It seems that people have great success with this and look and feel better, they actually go back to their pre hypo weight. I know there's a slight cost implication and there used to be issues around quality and supply but I believe this is now resolved, I would like to try but feel my GP won't support me....
Does anyone here in the UK take NDT (Natural De... - Thyroid UK
Does anyone here in the UK take NDT (Natural Dessicated Thyroid - or Armour)?

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There are GPs that will support you. If the reason your GP won't support you is because of it being "unsafe" there has been a recent paper published determining that it is safe.
Some don't like to prescribe because it is unlicensed. They can prescribe on a named-patient basis but they have to take responsibility should anything go wrong. It might be that you need to find a different GP.
l am on NDT and feeling so much better but I'm not quite there yet. I feel I have other issues that might require addition of some T3 for a while. I have not lost the weight yet but I am feeling sooooo much better! For me, T3 is probably the missing link
Whatever you decide to do, do your research and go carefully! Hopefully it works for you too
Carolyn x
Hi Carolyn, thanks for your response.
I am just looking into this carefully as I had an interesting conversation with my pharmacist yesterday, no one has ever had NDT from him which suggests the GP linked next door don't advocate it. I think I will have a battle. I do feel better on Levo (75mg now) and I have been going every 3 months rather than my GP's yearly recommendation as the last one I had the TSH was sky high. However if you're in 'the range' you're deemed fit no matter how bad you feel. I generally ache last thing at night (hobble in the morning and practically crawl up to bed) and never sleep well at all and my weight is more that I was pregnant, I've never weighed as much but eat less than ever.
I think I'd like to try NDT but have to put a case together and do some more research, after all we have this condition for life and I believe I have to 'self help' as the GP's aren't bothered!
It may be that you're not yet on an adequate dose of levo. 75mcg is very low for most people. Most people feel best with their TSH below 1 (although not everyone) and T4 at the top of the range (again, this doesn't apply to everyone). It may be that you can convince your GP to increase your dose until this happens.
It may be that levo actually works well for you once you are on an adequate dose.
There has been recent research that suggests that TSH is not representative of correct thyroid hormone levels in hypothyroid patients. See Rod's blog from earlier this year.
You will also find it difficult to feel totally well and lose weight if you have lower than optimal levels of any of the following;
ferritin (stored iron, best level for most is 70-90)
vitamin B12 (supplement with methylcobalamin if below 500)
vitamin D (involved in over 300 metabolic processes! Get out in that sun )
I hope that helps you
Carolyn x
I also take vitamin D (DLux spray) and magnesium (and sage for hot flushes after GP said try Isolflavines!!)
Can you tell me what bloods to ask for next time like iron etc what are the ones I need (sorry but I am quite new to this)
Thank you x
I wonder, Carolyn, if there is any info on this link that can help you (ie mistakes patients make).

There was, a long time ago, a poll right here asking what medicine people were on:
That might help to answer part of your question.
If anyone reads this post but has not voted or commented, it is never too late...
Interesting.....glad I found this website
natural desiccated doesn't work. I buy levothyroxin medicine here without a prescription at this licensed pharmacy by doing their easy online medical consultation
I've just taken a look at this link, it seems its a supplement made from beef liver with other added vitamins. So its not NDT (natural dessicated thyroid)which I believe is what others are talking about here.
I switched to ndt last year. Tried several nhs gps and none would prescribe, even when i presented scientific papers. Eventually got an NHS endo to write to nhs gp to ask her to prescribe it and still she wouldn't.
I'm making progress on ndt. I also have adrenal insufficiency and levo is contraindicated with adrenal issues, so i'm just glad i had the sense to get myself off levo. Nhs would happily have kept me on a contraindicated med.
You will find that, for example, Armour, also has a warning about uncorrected adrenal cortical insufficiency:
Thyroid hormone preparations are generally contra-indicated in patients with diagnosed but as yet uncorrected adrenal cortical insufficiency, untreated thyrotoxicosis, and apparent hypersensitivity to any of their active or extraneous constituents.

