Hello everyone.
As HealthUnlocked becomes bigger and with more members and as Thyroid UK forum on HealthUnlocked also becomes bigger, unfortunately so do the 'chances' of 'spammers'/'ill intentioned individuals' joining and/or coming through.
This forum (Thyroid UK) is on the HealthUnlocked 'platform', as such it means that if someone 'joins HealthUnlocked' they can send a Private Message to any other member on the HealthUnlocked platforms.
Most members are genuine and come here to read and or post, however occasionally the 'wrongly intentioned person' will come through.
If you ever receive a private message which makes you feel 'uneasy' or you are not 'sure about' or is just obviously an unsolicited/spam message then please do NOT hesitate to report it to our Admin team or the HealthUnlocked team.
We will support you and help you through it.
If you are concerned or worried about a post on the forum then please click the 'Report' link at the bottom of the post you are concerned about.
If you are concerned about a 'private message' (something coming personally to you via your private inbox on the forum) then please click on the 'Help' link on the green bar at the top of the screen, then a new window will appear and you can follow the link to email the HealthUnlocked team. If you want to alert the Thyroid UK Admin team as well and/or get their additional help please feel free to private message one of us and we will support you.
To 'locate' who the ADMIN Team members are go to this thread:
Also please try to include ALL the Admin team members in a private message as if you message only one Admin that one person may not be online for a few hours/days, we have many Admins to try and cover all days/hours, or as much as we can anyway
We want all our members to feel safe and protected so please do report anything that you are not sure about.
There has been a few incidents across the HealthUnlocked forums recently and the HealthUnlocked team are taking steps by banning those people who have posted the inappropriate posts/private messages.
Thank you