Cancer? I have just had a routine CT on my thyr... - Thyroid UK

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Cancer? I have just had a routine CT on my thyroid pre surgery & they have found multiple small (less 1cm) nodules in lungs..

Wiggy29 profile image
13 Replies

As far as I'm aware I have Graves' disease (no thyroid nodules seen) I've had a partial thyroidectomy 15 yrs ago and about to have the rest removed after a relapse. So now I spotted on my notes about these multiple nodules in lungs of no clinical relevence. GP has said to forget them they are common and they aren't even asking to monitor them. But I know thyroid cancer can spread to the lungs so how can I be sure these aren't thyroid cancer? I am an absolute mess worrying about this. I have a baby about to turn one this week and I am convinced ill be dead by her next birthday. That's how low I feel.

My gp & consultant have both said they are of no relevence but to me they are?!

Anyone experienced similar?

And I don't want to be flippant to cancer sufferers so I really hope I don't cause offence when I've been told they are not important. But is thyroid cancer possible without thyroid nodules?

My graves returned after my baby, massively hyper, levels normal within weeks and no symptoms other than large goitre, rapid heart & weight loss. All resolved within weeks.

I know it's shocking because I've been there before when I had to wait yrs for op but I'm about to ask them to leave me on meds for a while because I'm still bf'ing and responding so well. I'm not ready to leave my baby and have op. am I being crazy? I've been given 50/50 odd's of permanent vocal damage. I still sleep in bed with baby, breastfeeding & we are inseparable. I'm just not ready and consultant says he's happy to medicate for 2yrs but I should have the op.

Any thoughts on any of this would be amazing. Honest opinions welcome. Much love people. X

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Wiggy29 profile image
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13 Replies
Moggie profile image

I feel for you as I know how worried you must be - I no nothing whatsoever about cancer but I do know that it would be showing up in blood results, which I assume you have had. Why dont you ask your doctor or consultant to explain fully what these nodules in your lungs are, how they got there and what, if any, problems that could cause both short and long term. If you dont understand their answer then ask them to be more specific.

You could always ask the Macmillan cancer charity for advise on 0808 808 0000, I'm sure they will be able to reasure you.

I can totally understand you not wanting to leave your baby at such a young age but you have to realise that baby needs a health mum. If it was me I would be asking my GP to refer me to another consultant for a second opinion.

I know I haven't been much help but wanted to answer you.

Moggie x

Wiggy29 profile image
Wiggy29 in reply to Moggie

Thank you Moggie, you have been a great help. I've replied at the end. I'm going to call the number because I think I need to let some feelings out if that makes sense?! X

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Wiggy29

I am sorry you are so worried. It would have been good if your fears had been eased by the medical profession but I suppose because they see patients who often have the same type of nodules they don't understand how frightened one can be if things aren't fully explained.

Our minds tend to run riot and especially with thinking of your baby (lovely picture of both of you) the worry is enhanced even more.

I hope you feel better soon.

Best wishes

Wiggy29 profile image
Wiggy29 in reply to shaws

Thank you I really appreciate that! It's true, I feel an enormous amount of anxiety now I really have something to lose. Fingers crossed I get some answers next week. Thanks again x

sorrel89 profile image

You must be so worried. As Moggy says you need to get complete clarification on your diagnosis. Thyroid disease can be very complex and can interchange. Although you may have symptoms of Graves, this can also be Hashimoto's in disguise so you need utmost clarification and details of full blood test results including FT4,FT3, TSH, TPO's Thyroglobulins as well as full iron panel and trace elements. You mention multiple nodes in the lungs and the GP and consultant is not worried with no clinical reference...was this found through an xray, MRI or PET scan? You also mention your relapse .....I am no Doctor, but from what I have read before any lung metastatis occurs there are usually other signs of metastatic lumps in the cervical chain of the neck with medullary and anaplastic, follicular and papillary thyroid cancer.... You need to find out as much as you can about your thyroid status and the choices available to you....I would suggest also that you need to get confirmed answers from a medic asap....take care and enjoy this special time with your baby!!

Wiggy29 profile image
Wiggy29 in reply to sorrel89

Thank you! I rang my gp yesterday and asked for further testing (I told them what you mentioned. My endo has completely rubbished doing these tests and said I shouldn't be on these sites!. He said he has referred me for surgery, I'm in normal range so unless I want to opt for RAI instead I'm off his books! I took my partner last time & he was shocked by how dismissive he is.

It's a CT scan I had of my head, neck & chest x I replied further at the end if you have a spare hour ;)

vajra profile image

I've no expertise other than having been through the experience W (i had a TT for a cancer in 2005) but +1 on seeking better information as above. Then hopefully you'll be able to park the topic.

On a positive note. It's never possible to rule out error, and generalisations are not much help - but it seems unlikely that a doctor would dismiss the risk in a situation like this without a high level of certainty...


Wiggy29 profile image
Wiggy29 in reply to vajra

Thank you Ian this has given me comfort! I researched the surgeon and he specialises in thyroid cancer so I have to assume to wouldn't risk leaving it too long x

Nathalie70 profile image

I would go private to have a proper advice.

Wiggy29 profile image
Wiggy29 in reply to Nathalie70

Thanks Nathalie. I'm hoping to but it's £5000 that we don't have but we will find it if we have to x

Wiggy29 profile image

Thank you all so much for the replies.

I met with the surgeon Monday. As soon as I walked in he said we're delaying your op for 6 months. So I thought great, no cancer then!

But when I asked him about the nodules on my lungs he left the room to look at CT images & said he will call a meeting with the radiographer to discuss it next Monday (should he not have viewed them before?!). If they can't rule out thyroid cancer spreading to my lungs they will CT again in 3 months.

3 months of hell wondering if ill see my baby grow up!

I keep having to leave the room so she doesn't see my crying & I've barely eaten since. My partner is convinced my thyroid is making me overreact and he may be right but I have no confidence in this wait and see approach to cancer. Especially as I assume it spreads at an advanced stage?

I've made some enquiries into seeing the same surgeon as a private patient. We need to find just under £5k.

Which at the moment I think we may have to do. It means us not buying our house like we planned and I'm devastated about that too. What I'm saying is I wish it didn't have to be this way and I resent having to put us in debt for this.

I'm wondering if I go private if they routinely send the gland for biopsy? If not I still won't know for sure about the lungs?

Sorry for the long reply but I'm feeling very isolated and alone. It's my daughters first birthday tomorrow so that's a positive. We can't wait, she is an absolute monkey but the kindest baby I've met (Im a little biased ;) x

Moggie profile image
Moggie in reply to Wiggy29

My heart goes out to you and please post on here if you feel the need, we will all be here for you.

Wishing you all the very, very best and keep us updated wont you.

God Bless

Moggie x

Hi, I'm sorry I can't be of much help as I don't have any knowledge on your particular problem.

Have you tried contacting these people who might have more specialist information for you?

I hope you soon get some helpful information - please do keep in touch.

Jane x

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