Due to a family emergency, I was away for three weeks and came home a few days before my scheduled endo appointment, realising belatedly that there was no way I'd be able to get my blood test done in time. I get the tests done at my gp's surgery and bring them to the endo.
In order to have the tests, I have to ring the surgery, arrange a phone appointment with the gp (this can take up to 2 weeks depending on whether you need to speak to a particular doctor), ask gp for the tests, schedule the blood test (this can take a further 1-2 weeks, longer if you want the first appointment of the day), have the blood drawn, wait for the results to arrive at the surgery (this can take from a day to a week), ring up and ask the receptionist to ask the gp if I can have a printout of the results and collect the printout (usually done on the same day). It is not unusual for this process to take 3wks.
Admittedly this is my oversight and I should just have rescheduled the endo appointment weeks ago, but equally it seems bonkers that it should take so much time to schedule a routine blood test which is required for my consultant's appointment to be of any use at all. The process is so convoluted that even when the penny dropped about the test, I was abroad and it would have taken so long to organise (ring to make phone appointment, ring to speak to gp, get told that gp is still busy so wait until gp is free to speak, ring to make blood test appointment) that I couldn't conjure up the will to do it and it was too late anyway.
I've made the gp phone appointment for this week but rescheduled endo appointment isn't until late August, so I hope in starting the blood test process now I can have the actual test done in August without having to arrange another gp appointment closer to the time.
After rescheduling endo appointment, I realised I'd forgotten to get ironclad assurance that appointment is with actual endo and not one of the gormless registrars. I rang back and was on hold for 15 minutes and put the phone down without ever speaking to a human being, so I hope I can remember that this needs doing before I travel 40 minutes, spend money on parking, sit in the waiting room and discover that I'm not even going to see 'my' endo.
Sorry for rant. This kind of bureaucracy drives me to distraction.