Hi everyone, I've had problems with my bowel for well over 20 years ( 44 now ) but in recent years it's seems to have got worse, is it my age, perimenopause maybe, I just don't know. For the last couple of months I've been getting tummy aches pretty much every day at some point. The weird thing is the ache is always in different places, sometimes my upper tummy and sometimes lower or to the side or even my back, does anyone else have this? I did go to the doctor last week and i'm waiting for results for fit test and having a blood test in a weeks time. I'm just so stressed about it all, worrying that it's something bad 😩
Tummy ache: Hi everyone, I've had problems with... - IBS Network
Tummy ache

Hi sorry to hear you’re suffering. Try not to worry as stress can make it worse. I should know! 😩. It does sound typical of IBS symptoms or even diverticulosis, which I have & the pain/discomfort does move around depending on wind or spasms of your bowel. It’s good you are getting tested to rule things out. I have had bowel problems most of my life & I’m 72 now.
Best wishes 🤗
Thank you for your reply 😊 it just seems to be all I think about lately, it's driving me crazy, I google every little symptom which probably isn't a good thing! I also get tummy cramps not sure if that's a normal symptom? Sorry to hear you have to live with this too 😢 I suppose it's just finding the right treatment to ease the symptoms. 😊
Cramps are part & parcel of bowel issues. Obviously speak to your GP first, but Buscapan can help with the discomfort.
Thank you for your advice. None of my symptoms are terribly painful, I just want to get to the bottom of what is causing it. Hopefully all my results will come back clear 🙏 and I will just assume it is ibs.
Whens the last time you went toilet ? How were your stools ? As you could possibly be constipated .I'm no doctor of course but the doctors don't really tell you what happens with the bowel .you can get backed up and fecal matter sticks to the inside of your Colon .Hence why hospital laxatives are so brutal before a colonoscapy .what is your diet like ? And are you on any medications ? Is it pain on its own or does it come with diarrhoea ? I could give a couple of things it might be but to be honest it's a long process in finding out what's going on to what you can eat and the severity of bowel motion .hope you can find out what up .it is stressful and does cause anxiety .take care kind regards
Thank you for your reply. I very rarely get constipation, I can go as many as 6 times a day but on average 3. My stools are more on the loose side but if i take silicol gel they're normal. My diet isn't too bad, of course could be better, there are some things I know I can't eat as makes my tummy worse. I'm not on any medication. I don't get pain as such, it's a relatively mild ache, it's just there a lot! And cramps that are low down, not sure if this could be period related or not? This morning I had my fit results back and are normal, so that's a relief. I'm having a blood test next Monday so will see what comes back from that. Thank you for your advice. 😊
OK yes it sounds perimenapausal. You sound just like what I went through .apologies for so many questions but there are so many variables .I started menapause at 43 and had bowel and period pains with no period right up until I was 50 .ask if they can put you on hrt as it may help with your symptoms and pick a lady doctor if you can .personally I find them more understanding and willing to listen .if the pain does get bad don't be afraid to go to A and E .I have been diagnosed with divirticulitis and severe ibs also .so other things could be going on .
Sounds very much like IBS. I've suffered with same issues for pretty much all my life. I'm now 64. Try not to worry.
Thank you for your reply 😊 sorry to hear that you have the same issues. It's so on and off which is why I put off going to the doctors for so long, every time I'd go to book an appointment I'd feel ok so wouldn't bother but lately the symptoms have been more regular, maybe it's my age!
Yes, I can go weeks without too much bother, but, still being careful what I eat, then, weeks of stomach cramps! For me it has got worse with age.
I'm the same, I always find I feel at my worst during stressful situations or events like christmas ( all the food and drink probably doesn't help! ) there's lots of food which makes me bloated, like, beans, nuts and green veg like sprouts etc and shellfish makes me very sick! So I avoid those if I can. I have a feeling I'm probably going through the perimenopause and apparently symptoms can get worse during that time. I have found silicol gel does help but takes a fair few days to work and if you take it constantly it does end up pretty expensive, worth it though.
Stress is probably one of the worst things for IBS. I too struggle at events as I worry that I might be rushing off the loo because of something I've eaten. It's a vicious circle. The key for me is to eat bland (my normal diet) and try not to worry, as worry will trigger stomach pains.
This sounds very much like my experience. I have always had what I would say is a sensitive tummy but got more troublesome as I headed into my menopause at age 50. Following the passing of both my parents, covid and partner having a significant health issue I sort advice from my GP who did all the relevant tests and concluded it to be IBS. I definitely feel that stress is my main trigger and like you the more I suffered the more I researched with good old doctor google. I am now finding some relief in my symptoms and situation because I have accepted it and try to control the stress and worry. I have found a very good youtube channel Jayne Corner.."The calm and happy gut" Hypnotherpy & CBT listening to this I feel has helped me to take back some control. Hope this helps.
Thank you for your reply 😊 I'm so sorry about all you have/are going through. Worrying does definitely make it worse, I'm always someone who thinks the worst, so end up sick with worry. When I feel good life is good and I don't think about it but as soon as I get any symptoms I don't want to leave the house as feel so down. I think if the doctors have ruled everything else out and tell me it is just ibs I will like you be able to accept it and deal with the symptoms. Have you tried silicol gel? I have tried that before and does seem to work, so I'm starting to take that again now. Thank you for the advice, I will definitely look into that. I have actually thought about hypnotherapy to help me give up smoking, I don't have many, only 3 a day but I know that probably makes things worse even though strangely actually helps too as if I can't go smoking works as a bit of a laxative ( for me anyway ) so I'll get issues with constipation if I do give up 🤷♀️
Hi....yes I have tried Silicolgel which helps, I also use Enterosgel which I'm not sure if that would help you as my problem tends to be diarrhoea and urgency. It is very expensive but you can get it on prescription. I find this kind of resets my system. Don't be too hard on yourself regarding the smoking...I've given up so much of what I enjoy in the past only to realise that a little of whatever makes little difference. Take care and hope you get peace of mind soon. 😊
I wish I could go , I suffer with constipation so when I do go it’s so very painful & too big to pass, I’ve suffered all my life , I go to the toilet about twice a week if that ! I’ve tried everything but nothing makes me go regular . It’s so stressful as I get so bloated & look about 7 months pregnant , I then will get tummy cramps before I do go .
That sounds awful, so sorry you're going through that! Do laxatives not even help you at all? What has the doctor said about it?
I’ve just got use to it now , I’ve had it for years , they just give me fibre gel, but I think I’ve got use to that now & it has no effect on me . I’ve tried laxatives but they just give me bad tummy cramps but with no passing . It’s just the tummy bloating that upsets me as it makes me feel so uncomfortable. I’ve tried all sorts of health gut pills from Holland & Barrett but nothing helped .
Sounds so uncomfortable 😫 I get bloating sometimes but that's usually down to eating the wrong things I think. I'm always hungry, so eat loads of crap then feel bloated! Have you seen anyone that can maybe give you a diet plan to leave out or add certain foods?
Thank you so much for your reply , in a way it’s nice to hear people with the same problem , I’ve done a food diary & it seems there’s a lot of food I can’t eat due to bloating. I’ve tried prune juice which I love by that downs make me go either , maybe I’m just not a regular girl ;-)) x
I also have suffered with my stomach for over 65 years i am 85 know so i know how you feel but keep smiling
Believe it or not i use magnets they work for me they move the pain just so i get a rest
Wow really, I've never heard of that before. Glad you can get some relief.
Have you tried Windeze? I find it really useful to clear trapped wind.