Does having diarrhoea for 3days make intake o... - Thyroid UK

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Does having diarrhoea for 3days make intake of thyroxine insufficient ?

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10 Replies
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10 Replies
Moggie profile image

Could well do yes - why do you ask.

Healthinform profile image

I am hypo and take 100 mg of thyroxine daily. Have food poisoning I think and today is the third day I have had diarrhoea. Am resting and keeping hydrated and just thinking about the thyroxine going straight through me and when to start worrying and get my self to see a Dr especially if it goes on for any more days.what do you think ?

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to Healthinform

Found this regarding children but I think its common sense that if you are not tolerating anything in your stomach then your thyroid medication will be efffected also.

During an episode of food poisoning, certain medicines that your child may be taking for other conditions, such as epilepsy, may not be as effective. This is because the diarrhoea and/or vomiting means that reduced amounts of the medicines are absorbed (taken up) into your child's body.

Best to phone your GP tomorrow to discuss this - I wouldn't recommend a trip to the GP's incase it is a bug.

Moggie x

Healthinform profile image
Healthinform in reply to Moggie

ThankYou so much for your prompt and helpful advice Moggie.

Sophia :-)

foxglove profile image

When I was on 50mcg levo I had diarrhoea for a few months . Went to gp eventually (always an admission of defeat) Had thyroid function tested and had gone hyper. Levo reduced to 25mcg and was fine. Diarrhoea stopped within a few days

Healthinform profile image
Healthinform in reply to foxglove

Thanks for your reply foxglove. Am hoping it doesn't go on for months! Think it could just be a bug or something I ate. I'll call the Drs if no change in next couple of days. I feel ok otherwise, no sweating, cramps headaches or anything am an active healthy living person generally who manages her hypothyroidism very well.

Thanks again

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Healthinform

I was just silly in not going to docs. sooner. Like you I managed the hypothyroidism well and was very active Incidentally I also learned to cope with the diarrhoea but you're sensible to call the docs. No need to put up with it!

foxglove profile image
foxglove in reply to Healthinform

Didn't explain myself very well . Pretty certain it was the levo. causing the prob. and the diarrhoea was my bodies' way of clearing it .. Sorry if this next bit too much info. - once I learned to cope in an odd way I felt sort of "cleansed"!!!

Florence-Ann profile image

HI there - just an update on my situation re the lactose free thyroid meds. Passed the info which Thyroid UK publishes to my GP (about the various types of medication available) and he has just telephoned to say he is prescribing me the T3 form of lactose free on the NHS and has passed the prescription on to our local pharmacist. Goodness knows what a small country town pharmacy will make of that one! I am about to ring him now. I only hope that this is something I can tolerate because I am not taking anything at the moment - strangely I feel better, for now at least but that is probably because all the awful side effects of the last one (Erfa) have subsided. Will keep all you who have the same intolerance updated in due course.

Healthinform profile image

Hi Florence Ann

Thanks for reply, did you have to battle to get this or by providing info did Dr agree? I so hope you feel better with the lactose free. Please Do let me know how you get on.

Thanks again

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