ive been getting them these past few days nearly all day which are worse if i am running around or bending down. could my thyroid or meds be causing this?
im on levo 25mcg for 3mths nw as my thyroid was... - Thyroid UK
im on levo 25mcg for 3mths nw as my thyroid was a little low. i got my bloods done a week ago and are now normal but ive palpitations

...what is a - little low - ? .....and what is normal ? We really need your results and ranges. 25mcg - as you probably know from reading other posts here - is just a starter dose and should have been raised weeks ago. This could be causing the problem. It is important that GP's also consider clinical signs and symptoms and not just the blood test.
I started on a quarter of a 25 mcg levo and it was raised slowly slowly to avoid that sort of problem. If your thyroid is only a 'little low' you would need new tests to see whether you should raise the dose or lower it even.
Hi You need specifically at last tSH, T4 and Free T3 doing, A lot of GP`s now only do TSH, cost, not enough. Always ask for a print out with ranges ( vary) to access and keep yourself. I the 3 tests are not done if possible pay on line for them it is down to GP`s costs.
If nothing obvious thyroid disease can bring the onset of of Atrial Fibrillation ( A<F), the simple way to know is to do heart rate ( pulse), must be manually, 3 time a day to include when beat odd. , it will noticeably swing if a problem at that time only. Chart if think something wrong take to GP and ask for a home monitor 24 hour or better 7 day to measure heart rate is very common but does need some treatment. A normal ECG is unlikely to show it except with a lot of luck.
Best wishes,
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...actually your FT4 seems low based on the ranges here - but you do not mention the ranges - so difficult to comment. Both too little T4 and too much T4 can cause heart flutters. What are your FT3 levels ? The heart is a muscle and needs T3 to keep the beat even. Lots of new research points towards low T3 being the cause of so many problems - and still they refuse to test it ! Glad I live in Crete in spite of all the horrendous taxes being dumped on us all.....you can't have it all :-)....at least I can have whatever test I want....some NHS and some private....but affordable....
Low iron could mean you are not tolerating the T4 too well. Getting serum iron and ferritin tests would help to know if this is the case. If you manage to get these done, post the results so we can see if iron might be part of the problem