My entire front is bloated and solid and I just cant get into my normal clothes. This happens regularly and is quite painful. Does anyone else suffer from this level of bloating and what recommendations do you have to take the pressure off. (It's not all down to constipation and IBS surely?).
Does anyone get an absolutely solid abdomen? - Thyroid UK
Does anyone get an absolutely solid abdomen?

I have had tis problem since I started taking t4. It haas got to the point thta I am quite unwell as basically, my food is not being digested properly. I have just decided to start a test using t3 to see if tis changes anything. My guess is that I am not processing the t4 and therefore the secretions needed to digest food are not being produced. I have had to order t3 online as I live in Portugal and it is unavailable here.
I hope this helps a little.
This sort of bloating is usually IBS (I assume you have already checked it out with your GP for other causes). Try taking magnesium citrate as it helps the gut relax, but not too much as it will cause diarrhoea. Also green vegatables and tomatoes are a good source of magnesium.
Hi It can be, but make sure you rink lenty of water and keep well hydrated. make sure thyroid Ok, tests for TSH, T4 and Free T3, copies of results, receptionist, vital with ranges, ask. Make sure your U`s and E`s are OK, kidney function and sodium ( salt) not too high in range.
I hope this helps. If nothing found and I presume you have had a colonoscopy with biopsies, see what happens, If it goes up after food, that is probably horrible but fine!
Best wishes,
Thankyou very much for your advice, i'm following up on your suggestions with the doctor and I will let you know what happens.
Kind reagrds
Make surw you drink plenty of fluids. Find out what your body is intolerant to for me it was wheat and gluten and then later augar including fruit. I was told I had ibs years ago and was a long kearning curve to figurw out what triggered it. Also be aware that steess will make it worse too. Some people can have constipation some the opposite and some both. X
Thanks polly, i'm forcing myself to drink more water...i'm looking at my diet and think you may be right!