I was diagnosed with Hypothroid 3 years ago and I really think I’ve underestimated this chronic disease. I was told by GP I had it- given medication and off I went. After contracting Flu 2 weeks ago I have been floored - this is week 3 and I am still extremely fatigued - I feel pathetic but I now realising perhaps I am being a little hard on myself and this could be an added effect of my hypothyroidism. I feel now I need to start to understand the implications, diet, exercise etc - I am 47 and like others my age am also probably hitting the menopause. I really need advice on good books to read about diet, lifestyle and managing myself . I think it’s time to try and take control.
Hypothyroidism and Influenza- does having an un... - Thyroid UK
Hypothyroidism and Influenza- does having an under active thyroid make Flu even more severe?

The flu this year is particularly virulent, standard medical advice is that it takes 4-6 weeks to fully recover, and for an ‘average person’ ie someone without other medical conditions, at least 2 weeks off work.
I hope you recover soon.
Thank you- my work have given me next week off and I have a week Annual Leave - so that will be 4-5 weeks. I really hadn’t appreciated the effect my thyroid would have - I was complacent and didn’t get the vaccination!! Next year I definitely will .
The latest flu vaccination didn't cover the strain of flu that has affected so many people this year. At best they can only guess what might be around, and it usually only covers 3 strains, and usually not the ones around. So you wouldn't have been protected if you'd had this year's flu jab.
If you are still ill with the flu, can you get your GP to give you a sick note for work, you really shouldn't have to use up annual leave. At least if you keep away you're not spreading the flu around your work colleagues.
i have read that good levels of VitD are more effective than the Flu jab do you know your level ?
No Marz I don’t know my level however I am due to go for my annual thyroid bloods this month so maybe I can ask then- I really need to get on top of my dietary intake and do my research about diet and my health- I have been very complacent!
VitD needs to be around 100. Also ask for B12 - Folate - Ferritin - to be tested too. All need to be optimal for your thyroid hormones to work well in your body and for you to feel well, I rattle !
Always obtain copies of all your test results with ranges - so you can monitor your own progress and check to see what the GP has missed - and yes it happens.
Sometimes when we eat well we are unable to absorb well - especially if we have Hashimotos. Do you have Hashi's ? So we are what we absorb rather than what we eat !
Perhaps your FT3 is low in range too
I must say I am very ignorant about my results and have really neglected or rather not comprehended the effect of my thyroid until I’ve had this Flu. My dose of thyroxine appears to have helped with most of my original symptoms (except fatigue and joint pain) so I’ve just carried on with my 50mg daily dose. I really need to look into my results.
When you have them start a new post and members will comment and support. 😊
Thank you so much Marz- just another question- have you had a weight issue? And if so have you managed to improve with exercise and diet?
I have struggled to be the weight I would like to be. At 5'11'' I can carry extra without too much problem 😊 I am 72 this year - teach yoga twice a week and swim loads in the summer. I live in Crete and am lucky to have a pool.
I have just lost almost a stone on The Whole30 Eating Plan. There is a website - mentioned to me by another member.
You can click onto my name above and read my Bio - only takes a minute or two. You will then see I have travelled a bumpy road to wellness and the importance of taking control of your health - monitoring test results - vitamins - optimal medication - all learnt from this forum and reading LOADS 😊
Everyone here is happy to help should you need advice .....
Yes, I don't normally catch flu but this one floored me for well over three weeks - more like 5 to feel totally normal again - My daughter too who never gets ill either. Just take it as easy as you can
Thank you - it’s been horrendous and I had norovirus on top!! I’m never either so it’s been quite a shock to my system. I only really thought about the effect of my thyroid because it’s taking so long to feel better.