My GP told me that they won't test for Vitamin D in Scotland as it would be pointless because everyone in Scotland is vitamin D deficient and the test is expensive so I should just supplement myself ..anyone else been told this?
Vitamin D test: My GP told me that they won't... - Thyroid UK
Vitamin D test

Something like that has been mentioned before.
Up to a point, it might make some sense. But if you do decide to supplement, maybe you choose 800 IU a day, how then do you know if that is adequate? Or if you take 5000 IU a day, how do you know when you are replete and can drop to a maintenance dose?
It would be interesting to know what they mean by "expensive", one NHS lab does it for the public at £25 a shot.
It seems likely that an internal NHS rate could be lower. (But maybe it isn't at your local lab. I have seen figures like £80quoted.)
It also seems somewhat shortsighted given the many health benefits that appear to be associated with having a sensible vitamin D level. Savings on treatment might even outweigh cost of testing.
There is a suspicion in my mind that if they won't test, they then won't see themselves as needing to prescribe supplements. So, in their view, a double benefit.
I live in Lothian and my GP tested D3
I live in Scotland and I have just recently convinced my GP to test Vit D as I am still extremely fatigued and still have muscular / joint pains despite my TSH now being "within range" and my Amitriptylene dosage increased to 30mg. Think my GP is fed up with me constantly reappearing and asking to be made well. Got results of the Vit D test by way of a letter from GP advising that my Vit D is "slightly low" and that this "may be contributing to my symptoms" and that I can buy supplements over the counter and to take 800idu. I have requested a copy of the result and it is 28 - range (25 - 50 insufficient) with under 25 being deficient.
I was told the same thing and am a bit far off from Bonnie Scotland in Essex!!
Keep up the "oily fish intake" was the advice given......I am waiting on more blood tests at the moment,but have a feeling I shall soon be taking the private route to get the complete picture.
I was tested when i went to Endo and mine came back low.(NE Scotland.)