Is burning eyes a problem of hypothyroidism?
Burning eyes: Is burning eyes a problem of... - Thyroid UK
Burning eyes

Amanda, hypothyroidism can cause dry, gritty eyes which may feel like burning. Preservative free eye drops may help.
I get eye drops from my gp after seeing the optician. I have hot, sore, gritty eyes. I have tested negative for Sjogrens

Hypothyroidism most certainly can cause eye problems: dry, poor focussing, floaters, and others.
"Burning" sounds like it could be an infection. Please get yourself to someone who can help. If they are red, a pharmacist can offer chloramphenicol ointment. If they are free of infection, various gels and ointments are available which can help a lot - like lacrilube at night. Make sure that any products are free of preservative as that can make you worse.
Many ordinary opticians will do an eye check. If they find anything they will let you know and might even be able to refer you if needed. Whatever you do, do NOT leave it and suffer.
it can be..has been for me. Hypo can cause dry eyes, which burn. See if Artificial Tears help.
I am hyperactive and for last 2 days I have been woken up with burning in my eyes. It's most unpleasant and I find a warm flannel soothing. I had routine eye test a month ago and all was normal with my eyes.
My eyes have been watering but the Optician said this happened when eyes were dry....... didn't understand that really but this burning uncomfortable eyes is new and not nice. You have my sympathy.
Like the others say get yourself done preservative free ( if possible) eye drops / gel tears and use them regularly throughout the day - whenever you feel aware of your eyes. Hopefully your eyes will feel better with quickly. You could make an appointment with a decent optician and get an eye test including having your tear break up time tested - that will tell you how dry your eyes are. We've been away for the weekend, long drive and I found that with the car heater on and all the warm air that my eyes felt awful. I know what you mean when you say they 'burn' though. A face cloth squeezed out in hot water and held against your eyes feels good too. Get some good dry eye drops / gel - it's like giving them a cool drink. Bliss.
Thanks all,
I have the doctors tomorrow for a bad flare up of pompholyx so I will speak to the dr about my eyes,
I had an eye test a couple of months ago after a lot of blurred vision which was put down to being on the PC all day to do with my job.
If you're having eye problems you must find a way to give yourself breaks from the computer. Also make sure that it is set up optimally so that light isn't reflecting off the screen and that you're looking at it at the right angle. If you're employed your employer should have guidelines readily available. If you're working from home, there must be guidelines on the web. A word with your optician on this might be helpful too.
If your eyes are red you may have conjunctivitis? That's horrid. And notifiable.
To add to your arsenal of relief I suggest Optrex's spray called something like 'Optimist' - you spray it on closed eyes at need, even over makeup. It's quite expensive. Around £12. But so much easier than using drops. Wilkos do a similar but much cheaper spray for about a fiver.