ive been vomiting all day its stopped now but i dont know wether to take it tonight. what do you all think.
im on 25mcg levo and i didnt take it last night... - Thyroid UK
im on 25mcg levo and i didnt take it last night as i was feeling soo sick would i be ok to skip it again?

If you have stopped vomiting I would take it. It will usually not have an effect on your stomach even if you are sensitive.
you poor thing - but Xmas is only another day, so hope you will feel better soon...
I looked back at your posts a bit and think this has gone on awhile - perhaps you should look to other things causing dizziness, nausea etc. and why Levo can't help you yet....perhaps it needs some help -
please consider low irons folate, ferritin, B12, Vit D for starters - unfortunately GPs don't give these the importance they deserve, similar symptoms and also stomach issues can't be ignored. Please get these tested too and post here for fellow sufferers to help you, perhaps we can help if you let us... there are a lot of factors in the mix to feeling well again J x

do you think my thyroid might be the cause of my dizziness?? my levels are now normal though x
Are you sure?
Very few people really stay on 25mcg long-term. It is most often the first dose and people are likely to require an increase after a while (often reviewed after 6 to 8 weeks).
Do you have any of your actual test results? If so, please consider posting them (include reference ranges). If not, consider asking for copies from your GP surgery. Then post them!
well I'm supposedly 'normal' too (last TSH 4.57) no I'm not! (and nothing diagnosed or prescribed either although I only have half a struggling thyroid) so...
I've sorted my low Vit D and looking at B12 - this and low iron (in my very humble non-medical opinion) can cause dizziness - OK it could be lots of things but we have to start somewhere..
Have you had these tested? Please do.. then we have some idea of how to help you.
If you're dizzy temporarily it can be all sorts, maybe an simple ear infection - but if it continues it may not be, and the likelihood is there is something missing like B12 - I'm reluctant to ask but do you eat regularly? (tricky when feeling sick I know) and meat, 'cos if you have a veggie diet you need to supplement this.
(btw you are the same age as my youngest daughter and I know she's too busy to eat properly!
I'm not saying this is true for you, but I realise life just gets in the way of looking after yourself - took me awhile to feel the effects, and now I do...) J x
you've been on that low dose for 6 months? have you been tested since?

yes i was tested mid september. can stress cause thyroid function to play up a bit?

my diet could be better but im a good eater. ive started to drink more fluids than before. i didnt have the typical hypo symptoms and ive lost so much weight im only 7 stone i lost nearly 2 stone when the dizziness started and havent been able to put it back on.
Some have a sensitivity to the binders/fillers in some levo - could you try another from a different source.
Before I was diagnosed I had extreme nausea so maybe 25mcg is too low for you.
Get a print-out of your last thyroid gland blood tests and post them with the ranges. Your GP may unwittingly keeping you 'within range' which isn't good at all. A low dose can cause additional problems with our metabolism.

Nausea and dizziness are symptoms of adrenal problems - usually low cortisol. I still get that in the morning if I overdo things, even though I am much better than I used to be. Might be worth looking at things to help adrenal function as well the things spareribs mentions.
The NHS only recognize really severe adrenal problems (Addisons and Cushings), so unless you are really bad, they won't treat. However you can get a cortisol test and/or short synacthen test if you can persuade your GP. Otherwise Genova do a saliva test (but the NHS won't do anything as a result of it).
this may help , my lady had the same thing when she first started carbimozole & levothyroxine [ throwing up -dizziness etc ] and our gp prescribed omeprazole & cyclazine [ combined ] and within 2 days it cleared that problem up ...... both help the stomach .....alan xx
well since being put on thyroid meds my levels have gone back to normal. i will ask my dr to check them bloods your mentioned thankyou.
Are you aware of where you are losing weight?
Loss of muscle mass is not uncommon in hypothyroidism. Some people don't notice this because they put on weight in the form of retained water/swelling and possibly some added fat - which can mask the loss of muscle mass.
Are you eating well despite feeling bad? Or are you not eating well?