The T3 shortge exploded - and I am very worried indeed. As I am now on T3 only, and feeling increasingly well (s the T4 leaves my body and the T3 dose increases), I was quietly hopefull that this was the start of a recovery process. Not any more.
Following good advice on here, I printed off the info and yesterday set off to see my (very helpful) Pharmacist. It was news to him, but he had 2 tubs left on the shelf and promised to put them aside for me until I got a presription. So far so good.
Off to the GP, get an appointment for this morning and so go, armed with info.
She commented at once on how well I was looking, and what a lot of weight I'd lost since she saw me in September. I reply that this has only started to happen since coming off T4 and being on increasing doses of T3, thanks to Dr S. "Ah yes.." I could see his letter lying on the top of the file. Is this why I had come to see her? Only indirectly.
She also knows nothing about the supply failure for T3, but happily writes 2 prescriptions. I asked about organising a 3 month stock to avoid this panic in the future - no dice. I tentatively ask about NDT being a possible stop-gap if supplid on a Named Patient Basis, and she laughed and said, that went out 30 years ago. the only people who are put on that are those taking part in experimental clinical trials. So that will be a NO, then.
She checks on T3 and sees the price: "no wonder he likes to get this for you!" Going to discuss supply is a calculated gamble - I am left hoping she doesn't decide that the practice budget won't stand this. In a week's time I will be costing them £212 per month, every month.
Off to the pharmacy, he is in a bit of a tizzy - as promised, there are 2 tubs for me. But he has found out that there are only 2 left at another branch, and they are coming. After that - none in Edinburgh.
By sheer co-incidence, my daughter is off to Crete tomorrow. After I got home from seeing the GP, I logged on here and just happened to see a post by someone in... Crete, where it can be had from their pharmacies. So guess who is going to get a shopping list? Crossing my fingers that she is not out in the sticks without a car...!
Best of luck to all of you also caught up in this ridiculous and totally preventable situation.