Does anyone have experience of this treatment? It seems to be aimed at fibromyalgia.
Lidocaine or lignocaine infusion: Does anyone... - IBS Network
Lidocaine or lignocaine infusion

Yes I use Lidocaine patches for fibromyalgia and I do think they help me. They were prescribed by the hospital. Gp’s don’t like to prescribe them because of the cost. Mine refused to give me a repeat prescription so I contacted my consultant at the hospital who wrote to them telling them to issue prescription. ( No problem now)
I cut them in half saves wasting them they have no side effects.
I only wish they could make a body suit out of them.🤣.
Don’t expect miracles but some relief is better than none. 🤞. Good luck.
I had a lidocaine infusion to help with the pain in my bowels from IBS but it didn't do anything for me.
I too had a lidocaine infusion back at the end of April but it didn't do anything for me either. It just seems to be getting worse! But you may be one of the lucky ones who it works for!