I had an overactive thyroid in my 20's. For the past 10 years I have been treated for hyperthyroidism. I'm on 150/175 of Levothyroxine with a current TSH of 1.3. As this is 'normal' the GP does not run T3 or T4 tests or any others (I have been positive for antibodies in a test in the past - this is not now tested for.) I have never really felt any better on any dose of levothyroxine - they put it up and down, and one GP took me off it completely as he said my levels were 'normal'. I feel permanently exhausted, I have put on 2.5 stone, I suffer from hair loss, joint pain, dry skin and hormonal 'crashes'. The GP won't refer me to an endriconologist (he says it's a waste of time and money) and tells me that with a TSH of 1.3, I am ok. But I don't feel it! Should I go private? Should I get a fuller range of blood tests done privately first? I have found a private endriconologist locally who will see me and has told me to bring along all my blood test results. But I only have TSH!! Please advise me, somebody! I feel like I'm going mad and the thought of life continuing like this is intolerable. I just want to sleep all the time and feel ashamed of my weight etc which, despite diet etc, I can't shift. Thyroid problems run in the family (my mother has alternating over/under active thyroid problems despite having had radioactive iodine; she also suffers from TED, pernicious anaemia and osteoporosis.) I look at her and see my future. Very depressed.
Help! My GP only does TSH blood test and prescr... - Thyroid UK
Help! My GP only does TSH blood test and prescribes Levo based on that alone. No T3 or 4. He won't refer me even though I feel so ill.

I am a relative newbie on here and not an expert!
But I would say two things.
Firstly, check that the endo you are planning to see is a 'thyroid friendly' one. There are details on the main site or others may advise you if you are unsure.
Secondly, if you can afford it then go for it. Your health is more important than money.
Good luck
ow dear, you need to have blood test done private first including ft3 and ft4 also antibodies. instead of going round in cirlcles, you would benefit a good private endo. Try not to feel down and go and find a good endo as you will be just going to and from the docs and lets face it they are not medically trained in this area.
I wouldnt waste my breath going to the doctors, go to the endo you noted and have your bloods done first.
Your mother's up & down thyroid condition is highly suggestive of Hashimoto's disease. I didn't realise they'd stopped testing for the antibodies that cause this condition. The NHS is a sick joke these days. If the paracetamol the ignorant, indifferent docs hand out like sweeties doesn't "cure" you then it's all in your head according to these quacks. Is there a site that recommends where you can get tests done, without a doc's request, if your quack won't do it?
Your GP has to refer you if you request it. Write the request, keep a copy and send it to the surgery.
Thanks for that Phoebs!