I take 125 levothyroxcine every day and my results of tsh came back 0.4 but im always feeling poorly my mum says im over medicated?
Help doctors say im on right amount of meds - Thyroid UK
Help doctors say im on right amount of meds

I am diagnosed with a under active thyriod
...if you are feeling unwell it may be worth asking for other tests to be done. FT4 FT3 and Anti-TPO. When you have the results post them here again with the ranges. Maybe you are not converting T4 into the Active T3 - or could it be Hashimotos - Auto-immune Thyroiditis. All these things should be clarified.
Also the following should be tested and need to be at the top of their ranges B12 Ferritin Folates Iron vitD - everything goes downhill when these are low.
How long have you been on T4 - are you taking it away from food/milk ? - at least an hour. How is your gut health ? Any allergies/sensitivities ?
Will look out for your next post....
Hi thanks for reply I've been on it a year last june i have a goitre but was scanned n had nodules but not cancer i suffer with a lot of sinus n throat infections i also suffer with eczema inside my ear canals. I take levo with food in morning
Ive had iron test back in july n was fine but due to being tired i now take a multi vitamin with extra iron init so if body should need it will absorb it
They check me for diabetes yearly n I'm ok, also done gluten wheat n dairy over a year ago n said was fine
...you really need ranges of your results. Your Doc may say fine to you - and you are not fine - so do ask for the results and ranges and post them here. You are entitled to your results - and it is important you keep your own records to monitor your progress. No-one will look after YOU like YOU. If they have checked all the things you mention then ask them to test the items I have suggested.
Taking levo with food is NOT a good idea - it should be taken at least an hour away from food including milk. Maybe this is why you feel unwell....you are not getting enough T4 into your system. I think you need to make plan and follow through on tests/results/plan of action. Hope you soon feel better....
Well ive been n told my tsh of 0.4 is ok as range is 0.35 to 4.5 but she has found ive got terrible ear infection in inside ear canals and behind ear drum in each yeah along with sinus playing up so ot drops n big anti biotics to take maybe ill change way take my levo too like u said