Yes I agree that it's not just T4 contra-indicated in hypothyroidism but NDT and T3 too. If you have adrenal fatigue, it is better to sort this out first, as otherwise it is hard to tolerate any replacement thyroid hormones. However, if on T3 or NDT, there is at least the possibility of trying CT3M, which has really helped me xx

What brand of ndt are you using Blue? And how did you get hold of it? My ignorant GP flatly refuses to do anything to help hypothyroid patients properly, and I am worried that my Mum, who has been on levo for some years, is becoming dangerously adrenal impaired. She recently had an episode that seemed almost like an Addison's crisis, but as she's 97 yrs old, the docs just can't wait for her to die. (Liverpool Care Pathway - withhold everything!) She is happy and enjoys life, so I don't see why she should be killed off. I know of a source in Mexico where you can purchase T3 (Cytomel) but nowhere where I can obtain Armour ndt.
I'd very much appreciate any help!
Irisblue x
There have never been any issues surrounding the quality of Armour. Doctors used to say that it was impossible to guarantee the effectiveness from batch to batch but this was a lie. In fact levothyroxine has been withdrawn more often for lack of quality than NDT in any of its forms!! I have still not lost the weight I gained on levothyroxine and don't think I ever will. Personally I think that levo is toxic and far from helping makes things worse.
Yes I am on Armour, but cannot get it from my GP, I have to buy it from the USA. When I was on Levothyroxine I suffered from 3 stone weight gain, pains in my arms so much that I could not dress myself, had to go for physio and brain fog along with many more problems. Since taking the Armour with the T3 in it I have lost the 3 stone have re-gained all movement in my arms and no longer have any pains anywhere in my body. And certainly do not have brain fog. I have quality of life again. But have to self medicate because get no support from the medical profession like so many of us in this country. Good luck.
Hi Vanessa, Can I ask where you buy your NDT from? I've scoured the internet as I cannot get it from my GP either and cannot find anywhere that I am able to buy it. Thanks.
How do you know how much to take. Afraid to self medicate, am on 100mg levothyroxine for hypo. After pressing my doctor for more tests I have Hashimotos- but T4 & TSH still within range so no change on meds despite having all the symptoms of hypo. Very frustrated!
Hi there I gave just discovered this forum, having dreadful side effects on the levothyroxine and only on 25mg interested to try armour but live in uk can I ask where to get some please
Hi where do you buy your
Armour with the T3 In it ? Please
[an on-line supplier] is where I buy mine from, I used to be able to pay in sterling but now have to pay in euro. But you just press the button and it is all converted for you. Good Luck.
Please can you message me where you buy your NDT from. Levo isn't working for me and feel so ill.
Hi Vanessa, can you give me a link for a company that will sell me NDT without prescription in the UK. I've had major arguments with my go and endo who won't prescribe it.
It is very likely that your response on a three year old post will be missed. We usually suggest that you simply create a new post to ask your question.
For clarity, you cannot buy desiccated thyroid medicines in the UK without a prescription. You have to buy from abroad or get a prescription (obvious y the latter isn't going to happen for you).
Switched in 2012 after realising i would never get support from nhs. Cheaper to buy online without prescription than with private script. The tabs are not expensive. The consult fee is.
Could anyone advise on where I can buy armour from or how to find a UK doctor who will prescribe it? Thanks
Will send you a message in a couple of minutes for where I buy mine

Could you send me a message on where to buy Armour, I'm having no luck on internet so far. Many thanks. Can't remember how to recieve pms can you tell me how to do it. Thanks again.

I would be very grateful for the same information. My dr won't give me a prescription for NDt but he is willing to support me with blood tests. I have seen NDT on a big internet shopping org - but is this the same one as recommended by others? So hopeful to start - but now feeling the need for support to take the 'leap'. Bald, overweight tired, aches, constipated - got the lot!

