Does anyone else have hot sweats & under active... - Thyroid UK

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Does anyone else have hot sweats & under active thyroid.

ASHBY profile image
65 Replies

I take 50mg levothyroxine for my under active thyroid. Some days I have really bad hot sweats (I did before I was put on thyroxine, so its not the medication) Yet I read that it is over active thyroid patients that get hot sweats. is it just me? I get cold shivers too. Just can't adjust to changes in temperature around me. Do other hypothyroid patients get hot sweats?

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ASHBY profile image
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65 Replies
grandnutty profile image

hi ashby : yes i get a few sweats with it . i have been hypo foe 11 years now but only been getting sweats for the last coupleof years. i am 64 so i know its not the menopause . i also feel cold and dont seem to warm up for ages . got lots of other problems as well which i put down to the thyroxine .

beaton profile image

Hi, I get colder as the day goes on.I have the heating on 'till hubby melts. So I spend all evening with a blanket,then I go hot. It's as if my thermostats not working.

Kas65 profile image

I'm on 100mcg levothyroxine. I started having temperature control issues before I was diagnosed, though it's not as bad as it was. The most frustrating times are when I can't get to sleep as I'm cold and shivering, then waking up in the early hours feeling hot and kicking the bed clothes off !

I expect you'll find quite a few hypo people with dodgy thermostats, Ashby :)

Jfgoodhew profile image
Jfgoodhew in reply to Kas65

Me too, ice cold when I get into bed then boiling and parched early morning. Never had my thyroid checked tho. Maybe I will!

hellybaybee profile image
hellybaybee in reply to Jfgoodhew

This is what I get and I'm hypo... if you get a blood test, get your results and put them up here because even with a high tsh you are likely to be told by your gp that youre fine

nickym1 profile image

I'm just the same, but the sweats are particularly at night. Cold all day! I'm not yet taking a thyroid supplement, but will be soon after they remove my other half of thyroid. I was encouraged to eat Brazil nuts for the selenium, and so far I believe they have helped with night time sweats, hunger, racing heart etc. Not really sure why as new to all of this myself.

Nicky :-)

siskin profile image

Yes I too have a very dodgy thermostat. I am 74 so not menapausal either Often cold then the sweats. I have not been diagnosed hypo as m y out of range blood tests are apparently normal. !!

Hypo T probably. Most of the symptoms. The flushes make me feel feint and very weak.

Get cosy in bed then the sweats then the shivers. Very wearing. Daytime too,

Me2U profile image
Me2U in reply to siskin

yes I am similar & am post menopausal. Its awful.Like you say start feeling cold then few hrs later boiling hot & stays like that through night,disrupting sleep.

Numberone1 profile image

I have a definite dodgy thermostat - well known for it. Have just returned from -25 temperatures where sometimes I didn't wear a coat. I always get dodgy looks.

Jackie profile image

Hi It can be any hormonal problem eg diabetes, Gall Bladder ( pain with that ) etc or of course, thyroid.


ASHBY profile image

Thanks for all the replies. I can see I am not the only one with a dodgy thermostat!

MjM2015 profile image
MjM2015 in reply to ASHBY


I suffered horrendous sweating and over heating to the point is have to change my clothes four times a day. I was on 150mg of levo. This carried in for few months till if had enough and stopped my Levo for a week then started up again on 125mg with no change. Stopped again then reduced my levo to 75mg 7 weeks on and those symptoms have totally gone...

The past two days I've noticed my sweating appear and the over heating... I'm due blood results in next few days to find out how what my thyroid levels are.. You may be over medicated.

mstp profile image

When I was on thyroxin I was also known for my 'heat'. When I left one job in fact my leaving gift was a fan! In another job I was in trouble with H & S because I used to put my feet in a bowl of cold water every afternoon next to my computer monitor and other electrics!

MrsJim profile image
MrsJim in reply to mstp

Have you tried the ice water bottle (reverse of a hot water bottle)

I use a large empty shop bought water bottle like Volvic as its square so won't roll. I drink the water cos I'm a skinflint.

Then refill with tap water three quarters and shove into the freezer until frozen.

