I've had am overactive bladder for years think it's genetic but last 12 months more than usual ended up with a uti as my electrolytes were very low prob cos I'm peeing so often not bad in the day. But at night it's awful every 2 hrs and my flow isn't great had a prolapse repair 2 years ago and the flow has never been the same other than that fit and well and a young 65 yr old ..doctor said I could have meds but don't fancy that route...anyone else like this..xx
Night time visits to toilet : I've had am... - IBS Network
Night time visits to toilet

Understandably you dont want the drug route so I suggest seeing a qualified Nutritional Therapist that specialises in women problems. I can send links to some from which to choose, if of interest.
I am 64 female and get up for wee several times a night. The flow is very slow first thing then settles down during the day. I have a constant dull ache in the bladder area and have had scans, probs looking at the inside test after test and they find nothing wrong?? wich is good but I still have this dull ache for years now. Maybe the slow flow is the meds I'm on.eg blood pressure or amitriptyline.
Have you had your bladder looked at under general anesthetic ...they can expand your bladder a little with water and stretch it and look inside with a rigid cyscopy...only when it's done like this can they see if there is scarring or ulcers. I have had flexible cyscopy and they found nothing but when a different doctor suggested this they found scarring and some ulcers. I am now on a diet for IC low acid and medication for pain
Thanks hun but I feel its genetic in my case my nana was same so is my mum she's 88 lol so I've no chance haha I've started using my kegal 8 again on the urgency program that seems to be helping but since I had my prolapse repair the flow is very slow at times..my mum had all the tests years ago they found nothing the doctor just said that your bladder is like a balloon and if u don't empty is properly the slightest drop will press on your bladder ..thankyou for the advise though xx
after giving birth I never slept through the night having to get up for a pee at least once. Now it is every two hours but I am wakened by a hot flush (71!) and can’t get back to sleep till after I have peed. Two years ago I had a uti that lasted a year. Lots of antibiotics, camera in bladder and hysteroscopy with partial fibroid removal. No answer but at least not cancer. Eventually went away .. still up for toilet every couple of hours. Otherwise fit and active. Just resigned to it.
Hi, I'm the opposite, sleep through the night, forever needing to pee, (and prone to leaks!) during the day. My doctor suggested I try and increase the time between toilet visits, as the more you urinate the smaller the bladder capacity becomes. This does seem to work. I also have had prolapse issues, which resulted in a hysterectomy, I am now 69. I think my biggest problem is a very weak pelvic floor, affecting both the bladder and bowel. I am currently following a "vagina coach" - the programme is called "Buff Muff", (don't laugh!) and after listening to this lady I realise that all my life I have been doing pelvic floor exercises and kegels wrongly! I am sure if I stick with it, I will get a great improvement.
Hi buy a kegal 8 best investment I made as lack of estrogen causes weak p f...I managed mine for 10 yrs then had to come off hrt and then lack of estrogen once again weak p.f...so went private had a prolapse repair bk n front been great since however he did say that if I needed a hysterectomy it may make it worse as they all drop....not great is it being a woman don't know what the hell sania twaine is singing about haha you can get a tens one to cheaper on amazon x
. . . good day ! 🙂
. . . those with issues mentioned in this thread MAY find it interesting to see what's been written abt HDT, - high dose thiamine (protocol) - & the range of signs, symptoms & presentations, which could indicate a functional deficiency!
One site with much info abt this is hormonesmatter.com - one reasonable enough starting point, . . . perhaps!
Best wishes to all readers !
Sid 😐
On a dark, still cloudy UK evening !
Are you on HRT? May help if not
I was for years best thimg ever for everything I'm a Massive pro hrt...but im 65 now so I was on it a good few years so I thought best I came off it ..everything has gone south since no sex drive lost weight but not in the right places lol..I'm coming bk as a man preferably a rich good looking one haha x
You said a solution in your post. Electrolytes. Magnesium deficiency along with others, will affect nerves and control aswell as strength.
You don’t loose electrolytes from peeing directly . If your drinking a lot or water or producing a lot of urine yes.
pee a lot does cause low electrolytes per day. Low electrolytes will make you pee more.
It’s still an electrolyte issue potassium , what needs a base of magnesium