I feel better on a specific make of Levothyroxine but each month is filled with anxiety as to whether I will be able to get it with my nhs prescription... I find myself wondering if folk who need insulin are given different makes with each repeat prescription. I realise needing insulin is something that is needed urgently to prevent death, but with all the other issues that go along with hypothyroidism I really don’t think I am asking much to have the same manufacturer each month....
Getting prescription for specific make of Levo - Thyroid UK
Getting prescription for specific make of Levo

Do you have a paper prescription or is it sent electronically to the pharmacy?
If you have a paper prescription and you know which brand suits you best, then ring round pharmacies to see who can supply that brand and take it there.
I live where there is only one pharmacy. Years ago I used to have the old Goldshield Eltroxin named on my prescription. When it became unobtainable (it was withdrawn) then the Pharmacist asked me to see how I got on with Actavis. When I went back the next time and said I'd had no problems he then marked my record at the pharmacy that only that brand was to be dispensed so even though my prescription just says "Levothyroxine" I always have the same brand.
It's worth telling the pharmacist that you have problems with other brands and only Xxxx brand suits you and can he ensure that you only have that brand in future. If he can't give you that assurance and you can get to other pharmacies then find one who can.
I was collecting a paper prescription & found a pharmacy not too far away who was so obliging that I went back to electronic prescriptions but at last collection I was told they would not be able to guarantee preferred make and to do this the doctors needed to specify make on prescription and not just as a footnote.... I’m back to asking for paper prescriptions...and grumpy I need Levothyroxine for life and have to do this dance each month for life to get a make I feel better on.... dread to think what will happen when I am too old to drive (a lot of years ahead I hope)
oh to have a properly functioning thyroid!
You could ask your GP to specify your brand on the prescription, it's worth a try if you can convince them that other brands cause you problems.
If they can get away with just putting the generic name they will. I had this with my inhaler, as a cost cutting exercise they stopped prescribing a certain one and just put the generic name so everyone had the cheaper one. I reacted badly to it and asked for a trial back on the old brand, when my problem improved they eventually allowed me to have the old brand specified on the prescription again.
I will try again, but not hopeful.
I was wondering whether to ask for a private prescription for preferred make as a way to explain how strongly I believe I am better on it.
I have a slightly different problem in that there’s one brand I cannot tolerate, and was being repeatedly prescribed it. When I asked for alternative brands, I was initially fobbed off by pharmacy staff and indeed administrators at my surgery. In the end, I went to my GP and insisted my prescriptions noted that I could not tolerate the brand in question. It’s shocking that we have sometimes to really assert ourselves in order to get what we need, but it’s well worth persevering.
Ask your GP to specify the make of Levo on your prescription. I did this a couple of years ago for something else and now I always request and get my preferred make.

There can be problems in getting specific branding on your prescription.
1) If the branding changes - such as is happening right now with Actavis being rebranded Accord;
2) If the formulation you want is available under different brandings - such as Accord being available as Accord, Northstar and Almus. Not so good if your pharmacy doesn't recognise this;
3) If your prescription was written as an own label brand (currently Almus and Northstar) and the actual product gets switched;
4) If there are shortages when you might be willing to accept an alternative, the pharmacy might not be willing to dispense;
5) If a new product is launched, or your chosen product is withdrawn.
These can all be overcome, at least to some extent, but possibly not ideal.
However, some people have managed to get prescriptions written as they wish so it isn't always going to be bad.
Thanks - Mercury Pharma is my preferred make the pharmacist says it’s like marmite love it or hate it.
How can I find out who else has the same formulation?
I yellow carded Teva as it causes me itching.
Mercury Pharma levothyroxine is identical to Mercury Pharma Eltroxin.
No-one else has the same formulation.
UK Levothyroxine Tablets
Last updated 05/02/2020.
This is a list of currently marketed levothyroxine tablets in the UK.
🔹 Accord – formerly Actavis (manufacturer)
🔸 Almus (brand owned by Walgreen Boots Alliance – Boots and Alliance distributor)
50 – This is repackaged Accord – formerly Actavis.