When I need to use it I top it up with a little bit more tap water but not completely full, cap back on and then pop into a pillowcase. Hey presto instant cold feet at work or in bed!


I take 250 mg of Thyroxine and have terrible night (and day) sweats.

Since I was diagnosed with Hypothyroid my body can not seem to regulate my temperature.

My doc says its something to do with our metabolic rate.

Hi Ashby,

I only found out I had hypothyroidism in October. I had been through the menopause with the usual grumbles/sweats.

I am now awaiting adrenal tests, which I paid for privately. The Endo. Prof. has put me on some different drug as my Dr. gave me Prozac, assuming I had depression!

They are called Paroxetine 20mgs. Not allowed to drink alcohol but that's a small price to pay if I can start feeling well again. They help with the hot sweats too.

I must say I was startled at the side affects but hopefully I won't get them, fingers crossed.

Get my adrenal results tomorrow. Testing for Addisons too and ruled out Ceoliac.

Brazil nuts also help serotonin levels.


in reply to

I had every side effect you could possibly mention with Paroxetine (Seroxat), and of all the antidepressants I have taken, it was the worst by a long way! It is a well known drug for having an horrendous side effect profile! Prozac is in the very same class of drugs as Paroxetine (an SSRI) and is also an antidepressant just the same, and while full of problems itself, it is certainly not often as bad as Paroxetine in that respect! - it sounds to me like you have had the usual fob-off we have all suffered time and time again - they assume it's anxiety or depression, NOT real physical problems and symptoms that you are having, (and even if they believed you, they can do little for it anyway!) so they dole out the cure-all: Antidepressants! :-(

Antidepressants are all well and good for clinical depression, and a life saver for those with the misery that can cause under some circumstances, but they certainly did nothing whatsoever for my heat regulation issues, nor did several other anti-depressant drugs of the same and other classes of those drugs I have used over many years! It's certainly not a drug licenced for use in any condition that causes heat regulation or hormonal issues! (there are also no specific real issues with alcohol, other than it may well increase the chance of side effects)

DizzyDormouse profile image
DizzyDormouse in reply to

Hi I don't understand why your Endocrinologist has changed you from one SSRI  to another one...they are very similar antidepressants and have nothing to do with treating your thyroid.

I have had a broken thermostat for years and had tests to find out what it was with no diagnosis. 

I now have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism and have been referred to a skin specialist  (is this right, why not an endocrinologist?) so it's all"clicked" about my constant pouring with sweat with a tiny bit of heat but cold makes me cry it's so painful.  I reckon I've been hypo for years.🤒😯😴

Yes... I can be sweating and cold at the same time!

I take strong opiate pain drugs too though, and suspect this has damaged my thermostat and heat regulation, or could even be linked to the effect the opiates have had on Vasopressin levels. My tolerance level to heat is a VERY narrow band,(say 19 deg C to about 21) it is all made worse by high humidity levels, I find, making some summer weather a misery.

Unfortunately so many things seem to be possibilities, I have rather given up finding a real solution to this :-(

DizzyDormouse profile image
DizzyDormouse in reply to

I really sympathise with you as I'm the same. I take strong opiates and my tolerance to heat is a thin band but lower down the scale for some reason. My stat is always set between 17.5 to 18.5 and I can't handle it beyond those temperatures. 

I'm so glad to have found this forum as I thought I was going crazy with this one. I've never found anyone else with it and the strange looks I've had when I'm pouring only from my head!!) and my makeup going south always embarrassed me. 

MattyBlack88 profile image
MattyBlack88 in reply to DizzyDormouse

So I am here because I just got put on synthroid for my Hypo but I resonated with you as I have been on methadone for years for pain and addiction and sometimes the heat. feels the same as tolerance but I know it is my Thyroid. I even asked to increase my dose to experiment.

Hi Picton,

I was pretty concerned about the side effects. I am suffering some depression, very tearful at times too. I also suffer severe chronic pain which obviously doesn't help.

They are not clear why this drug helps menopausal symptoms. What they do know is that when taking thyroid meds it can 'restart' menopause symptoms and through testing know that Paroxetine can help at least 30%. I'm hoping that I will be amongst that 30%.

