Ok, what contraception is best when your hypothyroid?? I'm going to family planning Tuesday but I know if I ask them what's best they prob won't have a clue! Any info would be great thank you
Contraception : Ok, what contraception is best... - Thyroid UK

Ive had the implant for the past 18 years no problems with it at all
I had implant 3 years ago and I spotted/bleed for 6 months had to have it taken out.
Yes ive heard this happens quite alot I was obviously one of the lucky ones xx
I was on the depo before having my lil one so dr thought the implant would be fine but I guess having a baby changes thing in your body.
Could you try the depo again? Just because it is the same basic hormone as the implant doesn't mean you will be ok with the implant just because you were with the depo. You would possibly be getting different doses of slightly different forms of progesterone and sometimes this can have different effects. It might be worth trying the depo again if you can't find anything else that suits you.
I think it's quite an individual thing but many people are oestrogen dominant and find that anything containing oestrogen can make them feel bad. If I take anything with oestrogen I get high blood pressure and feel like jumping off a tall building! I was happiest with progesterone only pill. You can now get a slow release version if you're not great at sticking to the 3 hour window for taking it regularly.
It is very important if you take anything with oestrogen that you don't take it anywhere near the time you take your thyroid medication as oestrogen binds with thyroid hormones so they can't be used.
Sorry I couldn't be more help.
Carolyn x
I suffer really badly with pms, and I'm like it for 2 weeks (poor hubby and daughter) I was thinking of a coil, drs r getting fussy with pills as I'm a smoker. Just another kind field!
You may find you are oestrogen dominant if you get really bad PMS so it might be a good idea to get a sex hormone test first. While you're at it, it would be wise to get serum iron, ferritin, folate, vitamin b12 and Vitamin D checked too. If it turns out you are oestrogen dominant you would want to be on a progesterone only contraceptive if you wanted a hormone based one of any kind. It is likely to be the only one your doctor would prescribe if you smoke. I found progesterone helped to an extent but some people find they only see improvement with bio-identical progesterone.
If your thyroid and vitamins and minerals are not optimal, this could contribute to hormone imbalances so it's worth being checked out.
I have no experience of the coil but there are the copper type and one with progesterone.
Carolyn x
I had full blood count 2 months ago but I haven't got the print out yet, dr said it was fine.
I also had one in March b12 297ng/L dr said fine - folate 12.8ug/L and ferritin 52ug/L
I'm pretty new to all this so don't know if this good or bad results
Folate is good but ferritin could be higher. 70 - 90 is really what you should be aiming for.
Your B12 is much too low, even though it is in range. The UK range is far too low. The minimum in Japan, for example, if more than 400 and many exports believe it should be above 500. You would probably benefit from taking an over the counter iron supplement and a high dose B12 supplement in the form methylcobalamin. I take 1000mcg daily as a maintenance dose but needed to take 5000mcg initially. It made quite a difference to how I was feeling. You might want to take a b complex too because the b vitamins work together.
I hope that helps.
Carolyn x
Is there anything to up the ferritin?
hi..my thyroid was affecting my periods so my doc put me on the pill and that has been fine for last 3yrs
Hi, I have a copper coil which I like because it has no hormones to interfere with anything and I don't have to think about it. Getting it put in wasn't the most fun I'll admit, but worth it. Also it's meant to be easier when you've had a baby already. You could also look into the mirena coil which has progesterone (low dose) so might help with pms though can cause spotting.
I recommend natural family planning have taught for 30yrs & used my productive life.All hormones especially oestrogen feed cancer.Of course drug companies will never admit this but World health will.
anything hormonal makes me completely crazy!! i found out the hard way with extreme mood swings but that was before i was diagnosed hypo.
We are trying to concieve at the mo anyway, but hopefully after our next baby the hubby might go for a little operation.....lol xx
I have just been give the go ahead and have had an appointment for an implant i just wondered if anyone with moodyness pms had notice they were less moody with an implant. I am quite a challenge the week before i come on and so is my teenage daughter and of course we are synchronised so one week in four is quite a chore in our house.