100 – This is repackaged Accord – formerly Actavis.
🔹 Mercury Pharma (manufacturer – part of Advanz) includes both “Levothyroxine” and “Eltroxin” which are identical.
🔹 Teva (manufacturer)
🔸 Northstar (brand owned by McKesson – Lloyds pharmacy and AAH distributor)
25 – This is repackaged Teva. ❗
50 – This is repackaged Accord - formerly Actavis. ❗
100 – This is repackaged Accord - formerly Actavis. ❗
🔹 Wockhardt (manufacturer)
🔹 – identifies manufacturers.
🔸 – identifies repackaged products.
❗ – Take particular note of the actual product which varies by dosage.
Numbers refer to tablet dosages in micrograms.
I presently have a problem with my Pharmacy and I have a named prescription. I use Mercury in 3 strengths and have had problems getting it this month. I did a bit of research and found that the Actavis products have the same excipients as Mercury, so just for now I have an Actavis product. I shall have to wait to see if there are any changes within. Someone posted earlier that Actavis is changing to Accord, if that's the case I would suggest checking excipients before using their product. You can find the list of ingredients on line just Google SMPC for Levothyroxine, its usually in section 6.1
Like many, Teva makes me queezie, so I really don't want that.
I explained this to my GP who asked how I wanted to handle it. My solution was to have my script appended, " Please do not dispense Teva".
Around the same time, I changed pharmacies, for reasons I will spare you, but when first engaging with the current one, I made a point of collecting my script at a non-peak time and asked to speak with the pharmacists and explained.
She was very relaxed about the whole thing, and I've never had an issue since. I've actually only ever been dispenses Mercury Pharma since then.
An engaging pharmacist is worth their weight in gold, in my view.
Many years ago I asked my GP to name my brand and it worked very well but always follow it us and check that the pharmacy have also added it to the notes they keep of you and to doubly check that before you leave the pharmacy the right brand has been given.
Fast forward 30 years! On reaching home I found I had a different brand so I took it straight back. I wasn’t nasty about it and didn’t go in all guns blazing but just handed them the package and said they hadn’t given me my usual brand, was there a problem?
She was immediately climbing on her high horse and barked at me, well do we know this, is it in your notes! So I quietly said I thought it should be and may have added in the length of time I’d been taking it! So she looked on my file and then called over a young girl who I’d never seen before to look at mike file and pointed something out with actually saying anything. Then went ive to where Levo was stocked and gave me my usual brand but never did a word. An apology would have been nice but miracles take longer but I thought this poor girl was going to be in trouble! Apart from anything else I thought the pharmacist was supposed to check before anything went out!
Apart from anything else I thought the pharmacist was supposed to check before anything went out!
Not sure if checking individual notes of patients is part of the standard checklist of this to do?
Obviously, there is no point in having such notes unless they are read but I can imagine it being something that varies from pharmacy to pharmacy.
May be so but I can only comment on my pharmacy though I felt so sorry for the young girl who was called over to be shown where it said which medication I have. In the last few years I’ve been added to the delivery service! I had a badly broken arm so couldn’t drive for 4 months so I had to take two buses to get to the pharmacy so the time it took to do this then get back home was almost a four hour trip which when you aren’t feeling well feels even longer. That’s when they put me on the delivery list and then wouldn’t let me stop!
I used to have the old Goldshield Eltroxin named on my prescription years ago. When it was no longer produced the pharmacist asked me to try Actavis and let him know how I got on with it. I reported back that it was fine so he marked my record at the pharmacy that Actavis was always to be dispensed.
My prescription just says "Levothyroxine" but the printed pharmacy label that goes on the box of tablets, where they print your name and put "Take one tablet in the morning", actually also has (ACTAVIS) printed on it too. So my pharmacy doesn't need to look at my record every time, it's already on the label when they print it.
However, when I pick up my bag of goodies I still open it and check the contents while I'm still at the counter just to make sure!
