So for years I have had stomach issues I have ibs and bam constant stomach pain mostly on a morning before a bm and afterwards all over upper right stomach pain in ribs and right hip , I do get constipation but then can go everyday but I have noticed my stomache gurgling on a lot mostly after I eat always sound angry 😠 I have had stoole samples tested for calprotectin levels always between 150 _ 200 had endoscopy which showed bile reflux had over test done but that years ago , but nothing seems to be getting better with meds I take colesevelam omprozole paracetamol doctors won't give anything stronger because of the stomach issues any advice on this or does anyone have similar symptoms will appreciate any help
Ibs bam: So for years I have had stomach issues... - IBS Network
Ibs bam

need to stop slamming food into your body every 2-3 hours and first thing in the morning. Try some fasting, exercise and basic hydration with electrolytes. Magnesiun/calcium in ratio 1:2
Excuse me slamming food into my body do you know anything about my eating habits
No I meant that as a way our society is. Constant easy access to food. Sometimes giving body a break or a fast helps, unless you have a constant appetite. It was worded wrong, sorry it just way our modern world works we slam it with all this stuff every hour of do almost.
As you Stomach pain, gurgling
Sounds like the muddle that I was in...much sympathy to you. My feeling is that there is overproduction of bile rather than it not being absorbed, so bile acid sequestrant won't necessarily solve the problem. (Was BAM diagnosed with a SeHCAT test?) Hence bile reflux causing stomach/gastric irritation which omeprazole won't solve, and liver/gall bladder feeling the strain. Paracetamol adds to the burden on your liver. Excess bile will irritate gut (and cause angry gurgling, and for me also constant gnawing hunger and formless stools) so not surprised that calprotectin is high. My gut was badly aggravated by covid plus infection that I'd picked up in Portugal. Ultimately, the infection was treated but I needed to change from a high fat (ketogenic) diet to a lower fat diet. It might be worth doing (as Starfush suggested) a trial of fasting, maybe start with 12 hours ie 7pm-7am and increase to 16 hours and just eat all your food over an 8 hour window during the day. This will give the lining of your gut a good rest. In addition or separately if you want to see which works (better) you could try a low fat diet for a while which will lower the secretion of bile.
sounds like my issues and symptoms. i keep chasing it down. now, with the ibs, i’ve been diagnosed with dumping syndrome. doctors have not give me a solution. 3 days of feeling fine and eating well, 3 days of death. i’ve had stomach issues for over 10 years, but the last few months have been constant and dilapidating. Tired. Just don’t know what to do. i’ve done/doing probiotics , digestive enzymes, Miralax, Benefiber, herbal supplements, CBD, THC, antidepressants……it’s so difficult living like this.