I have complete faith in Professor Atkins. I have done my homework and he specialises in this field. I feel I have been let down by all my doctors.

Adrenal results tomorrow so will keep you all posted.

At the moment being on the Paroxetine is for a short term, and will be taken off it gradually.

Can I ask what problems it gave you, and how long was you on it?



isherwood profile image

I am a female age 70. I was diagnosed with an under active thyroid about a year after birth of my first baby, at age 25, but know that my symptons were evident from age 18.

I have had hot flushes and hot / cold regulation problems throughout these years, but these symptoms were worse between the ages 40 - 60 and when on Paroxitine- Seroxat- and night sweats during these times were horrific. My heat tolerance levels are very tight and extreme and sudden.

I have been on many levels of medication throughout the years including Eltroxin until its withdrawal in the seventies, later on Armour, when I was refused treatment on the NHS whilst on it. I am currently on 800 Thyroxine over 7days and am currently 'comfortable', if one can ever be so. I now experience the least number of hot flushes than ever.

I also have Vitiligo- since age 7 and Alopecia at age 18 with Alopecia Totalis at age 63 as well as compromised Adrenals for which I have a Short Synacthin Test annually.

My lifetimes experience as a patient within the field of Endochronology is not at all positive.

I can only say, stick it out, listen to your body, and manage your life as best YOU can.

Regards Isherwood

snowstorm profile image

I can't take levothyroxine any more as there are far too many side effects (36 to be precise) and sweating and flushing were two of them. Already had some menopausal S & F but the medication tripled the number and intensity. Discovered by accident that it was the levo meds causing most of that particular problem. The are very common side effects.

Teresagam profile image
Teresagam in reply to snowstorm

What medication are you taking now?

Mgtiger11 profile image

I break in to a sweat quite often, after a cup of tea, wearing a too warm jacket outside, wake up in a sweat, also after drinking wine, now I find I'm not spose to have soya milk, it used to help after the menopause, I never feel the cold, I spend my time avoiding wearing clothing which might be too warm, very confusing

tracy6 profile image
tracy6 in reply to Mgtiger11

I'm the exact same as u. Its so frustrating when I go somewhere I have to make sure I'm near air

Teresagam profile image
Teresagam in reply to Mgtiger11

This is the same as me what medication are you on and how much?

Blayneecakes profile image

Yesss! I sweat so easily all the time! Hot flushes or if I'm in my room getting ready I can't stop sweating I have to sit in front of a fan or cool down outside. Have you spoken to your doctor about it? it's very stressful - I don't if it's just me or my hypothyroid causing this? I'm underactive also, still waiting on my blood test results.

DizzyDormouse profile image
DizzyDormouse in reply to Blayneecakes

I'm exactly the same. I've never heard of anyone else having it until I came to this site and I came here because I have all the symptoms of hypothyroidism 

 My doctor has referred me but being in the UK, there are no appointments available at my local hospital so its wait and suffer my hair falling out, my gums so receded they have almost disappeared, awful muscle and joint pain and crushing exhaustion so bad that I've been in bed for 2 years. My short term memory has gone on holiday and I can't remember nouns to save my life.

My TSH  was 4.29 4 months ago but I suspect it's higher by now going by my symptoms. 

I've read that high doses of opiates can lower the TSH results also so I expect they were already high. 

tracy6 profile image

Its when I do the simplest things like put a wash in the machine that the sweat pours off me. All the rest of the time I'm roasted. I wear vest tops all year round people think I'm crazy

130396 profile image
130396 in reply to tracy6

Are you hypothyroid?

Are your levels optimal.

If I exert myself in the slightest I drip in sweat and then feel all weak and wobbly.

I've recently been put back on levo and now have so many weird symptoms.

Flushes, sweats. Chills, clammy sweats. Jelly legs. Numb arms and legs.

tracy6 profile image
tracy6 in reply to 130396

I honestly dont know which I am I just know its an under active thyroid. I too get weak and wobbly when I exert myself even a little. I know its partly because of my sheehans syndrome too but its so frustrating. Even tryin to do stuff with my kids takes so much outta me.

