I have ibs and bam so over the last few I have had ct scan endoscopy and ultrasound didn't find nothing major my problem is I take colesevelam for the bam 1-2 a day but it causes really bad constipation I do take movicol to get me going again but get really bad stomach pains on a morning, I have been referred to gastroenterologist again waiting for appointment. What do other people use to kick start the bowel any suggestions 🤔
Ibs bam : I have ibs and bam so over the last... - IBS Network
Ibs bam
Tea (English breakfast with skimmed milk) is my go to. Also prunes, dried apricots etc.
Plus I make sure I have at least 38g fibre daily....typically that means either or both, 30g chia seeds and a whole tin of beans (taco beans, kidney beans etc). Understand some people can't take fibre but for me, that and colesevelam have been my big successes.
well I had dreadful IBS for years It got to the stage I would sleep OK and wake up spot on 5:00am and it would kick off . Getting up going to the toilet every 15 minutes from then. Viscous cramps the usual it sort of improved when I started moving around.
I’d had an endoscopy, every test going, they even kept me in hospital for two days, surprisingly thorough tests but couldn’t find anything wrong at all.
The consultant was beyond superb. She wouldn’t let it go. She investigated the vagus nerve.
That sounds dreadful actually it wasn’t. To explain that would take another post I’m happy to do so.
She decided to try another drug although in hindsight it made sense. A long shot. A low dose once a day of Pregabalin between 75mg to 125mg forget all the scare stories. Yes it’s highly addictive if as some people are on high doses 800mg and above not so good I’m told coming off it when you’ve been on high doses is the worse.
It worked . Took a couple of days to kick in.
Now the obvious loads of things cause “IBS “ but it worked for me and that was after more tests than is humanly possible.