Could you message me also as ive had nothing but trouble and I'll health on t4 only and want to try ndt. Pretty desperate at this point.
Hi all, can anyone send me a message of reliable source of armour or similar? Same problems as everyone getting it from NHS! Thanks

Please please send anybody can you tell me where to buy ndt

hi would you be able to send me the info were you buy it please and the dose to levo
I am from Liverpool and I am trying to find an endo that will prescribe NDT either NHS or private. Does anyone know of an endo in the North West that will consider prescribing it? Also, the paper that is referred to above declaring NDT safe, does anyone have a link to it?
I have been on levothyroxine for over 30 years and still feel no better!! Have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia but I'm sure that it's connected with my thyroid problems. Could someone on here please please PM me where I can buy ndt with t3 I feel like I'm slowly dying help please
Hi Shirley- I was diagnosed with ME and I am also convinced it is thyroid related. Just in the process of trialling T3. Have you tried taking information from the thyroid uk website to your GP as evidence that Levo doesn't work for everyone in its own? Had to fight for the meds and had to go to a few GPs before I was granted it
I got my thyroid s from Thailand £40 for 1000 tablets feel brilliant only been on them 2 weeks x
Hi Sarah I have been trying to source some NDT from Thailand with no success. I am getting quite desperate. Can you please send me a private message as to how to go about getting ndt from Thailand.
Much appreciated
Hug x j
hi were about do you buy them also what dose do you take compared to levo
This is a year old thread and will only be visible briefly on Newsfeed so won't be seen by the majority of members. Please write your own post including your recent thyroid results and ranges and how much Levothyroxine you take and members will advise how to transition from Levothyroxine to NDT. You can ask members to send you feedback where you can buy NDT via private messages.
Any info on different types of ndt and where to get it would be much appreciated. Thanks

What is the T4 and T3 content of this thyrovanz product?
Can you confirm it is cow only - no male cattle?
If anyone could pm me with the info on where to get NDT I would be grateful. Thank-you.
I would also be extremely grateful if someone could pm me where I could get NDT from please thank you!
Can you please message me where to buy ndt and any information i would need. Thank you so much
Hi everyone, would someone mind messaging me where you buy your NDT armour from? I'm going to ask GP about it but doubt he will support my request so Im thinking of trying to buy it from a reputable supplier. Many thanks!
Would someone please PM me with online sources of NDT, thanks so much
Hello, I would also be interested in information about a *reliable* online source of NDT. Please message me if you know of a reputable supplier. Thank you very much in advance
Please could someone PM me a reliable source where they purchase Armour from? Thank you
Please can people pm a reliable source of ndt to the uk, no luck with doctors really desperate to try NDT and see if its better for me .... thanks
Could you please message me where I can get NDT online, thanks
Honestly at this point I said to my husband if it wasn't for him my children and the fact my dad has terminal cancer I would have taken my life. Diagnosed 3 years ago. Can't take it anymore. My doctors all pretend they've never heard of ndt so I just need to buy it. Please help me let me know where to buy it?
I am considering a trial switch to natural thyroxine-on levothyroxine 137mcg & feeling terrible. I need to purchase without prescription and live in the UK, can anyone message me a reliable supplier please?
I strongly advise you to write a NEW post/question asking this - and giving a bit more information. Down here on a three-year-old thread, it is very likely to get missed.
Please has anyone up to date info on alternative to levothyroxin. All the usual probs have led me to an all time low. How to obtain NDT ?
Any help welcome
Hello - can anyone recommend a brand of desiccated thyroid to buy online? Thank you!
Yes I take it. But am thinking of changing as its so expensive. Pam
im currently on 175 of levo been on it for about 2 years has not really made a difference I feel tired all the time some times so tired I feel like im going to faint all so have got high blood presser that I take tablets for but im only 23 was looking in to armor thyroid anyone else tried it in the uk
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If you want advice on buying NDT or transitioning from Levothyroxine to NDT please Write a post including recent thyroid results and ranges and Levothyroxine dose and request feedback where to source NDT to be sent to you via private messages.
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