I can't advise on the whole requesting a brand part, but I get my prescriptions delivered for free using the My GP app which links to Echo Pharmacy. Might help you in the future with your concerns about being able to get to the pharmacy, presumably if your GP writes your preferred brand on the electronic prescription they should give you that one but no idea if that would actually work. Also maybe you can ask you GP for more than a months worth of pills so you don't have to go through this so regularly.
Thanks our local boots deliver but unless make is specified you get what your given & they may even try to sneak in the make that I yellow carded... I should have another 20 plus years before I need delivery. Just tired of the same struggle each month for a make that suits me.
I hadn't thought about asking for more than prescribed. I shall check in to that, it would save so much messing about each month. Thanks
Thank you and I totally agree, I take life saving meds daily & they always change the brands depending on which is the cheapest. Problem is the no generic ones have more fillers which I can't tolerate. It really is pot luck when you are chronically ill these days. I hope your pharmacy can work this out for you
Hi, I have had the same problem and feelings of stress as you have so know how you feel. When I was at the doctors recently for something else I did ask the GP if she could put it on my records that I can't have Teva as it makes me ill. She said yes no problem and result! when I went for my recent prescription from the pharmacy it now says not to give me Teva as it makes patient ill. I got my preferred brand Activis/Accord for 100's and 50's and Wokhardt for 25's. I will still check before I leave the Pharmacy what they have given me though just in case they try to sneak in Teva!!
Like you I am also tired of the dance. I prefer MP and have been taking it exclusively for 3 years. I tried various pharmacies but MP was never in stock and I found boots could help. They wrote it on my file but despite that it was correctly prepared for me only once and each other time there was Actavis in the bag and I had to come back in a few days for them to get MP for me. Over a year ago they started ordering tubs instead of blister packs and on occasions they only had one of the two strengths I needed. I asked my GP to add “MP or Eltroxin brand” to my e-prescription but I found next time I collected from boots they still gave me Actavis. When I questioned it they said they’re not restricted to giving only the brand asked for on the prescription.
This was the last time I used boots and I tried the local pharmacy I tried years ago and they have got it for me the last few months. I spoke to the pharmacist about the challenge of getting the same brand and she explained that the availability of brands depends on what the wholesalers stock at a given time as they do deals with their suppliers. My gp helpfully issued an extra prescription so I’ve an overlap of a few weeks, hopefully enough to hunt down MP before I ever run out!
I too found local Boots unhelpful. The chemist I now use are really helpful but if they are out of MP it’s difficult for them to make a specific order.
In the U.S., if the doctor writes "Daw" on the prescription, the pharmacy must "Dispense as written."
I too found local Boots unhelpful. The chemist I now use are really helpful but if they are out of MP it’s difficult
I myself can only tolerate a certain brand of levothyroxine. In my case the brand is activis . Others make me feel sick. It has been a hard time explaining to the pharmacist, as they are carefull of costs, but I will not tolerate and cannot take any other brand. They now understand that and accomodate my needs. The point is , we are all have different tolerances, that need to be recognised. Best of luck.
Thank you so much for making me aware of that. I will watch out for any changes. It's all so confusing at times. Really feel tired of it all, just trying to live a normal life and to be able to trust the experts. Hope you find your answers. Take care.
No problem, it’s tough keeping ahead of changes & helping doctors to think holistically. I had a pleasant phone call from surgery saying they were not allowed to specify generic make. I asked where that directive came from & pointed out that there was no other make with exact formula & if I received a different make i would require blood testing & that wasn’t very cost effective and then asked about extenuating circumstances (I sounded like I knew what I was saying) she said she would look into it & get back to me....I’m now doing a happy dance as I have just collected the paper prescription and it specifies MP for the Levo and not as a footnote... now to see if this will continue for future months. Hope you continue to get what works for you & have a pharmacist who will engage in accurate information. xx
Edited for spelling by auto correct!
No wonder your name is "stilleverhopeful" you are an inspiration. Best of luck with every thing you do.
You are an inspiration , truly. Stay positive. We need you.
Can't u tell them that's the only brand you can take?