Teresagam profile image
Teresagam in reply to 130396

So it wasn't your medication causing the hot sweats all the time...I am having same and thought it could be the levothyroxine

PreciousB30 profile image

I am also on levothroxine 100mcg because I have an under active thyroid, I found out because every time I would fall asleep I would sweat (day, night, it didn't matter but only when I would fall asleep). The sweats are so bad that I've tried everything and it's so miserable because I can't fall back asleep from freezing from being soak and wet. I barely get any sleep and miserable. I've only been on levothroxine for about a lil over a week. My Dr says it should help with the sweats but it hasn't worked yet. Anyone else with the same problem? I'm 31 yrs old so it's not menopause. It's there anything out there for sleep sweats? Medication wise cause I've tried over the counter products and they are worthless. Any advice would help thanks.

OhioCatLady333 profile image
OhioCatLady333 in reply to PreciousB30

Yes I have same problem ! Wake up freezing to absolute death from soaking

sweats! II during the day I have many alternating phases of hot and sweating then cold again. It's driving me insane ! I am 45 and have not had blood work done yet. I found this site by googling broken thermostat LoL

mybabyboy profile image
mybabyboy in reply to PreciousB30

Hi #ohiocatlady I'm the very same wake up sweating I'm on 50mg of eltroxin. glands so sore also. whats happening.

ColinK profile image

Always been fairly fit until I got this, after 5 min of low level labour its like I jumped under a shower and after 20 min labour I'm flagging, cant even keep up with the girls on my team its embarrassing.

angelmp228 profile image

I was diagnosed with hypothyroid two months ago. I was confused because I thought I should be cold but instead I am always burning up. Not sweating at all as I am over dry. Very dry skin with no sweat but very hot. Anyone else?

Teresagam profile image
Teresagam in reply to angelmp228

Yes the least little excertion and I am sweating like anything.

lesNewpoo222 profile image


Hodgson1994 profile image

Hello, I am only newly diagnosed so this may not be helpful.

I am generally a freezing cold person especially when I am tired which is most of the time due to being underactive. Although since starting my meds I go ridiculously hot for a few minutes and then I will be shivery again. I am hoping it is just my body getting use to the meds.

activelazy profile image

Hi, I am new here. I was diagnosed with sub acute thyroiditis in December. My CRP was 30, my tsh was very low 0.019 and iodine uptake was low too. I was having temperature particularly at night time, bad shivering and then hot flushes and sweating. GP told me that I have hyper thyroidism. Then I also developed a goitre in my neck. The swelling and pain in neck are now gone. Doc told me that when inflammation subsides the gland usually returns to normal, if not I could fall in hypo and then need replacement Hormone for life.

My inflammation is now gone, took 4 months to subside. My tsh has now gone up to 6.5. Doc said as t3 and t4 are within range, the slightly higher tsh may return to normal in few weeks. So he advised to wait and did not prescribe any medication. My problem is my sweats. As soon as I go to bed, day or night, my head starts sweating; and my face. During the day or when I am not trying to sleep, I have sweaty feet mostt of the time. Originally, when problem started my whole body used to sweat at night. Now it's not whole body but still lot of head, face and feet sweating. No tremors at the minute.

I must admit that I am tired now. Want to sleep.

Hope to feel better soon. 😊

in reply to activelazy

How r u now, activel? 6.5tsh was way too high, r u being treated now?

activelazy profile image
activelazy in reply to


Thanks for asking. My tsh dropped to about 4 in April and then to between 1 and 2 in May. During this time I have had neuropathic pain. I have been given injections of B12. I was getting a lot better throughout May but then I had a sudden weakness in my arms in last week of May which went away slowly over a week. My neuropathy was also slowly fading.

My tsh last week was 4.27. The range in my report shows upper limit as 4.7 so GP said it's normal.

For the last 5 days I have been having the pains again and also the sudden weakness in my arms and legs. I can't lift my usual weight. Left arm is worse. It's a constant feeling of burden. I don't know what to do. Do you think an unstable thyroid could be responsible for this? I am extremely worried about this muscle weakness as I am unable to do basic things.

