I have coeliac disease. IBSC and BAM borderline. Also have osteoporosis and fibromyalgia. I take lansoprazole and amlodipine for high blood pressure. I stick to a gluten and lactose free diet but still feel awful saw tight belt can't take a deep breath so bloated. So fed up. I have app with dietician next month but gastroenterology app was wast of time as phone line was bad. All they ever do is ref me to dietician again l go around in circles as they keep passing the buck. So fed up!
IBSC and BAM?: I have coeliac disease. IBSC and... - IBS Network

What is your main prblem/concern?
BAM usually causes IBSD not IBSC all the meds for it are for diarrhoea. I just want the tight belt to ease up. My bowels are functioning well. So why so mutch pain? And why so weak.
I don't know of course, who does with IBS, but I am thinking the constipation inside you is hard and the BAM diarrhoea is trying to push it's way past. I am thinking this is causing pressure which is causing the pain. I get something similar myself. It's very hard to make a decision whether to go to the toilet again or not! If you go back, I find the process just continues and if I don't go back, I often regret it later. Basically, in my opinion, you can't win! Also I think when you live with something long enough your body can't forget! As for weakness, I just think it wears you down!
I think Maureen1958 may be on the right track. I have IBSC/IBSB and find that constipation is the big problem, Resolve the constipation, bloating goes down, BP down, pain down, etc. Being gluten and lactose free isn't enough. I had good luck following a FODMAP regime to identify food issues. This also helped me identify foods that might be on the "allowed" list but still cause me problems. No soya products for me! A diet with plenty of raw veg and chillis keep my system regular, but we each are different. Good luck to you. I hope you find relief.
Hi I sympathise with you. It’s awful and you feel so alone uncomfortable pain every day. I may also have fibromyalgia could you tell me the main symptoms. Amber x
Oh thank you how do they treat you? X
I have cramps and pain and tingling in my hand that goes numb too x