hi all 2 days back i had thyroid function test done as i was complaining of brain fog, brittle hair, lack of concentration etc and my result came as
TSH 10.5 (0.3-4.5)
FT4 17.5 (12-22)
FT3 4.5 (3.9-6.9)
doc prescribed levothroxine 50mg and calcium and vitamin D supplement. i have some doubts, will this drugs reverse my symptoms like hair loss and memory fog? he asked me to take this tablet on an empty stomach before breakfast but i have a habit of drinking 4-5 glasses of water right after i get up from bed so now i take this medicine after that, does this minimize the benefit of levothyroxine tablet? iam also taking propranolol for migraine but i forgot to tell that to my doc, does this have any impact on my thyroid function test? please someone give me an advice on this.