Dear all
I have been on lansoprazole 30 daily for just over 2 years mainly due to a lung condition I have .. Bronchiectasis... and the silent reflux causing problems.
I’ve had IBS on and off for years but this last year it’s been very bad. Not the “ poo” but the painful cramps, contractions apart from general churning and other sensations.
My GP says it’s IBS but in an attempt to get more advice I saw a gastroenterologist privately twice. I had a test for SIBO which was negative. My calprotecton was raised. Gastroenterologist said to try coming off lansoprazole to see if the raised calprotecton was due to that. I explained that could be difficult due to my lungs. It was all left abit vague. She wasn’t unduly concerned but I didn’t think at the time ( stupidly!) to ask if the lansoprazole could be causing IBS pain as I was shocked re the implication of raised calprotectin then discussing SIBO test etc. I don’t want to go back again though.
I’ve tried probiotics, low fod map, silicon gel, convinced myself it’s stress or the brain / gut link.
But am getting so fed up with daily pains. Am really wondering is it lansoprazole?
Any advice re lansoprazole and IBS would be gratefully received!
Thank you