Thank you


in reply to activelazy

Could you put up a new post with all your latest results inc antibodies if u have them and symptoms. I think there will be general agreement that your gp is wrong... your thyroid is failing. Weakness and tingling are common hypo symptoms, I have both.

activelazy profile image
activelazy in reply to

And by the way, I am not on any treatment other than vit D and b12.

KathyJD profile image

Hi my name is Kathy and I too suffer with over heating with under active thyroid.  I thought it was the menopause as it comes and goes.  I also suffer with the cold also. No peace for the wicked lol.  I have fybromyalgia and think these hot and cold phases are to do with the condition and the medications so I just put up with it.  If this condition got severe though I'd be hammering on my GPs door. Good luck xx

annaheath profile image

Hi everyone, i am really suffering with hot sweats especially at night... been to the doc she wants me to go on hrt but i feel it may be a result of the medication i am on 250mg of levothyroxine. Its driving me bloody crazy i cant sleep more than 6 hours, continually knackered ... really low energy all the time any advice please ?

Yup, hot flushes, it's not the menopause, it's not the levo because I had them for years before the levo, it's the hypo.

hiphopgirl profile image

I'm 23 I live in Louisiana i have hypothyroidism I get hot flashes

Booksaver67 profile image

I also take Levothroxine 50mg and suffer from terrible sweats/cold spells. I found quite by accident that Gabapentin works. I was taking 1800mg a day of the Gabenpentin and did not suffer these hot spells at all, then I no longer needed the Gabapentin and within 10 days I was suffering terribly. I am 67 so it certainly is not hot flashes. I now take 300mg 3 times per day and the hot and cold spells are gone. Miss taking the Gabapentin by even a few hours and the symptoms return.

I do, in the past few months i'be been waking up soaked. I found quoted from Dr Wentz :

'That 90-95% of cases of hypothyroidism are caused by Hashimoto's, an autoimmune attack on the thyroid, and Hashimoto’s has a unique set of symptoms compared to non autoimmune hypothyroidism.

People with Hashimoto’s may experience BOTH hypothyroid and hyperthyroid symptoms because as the thyroid cells are destroyed, stored hormones are released into the circulation causing a toxic level of thyroid hormone in the body, also known as thyrotoxicosis or Hashitoxicosis.

Eventually, the stored thyroid may become depleted and due to thyroid cell damage, the person is no longer able to produce enough hormones. At this time, hypothyroidism develops. '

Thus, you can suffer symptoms of hyper as well as hypo. I also have vitiligo, which is an autoimmune disease and joint aches. Autoimmune starts with the gut. (I have had severe forms of food poisoning in the past). I cut out all the foods (although not allergic) such as gluten, soya, dairy and sugar. It helped and I was on top form until I met my partner who loves pasta and bread and so do I, so I've back tracked, put on weight, get night sweats and going into early menopause. I'm now really trying hard to get back on track again and have been looking at the foods I eat to heal the leaky gut. I did a mineral hair analysis to find out the minerals imbalance and have started to take the b vitamins. D with K2, selenium and magnesium in the best natural forms possible. I also got rid of my mercury fillings by a bio dentist. Did a few liver flushes and a parasite cleanse. I'm now looking into doing a candida cleanse. These are all things that can set your autoimmune into array. Hope this helps some of you. I'm still struggling, but I'm determined to heal myself 😊

E_lizab8 profile image

I have Hashimotos too and have made changes to my diet, I'm now gluten-free and have noticed that lowering carbs helps enourmously, especially almost cutting out the cereal carbs so I eat normal amount protein but have upped the good fats and try to only eat veggie carbs if I feel I must have something filling, though don't seem to get food cravings any more. I take 75 daily of thyroxine and D3,B1,B6,B12,vit C andevening primrose/starflower oil caps, multivit & mineral specially for immune system, also probiotics and feel so much better than before, lost the pain in upper arms and the migraines and am sleeping so much better,maybe would help others here, ah also lot a little weight without following slimming diet.

Aminanding2 profile image

I also take 50mg of Levothyroxine and I feel hot all the time. I'm going yo share here the information I got about it.

