full range of thyroid tests - TSH, T3, T4 and thyroid antibodies as well as iron, folates, ferritin and Vitamins D3 and B12. Put the results on here with their reference ranges and people on here can then advise you better.
Jane x

Hi jane im on 150mg of levothyroxine (since nov) ive had most of those tests recently and altho not 100% its much better than it was, when I was pregnant (my sons now 1) it was the best its ever been but since giving birth its never been worse x
I don't think know you can get the flu jab with a thyroid problem. However when I read your text I thought how much your situation was simular to mine a couple of years ago. My vitamin D level was very low but did not know it at the time and was constantly catching colds etc. My low vitamin D level was found in a blood test and I take a supplement every day now. I rarely catch colds, even if other people have them in our house. It may be worth having yours checked by the doctor.
Thank you I will see if I can take some multi vitamins x
Try to get some blood tests too. They really help to find out where you need extra help. If you are low on vitamin D a multi vitamin won't really help. Not sure what you know about thyroid and needing supplements but it is worth looking into. Janeb gives some good advise on what tests to ask for. Hope you feel better soon.
I agree. You need a separate test for D3, and if low a multi vitamin is not enough. It is very cheap and your doctor may even prescribe if necessary. jane x
I'm not sure if you are entitled to the flu jab but my doc offered it for free in spite of not being in a high risk group. It could be worth asking. It has worked very well for me as has the pneumo jab. No cold even since being jabbed for a year. Started Levo plus had flu jab. Same result.
Being a cynic, i cannot resist pointing out nhs gps get funding for every jab, so it's one of the few things they'd love to give u
In my book, the flu jab is at least two years out of date and it only covers certain viruses, not all flu just a few that have been deemed 'dangerous'. I would never have the flu jab again ever, while your body is trying to make anti-bodies to the dead virus you are injected with you can pick up all sorts of other viruses!!