I have very watery eyes...been to GP and specialist in hosp who said all was ok and no blockages...read hypo can cause eyes to water.....any advice
help my eyes wont stop wattering: I have very... - Thyroid UK
help my eyes wont stop wattering

My Dad has runny eyes when he was overactive. After the thyroid burnt out he went onto get dry eyes.
His speciaslt gave him this link to help him understand it. Its a sympton of thyroid issues.
Wow i have the same problem but didn't realise what it is!? im hypo but could it be related...?
My eyes watered a lot when I was hyperactive, I used artificial tears - sometmes liquifilm tears most often drops made by Hyco San - probably need to get them from opticians - they are preservative free. Yur eyes water when they are dry (weird I know, but they do) Once you use something to lubricate. Them they will stop watering so much.
Carry the drops / whatever you decide to use around with you and put them in regularly throughout the day, not just morning and night do it as often as you can, certainly for the first few days and it ought to help.
Also good is to wring a face cloth out in hot water ( not too hot!) and hold that over your eyes, it is very soothing.
Good luck,
hi...i have the same problem ..it is caused by dry eyes ....my doctor gives me LACRI-LUBE....i use it a couple of times a day and its brilliant...its horrible feeling like you are crying all the time....good luck xxx
Me too....Saw an eye specialist and he said I have extremely narrow tear glands. On waiting list for Op on both eyes to open them up. I have Hashimoto's and Connective Tissue Disease, not sure whats caused mine to narrow.
Yes my eyes have been pouring since Oct 2010 and when it's worse my eyes are bone dry at night to point of not being able to move my eyeballs!
I have seen so many Opthamologists, None of them really have any ideas. Had tear ducts checked no blockage. This yr found out I am hypo and have v low levels.
Sometimes they just stop for a couple of months. Most of time I can't go anywhere without hankie. I get stared at a lot. People I think think I'm upset.
Yes try to put the tears backs as it were. Clinitas/Lacrilube at night etc.
i was told it's caused by dry eyes and then they over compensate. Hopefully this will clear up for me when I am adequatley medicated.
Also make sure you don't have Blepharitis are anything interfering with your tear film.
I have also suffered with dry eye and I used Euphrasia homeopathic remedy that seemed to cure me. You can get it it in Holland and Barrett the brand is called Nelson's and costs £5.25. Give it a try it worked for me! I too have a underactive thyroid. Hope it works for you!
Hi Babymaker, my eyes keep watering, my optician told me I had dry eyes, had to get drops from the chemist, if you are in the uk your doc should give you a prescription for them cos you can get them free if you have an UAT but even so they are only a couple of pound if you can't get them on prescription, ask at your pharmacy just don't get the big branded ones as they are more expensive
I suffered with watering eyes for months. Went to my GP, dry eyes!!! Nothing I can do..... So went to an optician who did not really know what was causing my eyes to water, so she referred me to an optical specialist at the hospital, but she also gave me a prescription just in case it was some sort of allergy. Anyway the upshot was the eye drops cured my condition and you can buy it over the counter. The stuff is for hayfever sufferers and is called Sodium Cromoglicate......and it worked!!!! Thyroid probs can manifest themselves in all sorts of allergies (that we never had before!!!) with weird stuff going on and more importantly eye problems are just one of the conditions. I hope this helps.
I also suffer from watery eyes, especially during daytime out walking. Never associated this as yet another thyroid problem. An interesting link...... thank you.