"Energy, Heat, and Metabolism

Rather than being too cold, many individuals with sluggish thyroid symptoms may even be hot. Remember, normal cell energy production is 65 percent energy and 35 percent heat. In classic low thyroid both numbers drop. However, if thyroid hormone is still signaling cells to go, but cells lack nutrients to properly make energy, then a person may make 50 percent energy and 50 percent heat. If the problem worsens a person could make 35 percent energy and 65 percent heat. Such a problem will present itself as low thyroid, but it is really a deficiency in energy-producing nutrients like coenzyme B vitamins, malic acid, Q10, magnesium, and antioxidants.*

A common reason for low thyroid symptoms with excess heat occurs in the overweight individual. In this case the body is trying to dispose of surplus fat calories by converting them to 100 percent heat. Even though cells are not making adequate energy or heat for proper metabolic purposes, the heat is coming from the desperate attempt of the body to get rid of fat so it doesn’t clog organs, cells, and arteries. Eating according to the Leptin Diet helps solve this problem"

TaraJR profile image
TaraJR in reply to Aminanding2

Hi Aminanding2 , can I please ask where you have read this information? It's very interesting and seems to sum me up really well!

hellybaybee profile image

Yep! I get this.... when I was at university (before I was diagnosed) I had a part time cleaning job in the morning... I'd leave at 5am in the middle of winter in my cardi and tshirt and it was only when someone pointed out that everyone else was wrapped up in coats and scarves that I realised it was odd

Humbug202202 profile image

Yes! It's the most embarrassing thing ever as it presents as facial/hairline sweating for me. I hate it. It did all start when my thyroid levels started messing up, but levo hasn't helped that issue though. Debating Botox to help it

I think that you may have an imbalance with your electrolytes and possibly low sodium in your blood. I have had the same symptoms and looked up dehydration and low sodium symptoms and they also fit these sweats. I think a lot of environments zap the fluid out of the body with chemicals that the body cannot replace quick enough. Also some time ago I ate out and had onset of symptoms straight away and have had them since. I personally think there is a trend going around with contaminated food and whatever they use is unbalancing the body and it cannot rebalance itself. You are left with the symptoms until you rehydrate the body with IV fluids in hospital with electrolytes properly. Also replacing the sodium that has been ripped out of the body with chemicals.

crissy1210 profile image

I cannot stand my hot sweaty bouts. When im at work, I feel so embarrassed, the sweat seems to come from the rootts of my hair all down my face and in my eyes it stings I have to rush to the toilet to get tissue. My whole body goes extremely hot my face goes beetroot and I feel like im going to explode, I hate this feeling, what can help me. Im on 125 microgram of thyroxine.

Ronnierenault profile image

Hi. I'm on 75mg levithyroxine and I'm really struggling at the moment. I'm still walking about in tee shirts and have no heating on and all the windows open. I'm not sleeping at the moment neither because the sweats keep waking me up. I have just recently had a blood test done and the doctor wants to see me but I'm not sure whether this is because I need a higher dose or lower. I've been on this now for about two and a half years. I'll let you know what he says when I see him next week. 😊

Millydilan profile image

I have just been diagnosed with under active thyroid,I'm 62 i also have really bad sweats and then cold and shivering,nights are the worst i am usually soaking,I have also put quite a lot of weight on over last few months,I was hoping there something else I could do or take instead of levethyroxin,but unabashed told its for life,I also get very tired,but can't sleep when I go to bed,But I can not off on an afternoon on the sofa,I have been told that once my dose is sorted out things will settle down,just don't like the weight gain,hope this helps 💕

Traceydg profile image

Hi, I’ve got an under active thyroid and I suffer with hot sweats. I feel hot most of the time, even when everyone around me is cold.

Kimilynn profile image

I take same amount as you for my hypoactive thyroid. I sometimes felt as though my head was going to burst into flames & I would have sweats when the heat would come over me. I was surprised to find my thyroid was hypo cause of the heat I always felt but my doc said sometimes it happens that way. Since taking my meds for past year my “heat” has really calmed down.

16051952 profile image

I get terribly hot! I take 125mg of Thyroxine and get so terribly hot it’s embarrassing. The sweat drips off my forehead and trickles down my face. I can’t wear any make up. I feel horribly fat and hot and I don’t like it much. And, considering I started taking the drug due to feeling exhausted, I feel very very tired on some days.

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