when then said my thyroid anti bodies were positive but levels fine so did nothing,3 months later I had TED - these results mean nothing to me, and I've got 5 pages of them so I've posted what I think is relevant and would be interested in anyones thoughts!
serum TSH level - 3.04mu/L(0.35 -3.5)
serum free T4 level - 13 pmo/L (8.0 - 21.0)
thyroid peroxidaseantibody level - above range- 42.3 ku/L(0.0- 34.0) above high reference
Serum B12 level- 440ng/L(130.0 -1100.0)
serum folate level - 2.9ug/L (2.7 - 15.0)
if there are any others you need please shout, thanks, Linda