I have a strong family history of hypothyroidis... - Thyroid UK

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I have a strong family history of hypothyroidism, have all the symptoms but gp says my bloods are normal

Wornoutwoman profile image
10 Replies

My mother and aunts have the condition they are convinced i am the same, Being treated for fibromyalgia, not convinced this is the case, newest thing is a swollen scalloped tongue

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Wornoutwoman profile image
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10 Replies
marram profile image

swollen scalloped tongue is an almost textbook sign of hypothyroidism. What are the actual results which the GP says are normal?

Wornoutwoman profile image
Wornoutwoman in reply to marram

Will be making an appointment tomorrow to have bloods re tested as its been a few months since they were done, ive never had a copy before but will ask for it this time. I cant control my weight either and am feeling exhusted, so pleased to have found this site, its encouraging to read everyones stories

Jackie profile image

Hi This is so common. Ask for a print out with ranges of your blood tests. Should be TSH, T4 and Free T3. I suspect only TSH was done. If so, and GP will not, then you can get the 3 done together on lie.Finger prick easy on Blue Horizon, main site, well known Lab. Quote TUK 10 for a discount, venous blood if you prefer but do not go through a private hospital even with them costs £60-£70 If off, take to GP for treatment. In any case if so called normal, you need a retest in 6 months, TSH on its own is fairly useless.

Like so many of us, you have to be very well informed and battle!

Not sure if you know, to refer to a specific post click on reply immediately under that post.

Best wishes,


Sugarplumb profile image

I have to say I have fibro and that shows all sorts of problems including fatigue ect

PinkNinja profile image

You may well have fibromyalgia but it is often triggered by hypothyroidism, even mild or subclinical. On the other hand your symptoms could be those of hypothyroidism itself and may resolve once your thyroid is treated.

If you can get hold of your blood test results we may be able to help. In this country they often don't treat until TSH is 10. The top of the range is usually around 5 so I really don't know why they wait until it gets to 10 and you are on your knees with fatigue and pain and other symptoms. In some other countries, they treat when TSH gets to 3 if you have symptoms, which seems far more sensible.

Having a strong family history does suggest that your thyroid may be the problem.

I hope you manage to get this sorted out soon.

Carolyn x

lisabax profile image

I would just add to what others have said that it is not right to treat someone according to their blood test results alone, symptoms should be taken into account, and with a strong family history they should listen to you! As others have said, do ask for your actual results on a print out. I was in the same situation as you suffering symptoms for years presumably waiting until the TSH level reached the magic number 10 before I was treated. So I do have some empathy. It was only on discovering this site that I learned what to ask for and wish I'd known before!

o_kella_uk profile image

Your story sounds like a mirror of mine. Mum and dad both have hypo. Diagnosed fibro. Given painkillers and sent on my way. I got a private test through blue horizon and despite a ridiculous antibodies level and tsh of 6.7my doc still refused to hhelp so I got a private appointment with Dr Skinner in Birmingham. Now being treated with levo. X

Wornoutwoman profile image

A great big thanks to everyone for your help, all these numbers and terms confuse me, last time when bloods were normal, i had the ordacity to suggest that bloods might not confirm a diagnosis by themselves, doctor nearly ate me. So feel like im acting like a hipochondriac as far as he is concerned, my mother is so p----d off she swears i have it, she has been on levo for about forty yrars now so is quite an expert although the numbers go against me. Thanks for the mention of private testing, ill look into it, would do anything now as my health is going down hill pretty fast now. Please continue to share anything you can, the FM is only treated by pain killers and low dose antidepressants but dont do anything for the symptoms i have, big hugs for now

Lynsey83 profile image

I hate to say it but so many of us end up left feeling like hypochondriacs because our bloods come back as normal and that feels like the doctor's saying 'well you're fine, so just get on with it'. It's really hard when you feel completely rubbish but the doctors can't explain why. I've got hyperthyroidism and I had to go to 3 doctors before I got my referral to endocrinology despite having suffered hyper before as my thyroid levels were only a little over and I kept being told it was 'just stress' and I should try stress management techniques. My own doctor referred me to endo and they ordered a thyroid scan which showed I have Graves' disease and my thyroid is basically all over the place.....and can i add that right now my bloods are still showing up as normal.

The moral of the story is that bloods don't tell you everything, you need a scan to see what's going on with your thyroid. You have a family history which makes it very likely that it is thyroid related so all I can say is that you have to keep going back until someone refers you to endo. I'd suggest going to see another doctor, remember you know your own body better than anyone and if you feel there's more going on than the docs are telling you then you have to pushy. Take your mum to the doctors with you, sometimes sad as it is if you pester the doctors enough they'll refer you just to get rid of you. This isn't right but if it gets you to the specialist you need to see then it'll be worth it.

Hang in there and listen to your body. You are not a hypochondriac and don't let anyone suggest you are. Massive hugs, i hope you get a good Doctor and the right diagnosis soon xx

joannec123 profile image

Hi Im in the same boat. Ive got all the symptoms of hyper and a strong family history of it. Mum, aunties, cousins. But just got back from the DR who says all my blood results are normal. My TSH was "bang on in the middle of the range" about 2.7 I think. think they had done the T3 and other one, but she didn't tell me the no's. I am convinced all my symptoms are realted to Thyroid. Extreme Fatigue is the main one, but sweating, thirst, hunger, irregular heart beat, breathlessness etc... I don't know what to do next?! she said it may be ME! but I really don't think so! im not going down that route. Shes told me to do a diary of symptoms for 2 weeks then go back, don't see its gonna help much, but guess I will do it. anyone got any suggestions?? HELP x

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